
Published on:

27th Aug 2024

Big Brother 26 | Week 5 Recap

Recapping the fifth week in the Big Brother 26 house!

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00;00;00;00 - 00;00;31;14


Welcome to reality, everyone. I don't know why you're here, but I'm glad you are. Because tonight we are coming to you to talk about more. Big brother 26. We are more than five weeks into this crazy, ever changing season, and I as of right now, I still can't get enough of it. I may not be able to allocate all of my time to watch every single second like I used to be able to, but I'll tell you at the time that I do have I'm here and I'm watching, and I can't wait to unpack this past week with all of you and talk about the week ahead.

00;00;31;24 - 00;00;53;08


Because we have got a lot to go over. We had nearly another blindside last week before we saw Brooklyn eventually go out on an 8 to 1 vote. Immediately following that, we saw a T core h.o.h, which led to, as of right now, three very impactful nominees that are on the block going into the I arena on Thursday night.

00;00;53;08 - 00;01;13;22


And I'm very excited to unpack as like I said, all of that with you guys and talk about the I instigator twist. We can talk about whatever. Last night's episode was our Sunday night episode where we saw T core win the H.o.h and we saw our nominations, and we saw the eye instigator reveal, which shocker to us all was Tucker.

00;01;14;05 - 00;01;30;14


Which really shouldn't have been a shocker to us, but in the moment, I still had to take, a deep breath and be like, okay, this is what's coming now. But I'm ready to talk about all of this with about. Wait, whoa. Let me restart that. I'm ready to talk about all of this with all of you.

00;01;30;26 - 00;01;48;08


We are live as clearly about my past two sentences. Should have said, but we do have the chat open. So anybody any questions, any topics, any of that stuff? Any thoughts? Please type them away. And my name is Bayard. If you're joining us here for the very first time, I, you can catch me online at Spicy Barrett.

00;01;48;08 - 00;02;10;01


I'm also joined by my esteemed big brother colleagues at Roxy underscore Hopman, also called Roxy Hopman in the lovely Roxy Hopman, as I sometimes call her. And then the Zach Perez. Know the next city here with us tonight. It's so sad. Nick's off, doing way more important things. So don't worry. But we we've got we've got the dream team here.

00;02;10;01 - 00;02;25;24


So I'm excited to unpack this week with you. I think I've said that like, five times at this point, so I think that means we should get into it. But before I do, if you haven't like this video, please like this video. If you aren't subscribed to the channel, please subscribe to the channel. You can also join our discord.

00;02;25;24 - 00;02;47;29


That link is in the description below. If you want to talk to Big Brother more. Outside of this podcast realm, you can also always hop in there if you want to talk live feeds, or if you just want to know when we're going live. That's also a great way to keep up with that as well. So with that Roxy, Zach, let's get into it because we're without Brooklyn.

00;02;48;18 - 00;03;06;28


As of last week, we saw Chelsea as the winner of the AI arena. We would have seen a potential blindside and cam getting voted out had, Chelsea not won the AI arena and was left up on the block. But yet we saw Brooklyn leaving, on an 8 to 1 vote. That one vote just being Chelsea as a sympathy vote.

00;03;07;14 - 00;03;27;04


And then immediately after that, we saw a ticker. Everybody loves t core. Everybody's in love with t score winning the h.o.h. And then eventually putting MJ cam and Tucker the pawn quote unquote. On the block in last night's episode, we also saw Tucker be the instigator. So, Roxy, I want to come to you first.

00;03;27;04 - 00;03;47;26


Let's unpack a little bit. Again, as I've said now for the sixth time, can we get an unpacked count? And the amount of times that I can say that, in the three minutes that we've been live. But, Roxy, tell me how you felt about this past week, whether it's, you know, Brooklyn's eviction t cause h.o.h the I instigator, to being as far out to being as rise to the lead.

00;03;48;03 - 00;04;10;29


Somehow getting into the mix of things. Angela's breakdown. What do you want to talk about? Just give me your thoughts. Okay. So, Brooklyn going home? I don't mind that. That's fine. I mean, I like her fine, but, you know, I didn't dislike her. I guess I'll put it like that and dislike her. So that was fine.

00;04;12;16 - 00;04;37;26


There were some. I didn't. So this week with the H.o.h and the people that have been nominated and just the whole h.o.h reign like, takeover. I love her, but I can't take another second. Thank God all of the rename and all of that is over I. Because I can't take another second of.

00;04;37;28 - 00;05;06;19


This like being afraid to do anything. It's like, well we have to talk to everybody. Well, we have to solidify this at this point. Honestly, I don't know how many. She's like, I wanted to solidify another alliance, like, okay, well, you've got 14 of them already, so I don't even know. Like, I just I could not take any more meetings with her and and chemo talking about nothing.

00;05;06;21 - 00;05;36;02


Yeah. That they need to talk to. We've got to run it by Quinn. They still need to run things by Quinn. And it's like, how about if you just put him on the board? Like, maybe you should do that? Yeah. There's an idea, like. And I don't like. I've been super frustrated with her, which I understand we know more than she does, but I've been super frustrated because she has this incessant need to protect Chelsea at all costs, and Chelsea is busy targeting her for next week.

00;05;36;04 - 00;06;04;22


Like, I don't understand. I don't understand what it is. Because even though she doesn't, she's not privy to all the information we have. I feel like she's been clued into enough things to think to herself, hey. Maybe I'm not number one on her ally list. Like I just I just want five minutes to go. Hey, I need to talk to you.

00;06;04;22 - 00;06;34;03


Lean over the wall. I need to tell you some things, because first of all, like, you don't need. It's funny to picture that. Like, you don't need to run anything by Quinn. Chelsea is never going to be your number two. You should trust Tucker way more than you do. I mean, I get why you don't. He's a little bit like a noodle and I love it, but just overall, I think I like the chaos that's going on this week.

00;06;34;05 - 00;07;03;21


I love that. But I don't know that I love her h.o.h ring, if that makes sense. Like, it's like a weird, like it was just a frustrating week listening to endless loops from T Corps. And I love her. Make a decision. That's I was like, just do this. It's somebody I know. It's it's it's a really good point that like and also thank you.

00;07;03;26 - 00;07;37;27


But that is a really good point that T Corps is kind of this, grounds for, you know, like fan favoritism right now. Or obsession. Really. Zach, thank you for that. By the way. I will be using that later. But I it's so easy to also pinpoint, like, the trouble that you have with her strategy and her decision making, or in this case, in decision making, which is constant everything, whether it be the nominations, whether it be the rename or whether it be just how are we going to form this alliance or whether it is this alliance still a thing?

00;07;38;00 - 00;07;53;14


And then on top of that, completely missed clocking Chelsea. And I know we actually got more context into like their deal was that they were going to look out for each other, at least until jury. But that doesn't change the fact that T core is so solidly saying Chelsea is with me, and then Chelsea is saying like, T is not with me.

00;07;53;21 - 00;08;10;00


Whether or not, you know, like Eddie's saying that Chelsea is going to target, you know, chemo and Rubina as opposed to T core that's only going to last for so long, though, if that's going to be your, the talk to you, not to you, but also that is still going after T core and yes, thank you that that is still going after her.

00;08;10;00 - 00;08;30;15


And she has said her name. She absolutely has said her name. Yeah. And and it I mean, she actually did say it for next week. She was in the mix. But I do think that you're right. Any and and Jamison that she will go for the others first. But guess what? You have to have three nominees on the block.

00;08;30;15 - 00;08;57;27


So, yeah. Like, the thing that I'm getting at is that t core won't say Chelsea's name at all. At all. I mean, don't even hint at it. In fact, I couldn't even believe that she said to Rubina. Face Senate right. Eyeball to eyeball to her. She said, I'm glad cam didn't go even though she really. Anyway, whatever.

00;08;58;09 - 00;09;23;13


After cam won veto, she was like, I'm glad that Cam's not going to go home because I made him here to protect Chelsea. But but she's not she doesn't care whether or not Tucker's here to protect Rubina. She like if I'm sitting there and it's like why do you want so badly to protect someone else who's not in our supposed group.

00;09;23;13 - 00;09;52;10


Why do you care. But does Rubina pick up on that now? She doesn't, which is also frustrating. I just this whole week, and I whole parts really loved it and hated it. Yeah. Zach, I think that. Well, how's it going to say, do you think that. The reason why Tucker isn't targeting Chelsea at all, do you think it's because of Tucker?

00;09;52;11 - 00;10;19;16


Just be not reading it well or because Chelsea is doing a good job working? Tucker. Yes, yes, both things are true. Both things can be true. And I think the same way you can go back and forth and like, is this more of, a hits on Tucker's game or is it more of a, something that we should be complimenting on Chelsea's game?

00;10;19;24 - 00;10;41;03


Because I think you can go both ways. You can be like, oh, Chelsea did actually did a really good job to keep these social relationships and to actually fight back from, you know, oh, no, I got blindsided. And then I got put on the block the next week. And now my, you know, Pentagon alliances is about to be a and then as Kim said in the episode, it's about to be a dot after that, which I thought was a great way to put it.

00;10;41;20 - 00;10;55;29


But she's really fought back into good graces with people. And I really loved her conversation with Quinn that we got to see right after the veto ceremony as well, where I just like the way that she communicates with people because she does a really good job at, making them think that she is not pissed off at them.

00;10;56;26 - 00;11;16;05


In this in a weirdly like, in a more rational way than Angela convinced people that she wasn't, like, really sussed out about them when they came to picture an alliance. But Chelsea actually doesn't in an advantageous strategic way, which I think is a compliment. And I think a lot of those things that we read from Chelsea early on are probably true.

00;11;16;05 - 00;11;30;28


It's just that she was unfortunately in the Alliance that, had to be blindsided very early on in the game. But, Zach, I want to thank you because I want to give you a lot of I need to give you airtime, because I haven't been doing that yet, and I want to know what you've thought of this week.

00;11;30;28 - 00;11;44;14


I want to know your thoughts on the players, that we have in the game right now, whether you love them, whether you hate them and what do you what do you hope for this week ahead? And, you can also glean from the past week, because there was a whole Tucker H.o.h that we didn't really get to talk about towards the end.

00;11;44;14 - 00;12;03;26


Not that it was too crazy. Yeah. So, you know, last week, Tucker being h.o.h, you know, it's it was all coming up like, people were saying, oh my gosh, everyone called it. Of course he was going to win the war comp that, that and it's like, and then people were saying CBS is rigging it for him to win.

00;12;03;26 - 00;12;30;22


I'm like, y'all come on. Like, can't real? Yeah. Like he's over here stretching because CBS, CBS planted something for it, then told him that it was a wall call. He does do a lot of stretching. Yeah, a lot of stretching. And it doesn't help that Bebe is predictable at some points because they definitely were going to do, going to do that wall comp then, have we gotten confirmation what the comp is?

00;12;31;05 - 00;12;50;04


The veto comp is this week, I, I was going to guess that it was it was punishment. Oh you're asking like what they did. Yeah. What the comp was. Oh like what's the actual theme was not the, not the like. It was, it was. No no no it was the prize. Oh it wasn't okay. Oh prize and punishment.

00;12;50;06 - 00;13;09;13


Oh, you're talking about what are you talking about? Oh wait, are you talking about, what's it called? Oh my gosh, the potluck thing. No, the the gift exchange, the the white elephant, whatever you want. Yeah. The white elephant. Yeah, yeah. Have you not seen the punishments that they've been doing? Zach I've seen some, but like.

00;13;09;16 - 00;13;35;02


Oh, you're waiting. You're waiting for that two hour Wednesday episode and you didn't. You don't want to get spoiled with Angela picking up a thousand balls in the backyard. And Tucker having to wake up to read out of books, in the upstairs like, hangout area. All because you're just questions. Because Big Brother posted on the thing. Oh, make sure, don't be waiting for the live feeds because we're preparing for a comp classic.

00;13;35;02 - 00;13;55;00


This, for competition. And I'm just like, what? What have you. Yeah. When you say, I mean classic being handed, but, But what do you think? The prize and punishment. One's a classic one, too. Well, yeah, but I think I think the I think the thing that comes to mind, classic like automatically is like, okay, if I guess.

00;13;55;00 - 00;14;14;16


But not saying I'm, I care, but what do you. Yeah. I like Jameson's. It could be odds of with guys and punishments was. Which hasn't been a thing but I you know, if they if they were just want to combine two and one, that's fine. But I haven't heard them say anything about. Oh tough. So they just completely dismissed.

00;14;14;20 - 00;14;38;21


Yeah. And unless they just completely dismissed it then I don't I don't think so. Yeah. Brooklyn going I mean I'm not mad about it I mean yeah. You know I, I don't really know much about her life. Like, she's from Dallas, I believe. But that's all we really got. She's really secretive about her whole life. Like, I know she's friends with, enemy at the podcast.

00;14;39;17 - 00;15;03;14


I forgot her name, but, Aaron. Oh, yeah. Aaron. We've accumulated so many enemies of the podcast over our eight seasons that we've covered. So though I don't slide on that too much. But I think overall, last week was a good week for Tucker. This week, I think the person who's gaining the most traction out of anyone is Quinn by far.

00;15;04;00 - 00;15;22;17


If you if you're going by like where he was last week in terms of like all of those things that we listed and how sad he was Jamison's neighbor. Oh, yeah. That's right, I j was that. I'm so sorry. I completely forgot that. But you also, I don't think brought it up since then, since we did the cast reveal.

00;15;22;17 - 00;15;26;18


So I don't know if that was on purpose.

00;15;27;19 - 00;15;48;15


Yeah. Brooklyn, Brooklyn did a very, like, a huge disservice to herself by being the villain out of the blindside. And I feel like she could have taken more of a Chelsea or Cam route and just been like, I'm fine with it. But she took the route of, I'm going to go after Tucker and make myself a target that way.

00;15;48;15 - 00;16;13;25


And very unfortunately, had Tucker win the next day, it was like she was so untruthful. She tried to blame yeah, on everyone else instead of like, it certainly wasn't my fault and it was everyone else. They did it not. It was if Tucker and Chemo would have just told me they wanted to vote my friend out, I would have done it.

00;16;13;27 - 00;16;39;11


But yeah. And and cam was just like, oh, whatever. Yeah. Like, no, I'll show you what I was doing. Cameras. Yeah, I love that. That is the that is the cam. It was just his his profile photo, up on the wall. I mean, is it all true? It's so true. No, Eddie, you're right. Cam is naturally chill.

00;16;39;13 - 00;17;06;24


And that is that pose. Yeah, yeah, he is, he is. It's like he didn't even though. It's like he didn't even try to do anything at all because he, I guess, didn't need to until he won the veto last week. Yeah. Yeah. Why don't you do that? Because that's that's the cam face. No, that's at least Rex. I think that's what you're going for it.

00;17;06;25 - 00;17;23;15


If that's not it and you just wanted to smile, then I got to show that off too. But yeah, I want to know your thoughts on, on Brooklyn's before she left. And we want we don't have to talk too much about Brooklyn because honestly, this was probably the least impactful eviction yet in terms of, like, the drama that led up to it.

00;17;23;29 - 00;17;40;08


When you have three members of an alliance all on the block, and we could have we could have had a blindside, which would have been fun if the I arena turned a bit differently if if Brooklyn would have just realized that it was the the burger bouquet and not the astronaut holding the bouquet, then maybe we could have had a different outcome.

00;17;40;13 - 00;18;00;12


I don't know, but, I do want to know. Brooklyn's a little pitch that we had in our strategic, allotted time before the vote where she's like, I want you all to know that I'm going to go after Tucker, and Tucker is my enemy number one. And I'll sit on the block every week if I have to, and I'll be happy to do it.

00;18;00;12 - 00;18;13;18


But just know that every week I will be going after this guy until he's out of the game. Do you all take that as, as a good last second? Like, if you were in the house, would you be taking the same strategy of like, you can put me on the block every week? I'll do whatever you want.

00;18;13;18 - 00;18;31;27


I just want to go after this guy and not all of you. And that's the thing that I'm going to roll on. Or would you lean more into the, I'm cool about it. Or maybe just the calm face, which is just smiling all the time and being cool and calling out the your friends at the crib, and you're a good mind and your eviction speech and all of that.

00;18;31;29 - 00;18;54;13


So you're telling me that no matter who you're up against, you're not going to get voted out? So we use that. So if I'm up against you, that means I'm going to get voted out too. Yeah. Well, I mean, in a way, I mean, in a way, it's just like I can be a placeholder for you on the block every week.

00;18;54;14 - 00;19;16;16


You don't have to worry about nominating 2 or 3 people. You at least have one of those spots filled, is how I interpreted that. But yes, also you could you be like I mean, well and good for her for trying something. I don't think if I were voting like if I win the game, and that's the speech that a nominee gives, is it going to sway me?

00;19;16;18 - 00;19;36;12


Probably not. No. But I mean, at least she tried something, you know, she didn't. She tried until the very last second. So yes, kudos for that. No, we I always love it when people actually try to be fiery and try to just throw everything at the wall to see what sticks, because you never know when a funeral is going to happen.

00;19;36;18 - 00;19;57;04


Like you never know when people are just going to fall for everything. And this house is a house that would fall for a funeral. They just absolutely very unpredictable. Yeah. Very what she should have done this whole week is try to create the narrative that cam is throwing comps like where he hasn't won anything, not because he can't, but just because he didn't want to.

00;19;57;06 - 00;20;14;10


I think if you she start off that narrative this week with that and built it up to you have to get this guy out because he is going to win. Look at me. I am trying my damnedest to win these columns and I am not winning. You can literally I can literally tell you verbatim that I'm going to win this fucking can't.

00;20;14;10 - 00;20;40;05


I said that in the confessional, but I did not win. I cannot win, so you can give me out any time you have cam up here who basically has not done anything and doesn't need to do anything, he is literally Xavier 2.0. Get him out now before he goes wins the game. He's not a lawyer. He's not. He's a physical therapist.

00;20;40;08 - 00;21;01;08


He doesn't. Yeah well didn't like Xavier. Didn't win. Like X doesn't understand this as well as Xavier. He I don't know I don't know if I think Xavier did when I was I don't I don't agree with that at all. No I'm in I'm in a her shoes saying oh you're in her shoes okay. No not this is me saying oh yeah this is Xavier.

00;21;01;08 - 00;21;24;15


No, she's saying yeah, I didn't even know y'all were the same size, the same Texas mom brand. Yeah. I'm a mom making a difference. They shop at the house. So, we have a super chat. Oh, I should have known. Thank you so much. Did what they have is wrong? That's a great question. And a lot of it is.

00;21;24;17 - 00;21;57;25


I can't wait to talk about, actually, because of this, wonderful, wonderful super chat. Thank you again. I'm going to play a clip from last night's episode. That was one of the greatest things I've ever seen. Please don't curse. Please don't curse. What can I just say, though, about what is wrong with Angela? Zach's like, I first of all, thank you so much that you guys just don't even know that, Jen, you do not have to send money like that.

00;21;57;25 - 00;22;19;02


Like I love you for it, but I know the look she's got. She. And I know that she won't care if I say this. She has some health stuff going on, and we're trying. We're raising money for her, Jen. And she's given us money and. And I love that. I love you so much. We should all just give our money to.

00;22;19;02 - 00;22;46;01


Yeah, I'm just saying, is there anything we can do? Is there any is there anything that we can. You know what? Hey, Jen, put your picture your thing here to donate money for for you put it put it in the in the chat for me. Yeah. Because a you're so nice. You're so kind for doing that. Yes I know it's $5, but I'm just saying I'm so appreciative because I know like how hard things are right now.

00;22;46;01 - 00;23;14;03


Like medical insurance sucks and all of that. Yeah. And that just. You're amazing. But what is wrong with Angela? For real? This this clip is for Jen. Okay. What? I'm about to play. Oh, and we all get to live it again together because I was my my jaw was on the floor when this moment happened.

00;23;14;05 - 00;23;25;02


Why are you crying? Where are you? I'm sorry. Well? What's up? What happened?

00;23;25;04 - 00;23;31;06


Well, I'm going home. Okay.

00;23;31;08 - 00;23;43;04


Hi. I I'll just imagine that that's not even been on the side. That's not something that's on the table.

00;23;43;06 - 00;23;47;06



00;23;47;08 - 00;24;28;05


We. Well, look, it said stop it. So that absolutely kills me. But what kills me even more is her spiraling after like, you know, she'd gone out and done that whole punishment from the veto and once again is sleep deprived. She's hungry, she's sleep deprived and everything she sees, it's like, they're lying to me.

00;24;28;09 - 00;24;57;13


And she just starts like this, this spiral that it's like that was and that was pre punishment. That was pre like that's what I'm saying happened. Yeah. This is pre punishment that she did this. And then after the punishment it was like oh my God it's here she goes. It's like this is how we get entertaining Angela. Yeah.

00;24;57;13 - 00;25;26;28


Who makes no sense whatsoever. It's it's funny that I think yeah I was gonna say it's, it's funny to me that she ends up creating the things that she worries about first, like inadvertently. So like, just. And I know I'm having, like, laid out the week. If you aren't aware of all of the spoilers that have gone on, but how it has worked so far is that MJ, Tucker and Cam were on the block nominated by Tyco.

00;25;27;00 - 00;25;47;16


As we saw in last night's episode, the Veto Competition, which was the Prize and punishment comp, the white elephant, whatever you want to call it. Cam wins that. Cam takes himself off the block today and is replaced. What? Yeah, I know he took himself off the block. I know using the veto is kind of like weird this year is it that other people NPC's can't do that?

00;25;47;19 - 00;26;08;23


Well it was it was a really easy. It was a standing still competition and smiling. So cam ended up being the victor. And so he takes himself off the block. And leading up to this veto ceremony, we have Angela completely just, I mean, losing her mind over Tucker and saying, we got to get rid of Tucker. Talk a lot.

00;26;08;24 - 00;26;29;27


to pick up one. That was it,:

00;26;29;27 - 00;26;56;15


She did not. She started at £0.09. Eliminated. Yeah. Do. Contamination. Yeah. She started at like 10 p.m. big brother time and ended at like 7 a.m. big brother time. It was insane. It was, I mean, I would say equally as bad as Britney and B16 having to kick in all of those soccer balls. However long that that took her, it probably was about the same amount of time, maybe even longer for Britney.

00;26;56;15 - 00;27;19;28


No, I think about how how long she was really out there, how many goals that she had to make, a brutal punishment. Yeah. And Sheila had two hours left on her time limit. Yes. Like she finished early. So kudos to Angela. But it did create just a spiral of emotions for her again. That led to her in a room yesterday with, MJ Quinn Lee.

00;27;20;08 - 00;27;38;03


And, who was the for doing it right? Was it? Oh, with cam in there. Cam wasn't in there was it. I think that was also that was. Yeah. Maybe that was it. There's if there's one more person, someone add them. I don't know. But, that she is ready for Tucker to go. Tucker needs to go.

00;27;38;03 - 00;27;55;18


The mist has fallen. You know, Tucker is. You know, we saw a segment yesterday even of, like, Tucker's in all these alliances. Why is Tucker and all these alliances? Or maybe that was Thursday, the episodes mixed together for me. A lot of that tension has kind of boiled over to, and not in for good reason. I think in a lot of the case.

00;27;55;29 - 00;28;19;00


Well, they went and I did. You see where I sent you? What, like Tucker confronting Angela about it? Yes. Yeah, that'll happen today. Post veto ceremony. Because what ended up happening was Angela ends up going to Tucker because Quinn ratted her out. And and I believe Mia, to a degree, also ratted her. I don't know if it was kicker, but, Decker was aware.

00;28;19;01 - 00;28;36;19


Talks to Angela Tucker as a moment of, like, I don't know if I want to nominate Angela or if I wanna nominate Leah because Angela is up there, you know, doing all of this going against Tucker. But Tucker's like, I really would love for Leah to be on the block because Angela can still work with us. And then, all of this leads to Angela going on the block today.

00;28;36;20 - 00;28;58;03


We had another t indecisive moment. Angela. Leah, it's Angela. Tucker's upset about it. Tucker's pouting about how he's just not even going to try in the I arena and is just going to go home instead of Angela be with his dog, like, okay, Kenny, bye. And I'll, I don't even think. Would they have then? Would they even vote him out to Tucker?

00;28;58;06 - 00;29;25;05


Yeah, yeah, they would definitely vote him. You need. All right. And if you don't, you're stupid. And I love Tucker. Don't tell Nick I said this, but I'm just saying. So they need they need five votes again. Winning everything. Why would you not take the opportunity to get rid of him? Yeah, unless he's like your number one ally, we're like, we're talking about Tucker and chemo.

00;29;25;05 - 00;29;48;16


Okay? It's. So I thought it's Tucker. We it's it means that you have an agreement that the court's going to say a different version. So that way when I say because. Right. Okay. Cause, well, Tucker says core and everyone says so Tucker says her name wrong. So I say, okay, Tucker and Kimo at the wheel. They could have discussion.

00;29;48;17 - 00;30;16;07


I'm no. They said they would vote Tucker out over M.J.. I don't think so. I think MJ would go if he's sitting next to her right there, it would. Well, how confident are you that, in a tie scenario, Tucker would vote out Tucker? Oh, she's voting out Tucker. You know about Tucker, would you? That would be a nightmare scenario for her, because that would be a decision that she has to make with, like, what's going to happen?

00;30;16;07 - 00;30;34;18


There's going to be a to be continued at the bottom of a live show. Yeah. And he's up here like he's gonna say, Julie, can I run this back in first? Like I'm not sure, can I? There's going to be no. She's just going to be like, she's going to be like, this is going to be a live band.

00;30;34;18 - 00;30;39;23


They're and they're going to be like, oh God, go, go go go.

00;30;39;26 - 00;31;09;09


And then Julie is going to do like the impression of the Big Brother voice. Is that what's going to happen? E that up? Oh, stop, I don't know, I will meet you if you do that. If you want. I think we should just mute him anyway, no doubt. I'm just kidding. I just, if Tucker is ask is genuinely asking them to vote him out, I don't know, I, I don't know if Sixth Avenue would just be like, okay, let's take him out.

00;31;09;16 - 00;31;36;10


They they might. I don't think he's not. I don't think it's genuinely wanting to go home. I think he's just pouting. But yeah. Yeah, he's it took any three weeks to finally convince them to vote him out. So. Yeah, but that was Kenny. And it's also a long time until the eviction. So three more days of really thinking about voting Tucker out I think would easily lead to the voting Tucker out.

00;31;36;22 - 00;32;11;15


It's just hard to give that much energy towards that scenario when very easily Tucker could just win the I arena in all of our strategy into getting Tucker out, it's just like, okay, out the door. I honestly felt like, I mean, personally and not based on anything that anybody has said in the game. It's just the vibe that I get is that I personally think that Tucker does want Tucker out, but she wasn't willing to say that out loud until after the veto.

00;32;11;15 - 00;32;37;21


Maybe. And then maybe once they figured out, like, okay, these are the final three nominations, and that's when they're going to start talking about the different scenarios. If it's these do if it's these do if it's these two. And that's when maybe that will come along that the idea and and I think it could easily grow. But I think she's very willing to get rid of him.

00;32;37;21 - 00;33;03;11


But she doesn't want to say that because both Chemo and Rubina are in love with him. But which I think may be part of the reason why she would be willing to get rid of him because she doesn't want someone that's going to like this other person more than her. That puts her closer to the bottom. Unless it's Chelsea, you know that's her number one.

00;33;03;11 - 00;33;24;09


Even though it's not. Chelsea is number one, you know what I'm saying? Like, I just got that vibe from her. And like, part of her indecisiveness might have been because she wasn't willing to truly say, this is my target. Because it could get back to him and backfire. And then he could have won the veto. And I think she was a little bit.

00;33;24;12 - 00;33;45;06


Yeah. Maybe scared of that. No it's a valid feeling. It's really is because nobody keeps anything to themself in this house. So the fact that she does do that is Quinn. Quinn. Yes. Quinn the rat. Quinn has been the rat so many times just in the past couple weeks. And I will say it has gotten him to a better place.

00;33;45;26 - 00;34;12;24


His ratting out has actually gotten him to a stable place in this house where not a lot of rats can do that. And I will commend Quinn on that. But that's not to say that Quinn hasn't made many, many terrible decisions as well. I will say maybe, maybe his writing has just become so bad that everyone just expects it now and then it it's looped around to, okay, this is just Quinn, and this is actually good information he's giving me.

00;34;12;27 - 00;34;36;03


Yeah. If you were playing with a player like twin. Twin? No. Like Quinn and you. And you knew that. Yes. The twins. Bene. Yes. If you knew that you're playing with Simone, who's writing things out and left and right like that can't keep their mouth shut, would you? Would you? Well, I don't know either you how I would want to do.

00;34;36;05 - 00;34;59;02


I would want to feed that person information that was completely and totally incorrect. So off the wall that it could not even possibly be true, but tell them that it is and let them go spread that around and then everybody's gonna be pissed. And if it comes back to you, you're like, okay, yeah, like I thought I thought you were about to say you were going to feed him cheese.

00;34;59;05 - 00;35;16;21


Just feed him. Yeah, just feed him actual food. And so yeah, because that would have made sense and there would be no real strategic reason for it other than. I just think it's funny. No, I mean, at that point, it's like either you do get some entertainment value out of it or you just don't talk to them at all, so you might as well you're going to be stuck with them in the house.

00;35;16;21 - 00;35;44;22


You might as well make up some random things. You might as well be like, hey, I think Phylicia is Denzel Washington's sister like we saw last year with Cameron. Hey, I think Tucker is Amanda. Zuckerman's. Cousin. Cousin. Yeah. Oh, that brings up an unfortunate, headline for today, which is Zachary Lance's very, really upsetting video, that he posted about the past ten years of torment that his family has received, since Zach ended.

00;35;44;22 - 00;36;01;19


And honestly, that that video alone probably should make anyone not want to go on Big Brother. Because that was awful. The here some of those things that he was reading, the emails that his family like his grandma, his mom, his dad are getting up and about his little brother, remember? I mean, you remember how much he loved his little brother.

00;36;01;19 - 00;36;20;25


Yeah. Like, why would anybody say that? That's horrible. That's why we all declined, the call. Yeah. We, you know, they called Roxi, and they tried to add us to the party line, and we said, no, we can't do that. You know, we have the podcast. We can't go on the show. I still have too much. Give it as of this.

00;36;20;27 - 00;36;42;15


Where else are the, great friends? The podcast supposed to go? The exact star? Yeah. Can I move you? Move your mind? Scooch. Yeah, I can actually turn it up. Thank you for. See, I welcome these these things. So please, whenever. Yes. Whenever you can't hear, tell Barrett. Yeah. Hopefully this is better. Let me know. This is better than it was earlier.

00;36;42;17 - 00;37;07;07


It is? Yeah. Okay. Cool. It is great. So it took it 36 minutes. Jen, to say that. No. Eddie, she. How many times do people have to tell quickly. I hate him for him to get it more times than he's already been told. We did finally get a little bit of that from Tiger just being like, hey, Quinn, just, you know, Ali, kind of, ratted you out.

00;37;08;01 - 00;37;26;12


A lot in a lot of ways recently, and kind of like, oh, what? She read him me out. That's that's weird. That's where the shoot. I don't understand why she would do that, but, I mean, okay, okay. I guess she's right. I mean, the core just needs to go further with it and be like. Actually, she also said a lot of personal things about you that I maybe, maybe you would enjoy either and see how you react to that.

00;37;26;15 - 00;37;42;19


She said she, she said you would have no chance with her ever. Yeah. She think she she also kind of creepy at one point. I don't know if that's. It's hard dear soul at all. Which it would. It would definitely hurt to hear that Leah said that about you. But she also said you're terrible at this game.

00;37;42;19 - 00;38;04;14


And yet Leah and, yeah, I, I wish Quinn would just see right through it. I also just don't understand Leah as a player still in this game, and I really don't understand how she is as a person. After the loss this week and the things that we hear in between and all of that is one of the three people who have not been nominated yet.

00;38;04;16 - 00;38;24;09


Is it only three at this point? I mean, the these you got to go through a lot, but T Corey, Joseph and Leah okay. Yeah. I you know, I don't want to stray too far. But now that we've brought up Leah, I do want to just like just have a little check in, on Leah because she almost ended up on the block this week.

00;38;24;09 - 00;38;58;10


And could have easily been out the door on Thursday if things didn't go right. And they had three more days to really stew on this list. I missed Leah, okay, and is it crazy to say that Leah does weirdly have a missed like socially in this game? Like, I mean that Leah is also, we didn't talk about food post veto ceremony because we didn't get we hadn't seen the veto ceremony yet, but post veto ceremony last week when Tucker decided to call out the Pentagon, and call it the collective, and everyone went their separate ways, the feeds came back on.

00;38;58;10 - 00;39;15;18


And for like the first 30 minutes that they came back on after, everyone was, like, clamoring to the their Pluto TV or their Paramount Plus to be like, what's the fallout going to be for this veto ceremony? And then all they got was Leah just on the couch being like, and I think that's why it's important for everyone to be honest.

00;39;15;18 - 00;39;37;17


And we're left like, what does Leah have to do with any of this though? Like, why is she the one leading the conversation? And for so long, like she it was just her talking for the longest time? But I do want to just be like, does Leah have, like, a mist to her socially, even though her strategy is not there?

00;39;37;17 - 00;40;02;28


Is there something to say about her social game? Is she even knowing that she has a good social game, or is it just intuitive that she can be good socially? Like what is what is going on? Well, I think both. I think it is intuitive and I do think she uses it to her advantage, sort of. But the thing about Leah is like she wants to work with the girls, but for the most part.

00;40;03;05 - 00;40;26;06


But the only people who really want to work with her are the boys that she gets the quote ick from. And it's like, if Joseph's in love with you and Quinn is in love with you, and you know, cam had a little flirt mance at the beginning, but still has like, her in this, like, sort of special whatever.

00;40;26;09 - 00;40;51;27


Why didn't she just use that to her advantage? But she doesn't. So it's like, yeah, I think it's because a lot of what the conversations that she's had and stuff is like, she really wants to work with the girls. But Chelsea, for instance, and Brooklyn, whenever she was in the house where they don't want to work with her.

00;40;51;29 - 00;41;14;23


Yeah. And they were talking shit about her all throughout the, And I was getting back to her and everything, and I was just. I think it's just something that I feel like it's something in her that's like. I feel like she's a fan of the game and, like, she knows. Yeah. And then she knows that women's alliances don't succeed, and she wants to make the first one happen.

00;41;14;23 - 00;41;35;18


But I think, like you said, it's tough because not a lot of them want to. They don't mind keeping her around, but they don't want to talk strategically with her or go along with her. So Chelsea don't get rid of her. Oh, yeah. You get rid of her right now. Yeah. And I think I think that's because of cam though.

00;41;35;20 - 00;42;08;06


Like. Because. Yeah. You'll see, no matter how much she talks about his feet in his shoes being, you know, smelly or whatever, I think that it's that I think that she, you know, she's got a little bit of a crush on cam. Chelsea does. And so she doesn't. Likely because of that. I mean, she would never say that, but that that is the vibe that I get from her dislike of Leah and not wanting to work with her.

00;42;08;06 - 00;42;30;03


It's the cam thing. I can I can see that. I also just get the vibe that Lee is really good at gossiping and, just being at the center of that thing and the fact that this is a house where gossip has been like the main form of drama, I feel like that. Just that it's like it's almost catering to her personality in a way that's kept her in this game long enough.

00;42;30;25 - 00;42;57;12


But it's because she has all the tea. She does technically have a lot of tea because she talks to everyone all the time, and it doesn't really start. So why I say think about it too. She does. Obviously she does spread everything, but the way that she does it is way better than the way that Quinn does it, because Quinn gets caught and all of his.

00;42;57;15 - 00;43;22;29


Well, yeah, so does Leah. But Quinn does it like this. Yeah. Yeah. Like oh my gosh. Guess what I heard. Yeah. So it's a little different. Yeah. Because I think the way it comes off with Leah is like it's like nonchalant. And Quinn is like everyone just sees them as like a game epoch kind of guy, which I mean, he is he is in a lot of ways that that game.

00;43;22;29 - 00;43;45;04


But he just and annoyingly, yes. Yeah, I think actually, no, I'm not going to say that my my predictions on who goes further in this game. No. Unfortunately. Is it embarrassingly bad at times? And this season is so unpredictable that I just, I just say it. I was going to say, I wish I could see Quinn going way further than we think he's going to this season.

00;43;45;15 - 00;44;07;28


Just by like circumstance and the way that fights are going to end up breaking out between the people that are still left in this game, I could see him just winning the right competitions at the right time in order to set himself up that way, because he actually does have the ability he just now, I think he's he's also gotten burnt so many times that I think he has the potential to, like, learn from it.

00;44;08;27 - 00;44;29;10


Do you hear him? He's like, I really think I think it was yesterday or the day before. He was like, I really think Tucker hates my guts. And it's like he actually really doesn't. And I think part of the reason why Quinn wanted to go so hard for Tucker is he really thinks Tucker hates him, which isn't the case at all.

00;44;29;13 - 00;44;52;21


Tucker is more like like I just, you know, whipped you in that and and like. And now we can, like, have a taco together. Like, it's totally fine with him because it's just game to him. But to Quinn, it was more personal. But then when Tucker had his punishment, I mean, Quinn was up with him for a lot of it, and it helped him.

00;44;52;23 - 00;45;21;21


And it's like. It. And Quinn may be the next person to be missed. It by Tucker, I don't know. He may be the next person in love with him. You know, they're just going to get in a line of, you know, chemo and verbena McKenzie's going to be in the background, scrunching her hair, making it early. And, you know, I just it's so weird how many more people have left till jury three where we are.

00;45;22;01 - 00;45;43;04


We're there, you know, it's seven person, right? Yeah. And we're going to do seven, so we'll do two more. Okay. So after this one or including this one, there's been five evictions. So yet I want to live. Check if cam won. H.o.h. Leah would be all up in his h.o.h room and Chelsea would hate it. Accurate.

00;45;43;07 - 00;46;11;26


That storyline might happen. Who knows? And, I kind of hope that it does, because that would be funny. Yeah. So, Yeah. Yeah. Quinn is, Quinn is a weird character. I think he could definitely be one of those players that has a full arc in this game where he starts off, on a very harsh note, which is the first few weeks of that game where he rats out really the wrong information and tries to form the wrong relationships.

00;46;12;20 - 00;46;31;27


But now he can be in this post Pentagon post collective era where he can kind of pick up the pieces of the drama that Tucker has caused. Even though it's weird, he kind of like, caused a lot of this drama with Tucker. And then Tucker took the drama and then made it ten times larger and created just like, almost like a big bang.

00;46;32;10 - 00;46;54;01


Just like every all these particles going around the house. And now everyone's trying to reset, which is why we have, like, all of these shifty alliances and nothing's solidified and, and a lot of it can be thanks to Angelo week one. I mean, we're going to go back to that and be like, if Angela was not week one of Angela does not have that freak out.

00;46;54;19 - 00;47;14;18


Monologue in the Crazy Eyes monologue in the kitchen. Then what is this season right now? Because I think it it is less chaotic and probably more formidable and more boring. And then if we don't have the AI arena twist, then we don't have Angela in this game. Still, I don't think and I don't think we have and we definitely don't have Tucker in this game still.

00;47;14;18 - 00;47;38;07


So we have a lot of we have a lot of really good coincidences that have made this season great. That I do want to give production credit for, because I do think the twist actually has made the season what it is. Yeah. You know, leave I see people complaining about this twist. I'm like, what? We were worried that they were going to game it, but then we realized that they don't know how to actually game it.

00;47;38;07 - 00;48;00;02


So then we didn't have to worry about it anymore because they're not really good at this game. And also it doesn't help that these comps have been like equitable. Yeah. So there really there really is. No I mean, what what's the way to game it. Well, that's what I was going to say is I don't think you I'm not sure how you could game it.

00;48;00;09 - 00;48;26;16


I mean, honestly the, the only way is by using pawns, which, you know, is sort of on the, the backend is happening, but not because they're intentionally doing it. I mean, like, except for Tucker, who's like, I'll just be your pawn. Like, what are you doing? This is unheard of. Don't do that. And I don't think anyone's comfortable enough, especially in this game, to purposely throw a comp and stay on the block.

00;48;26;16 - 00;48;52;13


Especially with this wishy washy cast and meaning you and I. That's the thing. You can't guarantee it. Yeah, and I don't understand Tucker's notion of, like, he felt like he had to offer this pawn position to Tucker. And I know he's got he's he has a fascination with Tucker that and even had like an eight minute long hug earlier like an hour ago that I saw on Twitter when I was going to find other clips.

00;48;52;13 - 00;49;09;11


And I was like, I need to come back to that at some point. Because it feels like, what is what is this? And I know Tucker people for eight minutes, I, I, I'm not Dan Kiessling. I don't have that ability to just hold out a hug. Or is it Eric Stein? Was that Eric season or is it nine?

00;49;09;11 - 00;49;30;00


That was that was the first time that you had to hold the hug. Okay. Who did he hug? I can't remember. It was a hug. I want to say it was Dustin that he hugged for as long as possible. It was evil. Take no. I remember though, when, when they were like, you have to climb into bed with so and everyone was like, please Joe, right?

00;49;30;00 - 00;49;54;02


Yeah, I would do. Yeah. Did you sleep, do anything? Yeah. Did there was another one where they he had to like, kiss someone, was it. He had to kiss someone. Was that it? All right. Because I want to say his first kiss with Jessica. It was like, literally America's prom. Yes. Yeah. Which was, like, kind of messed up, but, the definitely not something that they would ever make as a front for America's.

00;49;54;02 - 00;50;11;11


But but I also it was like a softball for him because I but at the same time I'm like, no way. There wasn't a lot of America votes push towards evil Dick because I remember thinking like, Is America about to make Eric Stein try to kiss evil dick? But he did it because I like yeah, he will die.

00;50;11;11 - 00;50;32;21


Like, he will actually, but, that's why that's one of those votes. And I'm like, production just automatically put Jessica for that one. Right. And then no, but no vote was ever actually garnered as best. They still better than putting on a play for America. We gotta save Donny or we put on a play. That's what America wants.

00;50;33;00 - 00;50;58;14


Okay. Try to make an all girls alliance. And then I told everyone about it. Yeah, that that's how every season kind of works, too, though. Okay. What's, let's let's talk more about, I can I go can I go on my soapbox about last night's episode? Yeah, go for it. Because, like, I'm not gonna lie, one of the weirdest episodes I've ever seen.

00;50;58;17 - 00;51;28;02


One of the weirdest, like, edited episodes I've ever said. Because let me, let me go through in my notes and just what I observed. So the first thing, the sound bite competition, the H.o.h comp where we had the the sound bites of random sound effects of things happening in the house, and we had all of the gross close ups of Kenny shaving his head and Angela biting into the apple, which she got it wrong.

00;51;28;02 - 00;51;45;20


She got that question wrong. And she was the first clip. It was her biting of the apple. And she said in the doctor that she got so distracted seeing that video of her biting into the apple that she didn't watch the rest of the video, which is the funniest way to go out first and one of those conversations.

00;51;45;22 - 00;52;01;29


But like also it was her. Like, I think I would remember if the first clip I saw was me biting it to the apple or not. But that whole competition was, I didn't like it. I didn't watch the episode live because I didn't know when it was going to be on. So I caught it like a little bit.

00;52;02;05 - 00;52;24;22


I think when the episode was ending is when I started it and, I just started skipping over the next questions, got a new tick or one within three, and I just wanted to see who got up first. So I kind of skipped over a large part of that, but that competition alone was weird. But that wasn't even like one of the weirder audio, things of last night's episode, because we ended up getting Cuomo's song as well.

00;52;24;22 - 00;52;46;22


Keep us Big Brother song, which I think I have the clip of, which honestly not too bad of a song. It could have been way worse. I remember watching this on the live feeds and I was like, I am surprised it even made it into the edit. Right. There's someone that I know that's actually an editor for Big Brother.

00;52;46;22 - 00;53;32;22


And, did they did they edit the song? I believe so. Here's a key. Moe's original, I'm gonna say in the Big Brother. Oh. Was T in the bathroom. And we're having a great song. In the baby house, and I'm singing in the B behind, I mean, like they say, they went all out, and then the baby, I think, in the editing room was cooking the thing, and in the DB had, really caught me off guard.

00;53;32;22 - 00;53;50;29


That they did that. Mainly because that was like the fourth or fifth weird thing at that point. But I thought I bring it up with the other audio choices, which where the really loud sound effects. You don't see me shaking it. Were you just doing that now? Whatever. It the beat. Yeah. Oh. Do you want to do it again?

00;53;51;01 - 00;54;14;19


Yeah. Okay. Maybe I can end the show at that audio. I don't think we'll give it a retry. I don't know what I thought you were doing. Chicago. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I've already got a different song for tonight's. But we had that. We had the moment post t cor winning the H.o.h comp where everybody followed her around.

00;54;16;24 - 00;54;36;24


That was weird. MJ was like, why are you doing that? She's just standing in the kitchen. My ears are like, why are you following? Like, they're in the storage room just following her and she's on the ground, like looking for a snack. It's no, it's going well as she's going to the storage room for her storage room celebration.

00;54;36;27 - 00;55;00;08


Everyone's interrupting it. Yeah, I was planning on jumping in here, and y'all followed me. And then on top right after that, we had this moment where Rubina and Keemo are crying, talking about how proud they are of decor. And there's like, this little just back and forth between, like, them crying in the bathroom. Be like, she just deserves this.

00;55;00;08 - 00;55;19;06


It's as if, like B 11, if Jessie had stayed and Lydia and Natalie still cried like that anyway because they were so happy that Jessie was just in the house and existing like that's what that segment was to me. It was like, this is so strange to me. I don't know if I've seen a reaction quite like that.

00;55;19;06 - 00;55;43;14


For someone winning the h.o.h in like a not very dramatic way, especially for people that like to score, wasn't it? Not like a huge target or anything. That's not like it was do or die for t core in this h.o.h competition. And they're just so happy for everyone loves Dec or they're all following her around and they all like, what's is she going against Chelsea?

00;55;43;17 - 00;56;03;03


Chelsea was in that like Final Four in that last question. Do you think that they were so emotional that they didn't know it was. No, not not at all why they were. No, but I mean, not that I was just asking if that was the implication, like I didn't. No, no, no, he asked that. I was just looking back.

00;56;03;06 - 00;56;23;04


I'm like, well maybe it actually was do or die, even though she did not know it right? Because Chelsea would have put her up. No, that was not, the context for why they were crying. It was it was genuinely that they were just that. Well, no. That's you. Well, no, that's what I'm saying is like, I'm not implying that, but I'm saying she doesn't know it.

00;56;23;04 - 00;56;43;04


But it was. Yes. Okay. Yeah okay. Yeah I can, I can live with that. Yeah. Well we don't know. Chelsea could have been also looked after t quarter until jury like we said and just targeted chemo and Rubina and then had some other porn as a third nominee. Which would have been, which would have been arguably more of a reason for Rubina and Chemo to cry.

00;56;43;07 - 00;57;05;17


But yes. I need to make a side quest because I just realized something that I forgot from Wednesday's episode last week. Video made it not just the veto meeting. Something way more important of a storyline, has to do with a charcuterie board. So. Yeah. Yeah. So, Hi, Damien. Let me play that quick.

00;57;05;29 - 00;57;30;09


Hey, Damien. I'm about to build this baby. All I've wanted was a. Oh, wait. Nevermind. This is from last night's episode. I'll go back to this charcuterie board. Can't say that live on a podcast. After this. But here's here's post that also in last night's episode, another weird editing choice. It's Angela's BLT. A is what she was calling it BLT a yeah, I'm about to build avocado.

00;57;30;11 - 00;57;59;12


Avocado. Okay. It's a thing I wanted was a BLT egg. Woo I know, I get to taste that yummy bacon. Oh my gosh, I crisp the lettuce. Just perfect. Is that how you say that, Chris? The lettuce. Come on. I guess. What was it? Here we go. Hey.

00;58;03;14 - 00;58;31;22


There. Dramatic. Everything I've been fantasizing about for days. It was. It was very funny. Oh my God. And this was after we. Oh. Charcuterie board is here. Zach, you should change your name to just charcuterie board. This. But that was the second or maybe even third of Angela eating clips that we got, just from that episode.

00;58;31;22 - 00;58;56;04


And really, the second segment that we got about Angela eating or not eating in the span of just a few days, which I think is crazy, but I was all for it. I could not believe the amount of weird segments that this show just tried to push last night, and I was all for it. I wish more episodes would be like this because it was honestly really, really, really, really, really stupidly entertaining to me.

00;58;56;23 - 00;59;23;04


And on top of that, we got, wait, before I go into this, I do need to put a bow on the chicanery board because I thought I had that also. Yes. No. You're putting a bow on the shark charcuterie board. Yeah. So maybe that's how you top off every charcuterie board. Here's here's everyone following on scoring like little schoolgirls.

00;59;23;06 - 00;59;48;23


I am ecstatic for tea, for I really am so well-deserved. But usually we don't all follow the chewy like little lost puppies. It's almost as if t core is getting good with most people, and it's probably someone. Someone people should go after.

00;59;48;26 - 01;00;17;25


Maybe that would be a sign. Maybe you should question. Not this year. Not this year. No, not at all. Like, hey, and this year. But me, there's no rules. No rules. As Julie, we're so bizarre. It's like nobody is playing. Like even the people who want to play the way that you typically would play, just like Joseph that first week.

01;00;17;28 - 01;00;51;24


So he made a move that should work. But it didn't because guess what? Angela was the age at the Quinta. It didn't work because Angela was the h.o.h. And it's like from that point forward, this whole entire game has just meant not typical. It's like the strategy or lack thereof, that the lack thereof that we see is like, this is not how like the type of decisions that people would normally base things on.

01;00;51;24 - 01;01;16;26


And for decor, there's no decision at all. But by the way, by the way, did you see where Mackenzie was in the bathroom? This is a couple of days ago. She was in the bathroom talking to the camera about how her entire game is just trash, and she blamed it on Matt, who has been gone for five weeks.

01;01;16;26 - 01;01;35;10


He's been gone for over a month. She's like, all of this is it. You know, I was associated with Matt, blah, blah, blah. And then Angela comes games through and goes in the bathroom, and then she points at the bathroom door and she's like, I don't know exactly what she said, but she smells like an it's her fault or something.

01;01;35;10 - 01;02;02;05


And I'm just like, but, but you've had a month to turn this around and you have made all of the wrong decisions from that point forward. So can you blame you can blame the first week on that. Sure. If you wanted to make it like the first, the first like maybe like the first two weeks, I'll give her 2 to 3 weeks.

01;02;02;05 - 01;02;26;22


Yeah. Anything after that, you. Just three weeks. She should have been making some inroads directly after that. And instead she took a scenic drive to God knows where. I don't know what she's doing, but just walked in the bathroom and just go in, you know, it's not my fault that I don't have allies. It's not my fault that I haven't, you know, had any game talk with anybody.

01;02;26;22 - 01;02;53;07


It's not my fault that I'm in this position. Then for Matt fault and Angela's. I didn't do anything. Exactly. You didn't do anything. That's the problem. You did nothing. It was annoying. But also funny to me that that was that was her thought process. And I was like, okay, keep telling yourself that. You know what? This is productions fault for casting me with people that don't want to be friends with me.

01;02;53;09 - 01;03;22;16


Exactly, exactly. It's, Yeah, it's very strange to watch McKenzie because she definitely makes the effort like the effort. Is there other people with the wrong people? And. But information that's like from a long time ago. Like. Yeah, like it's always she. I feel like every revelation that she has everyone else in the game is like, yeah, we knew that.

01;03;22;19 - 01;03;58;29


Like she's wait, there's not a lot. There's an alliance called the Pentagon guy. Exactly like she. I think she fully could walk up to him right now and be like, I just found out that Kenny doesn't want to be here. And Leah, frustrating, though, is that Leah exit on your and Leah exit on to. She does. But like McKenzie, she had the potential to like she's likable and she's athletic and she's not stupid.

01;03;59;02 - 01;04;23;10


No, I mean, she does have a fairly strategic mind, but it's like her reads on people in her. It's like you have all of the components, but you don't know how to put them together. She does. She's like, it's like, hey, look, we're like puzzles. McKenzie does it. So she's like, Caitlin.

01;04;23;12 - 01;04;44;04


She's like from 20. She's the personality is way different. I'm trying to think of, like, their strategy would be at all similar, I think, like being on the outs or just on, I don't know, not being able to mingle well with the houseguests. Yes, I could see that. Oh, I meant I meant just like not being able to put together a puzzle.

01;04;44;06 - 01;05;12;26


Oh, oh oh because I was going to say like I would compare Caitlin more to like Leah in this game than I would compare to MJ, but MJ, I would compare to any girl that that the missing HOH stands on. Alyssa Cass the missing host instead. Let's just call him know his name. He knows who he is.

01;05;12;29 - 01;05;32;08


Nick I know he already said don't be like, don't let Nick hear you say this. Look, I think I have McKenzie on my draft pick, right? Is she on my team? I don't know. I believe she was your next to last pick. Yeah, or at the last. The last pick. We'll go over the draft scenario at the end.

01;05;32;08 - 01;06;09;12


I still gotta email me that. I think she had great potential in the discord to. Oh, perfect. Even better. It just killed me that she was standing there, like. Just like, this isn't my fault. This is Matt's fault. And I'm like, Matt who? Week one. Maybe she's like a time. And then the season of reality seeing seeing the video in the h.o.h made her realize, oh, Matt, wait.

01;06;09;14 - 01;06;42;10


He's not my big brother. He ruined this game for me. Oh, no, you got it. You got to tie it back to that every time, don't you? Yeah. Yes. He's like, oh, I also think it's really strange. When McKenzie decides to turn on her game, and it's always like very. I feel like it's either nothing. It's always when she's not on the block that she decides to be the most aggressive, like, which, I mean, is a good time to do it, but it's always like when she still has an opportunity to be put on the block where she's like, we should get Tucker out, though, right?

01;06;43;01 - 01;07;00;26


Or maybe even she's on the block. She's like, we should definitely get to talk her out of line. Yeah. We all hate him, right? I, I've been observing and I've noticed that we all hate Tucker, so maybe we should, go after him. She's super observer because she literally thought that Tucker viewed Romina as a sister.

01;07;00;26 - 01;07;35;04


She was so shocked to find out that they've been holding hands via the instigator. But she was like, so he lied. He said that was like his sister. And I'm like, what did you think they were doing in the h.o.h all week when she was sleeping up there with him? Yeah, yeah, my sister's party. No. On her, her definition of the, brother and sister slumber party is way different than normal.

01;07;35;06 - 01;07;59;04


You know, I knew that as I was saying that that you were going to bring this ancestral top joke up, and I just know I don't want to hear it. Angela, I don't know, her brother's her soulmate. She's freaking eating my sugary stuff. Mean.

01;07;59;06 - 01;08;30;12


I don't mind sharing, but it was awarded to me. Oh my God. Oh, this is great, Brooklyn. She did not ask me. Dude, the Brie is delish. And those cheeses and meats do stay good for 2 or 3 weeks. They don't go bad in a week. Oh, it just this is the other, it was the opening shot offered in that way.

01;08;30;13 - 01;08;41;07


I didn't get to get to the part where she's laying on the ground in the.

01;08;41;10 - 01;09;00;05


How often do we see someone just sitting in front of the couch like this? How I like how often does this happen? And I also want to know what the context was like. What? She's still crying about the charcuterie board when she sat in front of the couch, or where they just like, you know what? This is a good time for?

01;09;00;07 - 01;09;34;25


I don't see something she want like, and I. I never had such a love for deli meat that I've cried over it. I mean, never, never. It's like what it. Wait. I know the perfect thing for this. What is that doing right now?

01;09;34;28 - 01;09;47;00


Joseph, this is Zach is on his bed. First out or couch or something. I don't know what that is. A piece of furniture that.

01;09;47;03 - 01;10;09;08


I should have played the music. Honestly, I probably could have. Wait, Zach, I'm going to see if I can play the music from that video. Oh. Not that. While you're over there. Wait. Can I put you big while this is. Hold on. We're going to make this a moment. And the cheese. You're right. Bebe being also the cheese.

01;10;09;09 - 01;10;20;15


Cheese. I actually can't do this. Wait, what? We're talking.

01;10;20;17 - 01;10;28;13


She's working. Eating my sugary stuff. I'm doing.

01;10;28;15 - 01;10;50;20


I get it, acting. It was awarded to me. This is beautiful. Oh, I always just like to think that, people join our podcast during these times. That's why I try to force the moments. I also just like my and out of context when I can save these videos and like a year later, I'm like, I don't remember why we did that, but I'm glad that we did.

01;10;51;05 - 01;11;12;28


It's so funny. They're good for two weeks there. Get those meats and cheeses are good for 2 to 3 weeks at least. Well, they are hard deli meats. That salami is hard. Yes. Forever. Yeah. That's. That needs to be said. I'm pretty sure I have salami in my refrigerator right now. Should I get it? I'll play the music again.

01;11;13;02 - 01;11;45;24


Oh, yes. Angela's. Angela's memories of her charcuterie. Yeah. Know what, I don't I don't want to get up and go do it is I'm making a blankie. I'm up. I also found finally the chemo and, Rubina crying clip. Oh, I guess you already heard that just a second ago to, And the other thing is, I. Got.

01;11;45;27 - 01;12;11;21


You so special. She doesn't even know. I think she does. Now look at her. She looks like a queen. It's almost as if you thought she got evicted. I know what you know. I do still love the line on the first night when, Angela and Ruben are in the same moving group, and Rubina grabbed Angela and she just looked up at her because Ruby was like, four foot.

01;12;11;22 - 01;12;34;07


Oh, yeah. Whatever you just said. I want to just cry looking at you left. That was the first thing she ever said to Angela. T has betrayed all the alliances she's been in except for chemo. I mostly drew, but what are alliances this season? To be completely honest, Jason.

01;12;34;09 - 01;12;52;02


Honestly, I think that, t core is setting herself up to, if her and chemo make it to the end, I think chemo would win. I definitely think chemo is in the position where he's not as important as T core, which is a good position to be in if they both end up on the block together.

01;12;52;17 - 01;13;15;22


On eviction night. So there is value to being the worse of the final two, I will say, because that means if you do have your final two on the block, I mean, that's true, but like of the two of them, which may not be readily apparent to everyone else in the house, but between the two of them, chemo is the one who is always pushing for the moves.

01;13;15;24 - 01;13;35;28


Yeah. And he's and he's pretty right about whatever it is that he's pushing for. Like for him. Maybe not what I would want to see in the game, but just for his game. Personally, I think he's always pushing and and like, hey, how about you know, this, like do this, do this. And then was like, well, we should talk to Quinn.

01;13;35;28 - 01;13;39;22


Let's run it by Quinn. But.

01;13;39;25 - 01;14;01;15


Like, you're right, she would be targeted. Okay. But he's really the one that is like, hey, don't be a chicken. Just do it. Like, I don't even think we would have had the blindside that we had without him being so like, come on, come on, come on. This is what we have to do. Like, right now. Sam. Yeah.

01;14;01;16 - 01;14;28;00


I don't think others are aware. I think it'll take McKenzie 3 or 4 weeks to notice this. So takes our 3 to 4 business weeks. Yeah. I think in particular, depending on how you feel about getting Tucker out of the game, whether or not you view that as a positive to T core and Cuomo's game or a negative to Tucker and Cuomo's game, I am of the thought that it's very much a negative.

01;14;28;20 - 01;14;54;12


I think that is very much doing the will of other people in this house. I think they need I think they need Tucker. And I think that they need Angela to stay in because they are two people that can go cause chaos and make sure that they are way bigger targets than Utica. But I think chemo I think one of his biggest disadvantages is that he's almost like two missed it by Tucker in the same way that you know, he's missed it by Tucker in a way with his infatuation.

01;14;54;12 - 01;15;21;12


But it's more of like a relationship bonding level with Tucker. It's like Tucker definitely does not see chemo sports, you know? Okay. Oh, let's just Tucker. It's not what I mean. You know, I don't even blame him. I'm like, I mean, I wouldn't hate that he gets stretched, but it does it in the same vein. Like he does, have like way more reliance on Tucker than Tucker relies on chemo.

01;15;21;27 - 01;15;39;11


And that's, that's either a positive for, like, getting rid of Tucker because then you don't have to worry about chemo just getting, like, misted by Tucker. But also, it's like, I think Tucker is genuinely a good ally, so I don't think they should do that. Ally in the sense that better of an ally than anybody thinks that he is.

01;15;39;11 - 01;16;04;25


Which kills me. Yeah, because it's like when he wanted to make the deal with Quinn and Quinn was like, I don't believe that. And it's like. But he really does want to make that that deal with you. And it's like the same with virtually everybody. Like, even was I don't even know if we can count Angela's crazy spiral about, one thing and Tucker's lying to her, but because it's Angela.

01;16;04;25 - 01;16;40;12


But he is the sole reason that she is still in that game. Yeah, like he's had her since the very beginning. Like, back whenever she gave the speech and he thought that he said Matt stood up and like, ball this fist. And he and Tucker is like, I don't think so. Like, since that moment, really, since he realized that she was right about wind power, like he's had her that entire time and is so loyal to her to a fault and she doesn't believe it.

01;16;40;12 - 01;17;11;20


Yeah. And that when he saved her with the veto and it's like he feels like he's so loyal to T core to he he gave her prize money and took the punishment so she wouldn't have to do it. And this is a person that you don't trust or don't want to think. I don't. But again, do they have good reason for being a little bit sucks about Tucker's hanging out with literally everybody all of the time and not seemingly, you know, sticking to them solely.

01;17;11;20 - 01;17;34;04


I mean, I understand that they are very much. But Tucker is what he does. Doesn't doesn't t core do that too, though? Presently. Yeah. Do that too though doesn't Quinn. Yes, but it does count when they do it because they are not competition winners. Like winning everything. So I think. Yeah. And also he has a penis and they don't.

01;17;34;04 - 01;17;55;08


So there's also that Tucker I mean Quinn Quinn. Oh you think Quinn. Sorry. Yeah it did. There is also something to say about, Tucker being a wild card. And there is also something to say about, last season being a season where you had a competition beast literally win his way to the end. They did get rid of him at one point, though.

01;17;55;08 - 01;18;14;05


Is the right I don't know if that's the caveat. The big brother wants to say about that season, but they did get rid of him one time. But he did come back and win every competition pretty much until the end of the game. And so I think there is worry that Tucker could do something like that, but that's not exactly the reasoning that they're having to get rid of him right now.

01;18;14;05 - 01;18;38;08


Absolutely. So exactly. I think they were saying like, yeah, go ahead. I think that we're seeing like maybe Quinn and maybe others, depending on if anyone has seen the season. I think we're seeing like the Jackson Mickey effect of like someone who is winning competitions and they are thinking, oh, of he's a competition beast and all this stuff.

01;18;38;08 - 01;19;03;25


And like applying like, oh, if anyone betrays him that he's not working with him at all if they are guns blazing and stuff whenever in reality, Tucker isn't like that. Tucker is makes smart game moves when socially at times, which gets misconstrued with like the craziness that he that he does. But it's like like using the one thing that though.

01;19;03;27 - 01;19;20;06


But I'm not saying like I'm not saying they're comparing him with Jackson Mickey, but I'm thinking that. No, I'm no. Oh, you're talking about me saying like, we should get we should target Tucker because he's just winning all these comps and he's just going to comp all the way to the end and, you know, like, now's the time.

01;19;20;10 - 01;19;44;11


If that was the reasoning. Yeah. And they should target him for that. Like I'm not saying they shouldn't vote him out this week I would he wins everything. But I mean I don't know if I would make but he didn't want a veto. I definitely would be like that's pretty enticing. But it would be for that reason. But these aren't the reasons.

01;19;44;13 - 01;20;18;09


These aren't the reasons that everybody is like, suss on him. They're just like. It's so bizarre. It's like, we've got to get rid of Tucker because. He likes bananas. And I just. I can't stand bananas. Yeah. Like what? Also speaking, speaking of which, apparently Tucker did not know until, like, yesterday that America's favorite is still a thing.

01;20;18;11 - 01;20;39;12


And they get $50,000. It's not even here. He didn't. He didn't know what it was at all. Because when rugby said it, America's favorite player or America's player or something like that, he seems like you're probably going to win that. And he was like, what does that do? As if it's a special power in the game. He was like, do you get it?

01;20;39;12 - 01;21;10;29


What is it? This is a game of upgrades and downgrades in America's favorite players. The best off good. Yeah. You also have to think of like, you know, Tucker is a jury vote, for, you know, anybody that is in the Six Avenue Alliance at this point. But at the same time, it's like if you have a jury of seven people, do you truly think that you're going to beat Tucker in a normal and, you know, a few normal weeks of Big Brother leading up to the finale that you have the time to actually get rid of him before he just at least wins one of those two competitions every single week.

01;21;11;09 - 01;21;39;19


Yes. You have to balance that out too. Yes, yes is a good answer because that's what we saw with Jack last year. But see but, Barrett, this is what I'm saying. In a regular season and in Zach, in a regular season of Big Brother where people are playing strategically for the most part. And there that is. Yeah, that makes total sense.

01;21;39;22 - 01;22;04;22


But in this season, it's like everything is just thrown out the window. It's like, are we in the Upside Down? I don't even know what's happening. This makes no sense. The way people are playing and the people who do want to try to play like that, it's like they're really thrown for a loop, because it's like these decisions and the way these people are playing make no sense like that.

01;22;04;23 - 01;22;28;25


You can't calculate the way somebody would normally react to something or the way that things would normally happen, because frankly, because you have Tucker and Angela in that house that honestly, you never know when Angela is going to flip out. And Tucker just does stuff just to do it with zero thought. How do you play with somebody like that?

01;22;28;27 - 01;22;45;23


It's funny. Something's got I was crazy for, drafting Angela. You know, everyone thought that she was going to go home the second week. In a normal season, a big brother, she would have. Okay? She would have Frenchie. That she would have been Frenchie it out immediately, like, And that's what would have happened if you did not have.

01;22;46;00 - 01;23;08;03


Yeah. Apparently all you need is, there should be a rule of two and future Big brother seasons where you always have two people who just are willing to do anything that is not normal for the game just for the sake of causing chaos or or just entertainment, or people that you just know are going to go crazy to a healthy degree in the game.

01;23;08;27 - 01;23;24;29


And really just want to stir up as much as they can. You just need two of those people, apparently, to make a really good season. Because without Angela, without Tucker, I don't want to know what the season's going to be like, because to be honest, like after the Castroville, I was like, I don't really care for this group of people.

01;23;25;01 - 01;23;43;19


Like there was no one that really spoke to me. There was no one that I could like, put full confidence in. And it wasn't until Angela lost her mind that I actually had hope. And even then I thought, oh, okay, well, this is just a this week thing. Angela is going to be gone next week. It's going to be a Frenchie situation.

01;23;43;19 - 01;24;05;24


Fun. It was great. But then it just kept happening. And now we're at the point where every single week the veto has been used. Is that not crazy? Yeah, and that is insane. This is what I'm saying. This is no normal season of Big Brother and I love it. I mean, I love it. I think this is the best season.

01;24;05;24 - 01;24;29;10


I keep saying it. This is the best season we've had in like, forever. I don't know, I used to watch it's just 25. It's almost like it's never it's almost like it's never going to end. It feels like it creeps over into my night. Also, putting this into perspective, something else I saw, Nicole made it to day 65.

01;24;29;12 - 01;24;51;15


Michael Berner was voted out on day 65. Wow. That is that does put it in perspective. Michael has to be. I hate to say this, Michael has to be one of the most disappointing Big Brother players of recent history, just because of how much like we saw. And I'm sorry, I don't mean to go back to be 25.

01;24;51;15 - 01;25;17;21


I just like I see a lot of Michael, like, talk online. I feel like. And it's just like she really had it all in here. She had it all and she was just waiting for her chance to actually have power, and she just never got there and just got voted out. And it was like, it was as if you watched like a full manuscript of How to Win the Game of Big Brother right in front of you, and you just watched someone set pour gasoline on it and set it on fire.

01;25;17;21 - 01;25;37;26


And it was like Michael had it. Michael. Like, I mean, she wasn't perfect on everything. She didn't know the degree that Cirie was running this game, if I remember correctly. But like, she had everything else kind of figure. Cirie, you should have known. Yeah. Like, you know, like, you see who's who's running the game. Let's see, we've got Corey in the game.

01;25;37;26 - 01;25;56;06


He's caught up with America. We've got Jack who doesn't really know what's going on. Let's see, we've got one of the best survivor players of all time in the house who could be running the game, I don't know, yeah. Who could it be? I don't know, I can't even watch like Cameron. You have to get in. I know they're not.

01;25;56;09 - 01;26;28;22


Come on. I'm just saying, okay, I, I feel like there's something from yesterday. Oh, yeah. The instigator. We haven't talked about the instigator yet. Oh my gosh. First off, to vote I disagree. Not okay I never vote I never vote. No wonder why Cameron won. Yeah last year AFP. I thought okay so the instigator twist. Can I talk to him?

01;26;28;23 - 01;26;53;04


Also, there's another important vote coming up that can take your community. I don't have the music ready, but yes, there's a number of voting November break today. Oh. Good talk. I'm Julie Chen Moonves, the instigator. Twist. We were voting on it. We if you're a live feed her, feed her, live feed, stir feed her. We we saw the fallout.

01;26;53;04 - 01;27;24;24


Watch this one. Feeds. Yes. One who feeds. And we saw the fallout from the instigator twist. Rubina crying. Everyone's like, who did this? And why is it Joseph? And then we saw a lot of conversations with Joseph. We had a misinterpretation of a conversation between Joseph and Quinn before Joseph had to go into solitary because spoiler alert, that was his punishment from the veto competition, where people thought, oh, Joseph confessed, and that was not the case.

01;27;24;24 - 01;27;43;04


What he was saying was everyone thought it was Angela. And so Joseph was really just being like, can you make sure everyone still thinks it's Angela? And. All right. Bye. Where people. But you know what, though? Before that, I don't. Yeah, well, I know you probably didn't hear it because you were working, but. And we don't have the ability to rewind.

01;27;43;04 - 01;28;09;09


But at one point prior to that, I thought it might be Quinn because he literally called it the instigator. And I'm like, how does he even know that's what it's called? Like he said that out loud and I was like, wait, wait, what? And so then I was like, well, maybe it's him, but then I was thinking, well, is Big Brother, so maybe it's a like instigator or something on there.

01;28;09;09 - 01;28;51;10


Yeah, I don't know. But he said that and I was like, is it Quinn? And then Joseph said that and I was like, is it Joseph? But I never like thought that it was Tucker. Yeah. And I mean, like, I figured that he got a lot of votes, but he didn't act like it. But in hindsight, I'm like, yeah, that does kind of make sense because a person who, a straight male who wins competitions and also is camp and brings the drama, the, the Facebook fan casuals and the feed stories come together.

01;28;51;13 - 01;29;21;00


Yes. It's the it's the Frank Rudy principle really. But new the first so the first thing the, the instigator said was about like outing his relationship with Rubina, like the hand-holding and stuff. Yeah. And that they were a true showmance. And so afterward I was like, first of all, I think he probably felt terrible because like, oh, he looked like he felt bad.

01;29;21;00 - 01;29;37;26


And I'm so glad that they added the secrecy clause into this twist, because to me, it ended up for the perfect outcome of like the like. He could have easily said it was me, it was me, it was me. I'm so sorry. It was me. But he just couldn't do it. And I was like, this is this is great television, right.

01;29;38;23 - 01;30;00;16


Do you have the clip of the secrecy clause? The secrecy clause? I have the I have Quinn's, I just have the actual instigator. A clip of the Santa Clause, but yeah. Did you want to watch Tim Allen's The Santa Clause? Is that what you're asking for? Hey, everyone, come into the living room. Oh, I have some big brother news for you all.

01;30;00;22 - 01;30;24;17


No, I don't I didn't say funny, America. You picked the right person for this. This is great. I'm a jokester and a prankster at heart, and I know that there's going to be lots of mischievous stuff. Since I have my one. And. No, I'm here. Don't do anyone justice. So if I can clear that and crack some jokes here and there, that'll be great.

01;30;24;19 - 01;30;48;12


The other night, I saw Tucker and Rubina holding hands. We should have got ripped out when we had the chance, because we know mentally Tucker wouldn't be able to handle it without her. Can you say showmance? Pentagon for life, for the God, for life. First of all, kill me. Because he would say that I wish they could have gotten the kunai to actually do the Pentagon, little signal that they had, but,

01;30;48;15 - 01;31;09;18


Yeah, I thought this was a very bold thing for Tucker to do as an instigator. And I get why he thought that this would be funnier or like, a good thing to do. But first, two things he did included Rubina. And I was like, yeah. Oh, because he loves her. I mean, not love love, but you know what I mean?

01;31;09;18 - 01;31;29;08


Oh, I think that is what he was thinking about. I think he's thinking about the repercussions. Yeah. Which I mean, makes sense, right? That in hindsight, it's like, oh, yeah, it totally makes sense that this is what Tucker did think. It does everything without forethought of what it could be, the fallout from it. He doesn't think right.

01;31;29;11 - 01;31;59;02


He has ADHD and CIA training. But yes, a lot of yeah, he knows body language. He knows when people are lying to him. I mean. He he does know. I mean, yeah, I felt so bad for Rubina though. She was so sad, which I didn't really understand late. So I mean, Lee is already saying it all over the house and talking about and had the condom boxes open.

01;31;59;04 - 01;32;19;02


And for me, just why are you even looking? One thing that's so weird to me, I was sneaking in there and like, I mean, I would, I would you read? Probably. Would you rather find it? Would you rather find it looking for it or in a veto comp and it just gets pulled out? What. Why would it get pulled out in the veto.

01;32;19;02 - 01;32;49;13


Come. Have you not seen Barbie 19, did we? Where did it get for the veto competition? I'm looking for safety, but not that kind of safety. You clearly have rewatched 19 or I just have a fantastic memory. Yeah. During the veto, if you turned Barbie 19 into your Barbie 18, I swear on everything. Zach Perez, these friends, I will I will shut this down.

01;32;49;17 - 01;33;14;13


The channel will be done. I cannot make it on. So during the hide and go veto, Josh accidentally pulled out someone's drawer. I do, I do remember that. Okay, I it's all coming back to me now Celine Dion. And then Kevin's like, whoa, y'all can even hide your veto. You kill can't even hide your condoms. Oh, you're hiding your veto cards so good.

01;33;14;16 - 01;33;41;24


Yeah, yeah, that did happen. You know, these. So Rubina and Tucker showmance and then Pentagon for life. That sounds like something I would say like chicken. It's. You know what? You say it to us in such a official way. So is there another frickin power? It mentioned me. I remember hearing my name. I don't think I can take this.

01;33;41;27 - 01;33;44;05



01;33;44;08 - 01;34;05;08


I remember hearing my name. Yeah. Tucker, you were included. You remember it from just a second ago. You remember that? Why is it me, Angela, being like, I can't take this anymore? It was probably the icing on the cake for me. Because, like, of course, Angela would be the most offended by this thing that has nothing to do with her.

01;34;05;10 - 01;34;35;10


Imagine if they get stuck in the house and it turns to like. And they come to the outside world and it's like iRobot and they're just all against technology after this, and they become Facebook truthers like I is the enemy. We cannot give in. Well, Ainsley is getting revenge up until I guess this we go to break. Finally, that first group, the that moved in this like, all slowly leaving.

01;34;35;24 - 01;34;58;29


And I think there was, a consistency with the people that voted not to get Ainsley in the game. Getting voted out too. Like, there's a lot of weird coincidences. See, the only people that have gone home are people who voted no for Ainsley. Yeah, that okay. I should have led with that then. But also, that first moving group were the first five of victims of this house are not the first moving group, but the moving group of like the five people that have been out of the game.

01;34;58;29 - 01;35;38;14


Plus like they were in the same group and Leah and someone else, I can't remember who the other person was, but yeah, it's Fenton's very strange, strange season overall is really the takeaway from this, but the instigator twists, weirdly brought drama out as well, which I never would have expected. I just thought that that was going to be like a stupid segment that we'll we'll look in the future of BBC's ins and be like, oh, well, I forgot that that twist randomly happened at one point, but it's like it's also really funny to me because it brought up, very old feelings about the saboteur twist, because I think these are they

01;35;38;14 - 01;36;04;13


have some parallels. And I think it's really interesting that Sarah, the instigator is Tucker, who is going to be on the block, who could be going home this week. So there could be two saboteur twists in a costume. So two separate saboteur twists where the saboteur goes home the week that they are the saboteur in a costume. I mean, come on, 15 years or 14 years apart?

01;36;04;15 - 01;36;42;23


What are the odds, right? What are the odds? Just so here. So here are the people who voted now cam Chelsea chemo. T core Tucker Brooklyn said Eric Kenny Lisa and Matt okay. So Tucker was included in this so Tucker could be another victim of Ainsley's revenge in this game. Ainsley's karma. Yeah. True. Did Joseph vote?

01;36;42;23 - 01;37;08;18


No. Joseph voted yes. Okay. So I was going to say bad things happened to him in solitary. Then Ainsley had 24 hours. Angela, Joseph, Leah McKenzie, Quinn and Urbino all voted yes. Okay, so that's going to be our final five. Yeah. It's about to say one of the winner is in one of those votes. Yes it is.

01;37;08;20 - 01;37;30;23


That would be X I mean like crazy. No I would I would love it. This would officially be the season where it truly pays off. But oh, the people that voted no to Ainsley end up getting evicted all in a row, like some Final Destination thing. See, I told you, Roxy, you always have to vote yes for another houseguest.

01;37;30;26 - 01;37;56;23


Especially the ones that love the service. Right. Again. You're. Yes. You called it Zach. You called it for real. You, Yeah. Okay, so going back to the instigator real quick because, like, I don't have I really don't have a crazy amount to say that. Other than that, I'm very impressed that there was drama brought out of the instigator twist, but, like, it makes sense when you really see it in context that there's just a person just out of nowhere.

01;37;56;23 - 01;38;19;15


They don't know where this twist came from. It was just randomly. Now you got I Quinn calling out Tucker and Rubina a very like personal attack. Almost. That one person is putting it probably very harshly a game attack, but very like about a personal relationship in the game, which is a very like harsh thing to do, which in a way you would think like, oh, well, only Tucker would do something like that.

01;38;19;15 - 01;38;36;26


Then to call out a very like personal relationship that, because otherwise it would be really bold and, probably a hard thing to say that you did after the season, which will still be the case for Tucker. But, I get where he was coming from. And I don't think he saw it backfiring in that way.

01;38;36;26 - 01;38;56;13


And I truly, you could see that he truly felt bad that he, made Rubina cry like he did, which was good, because otherwise it would it probably would have been troublesome for him and the casuals and, that won't really defend himself. Yeah. Do you see that? Put up with what? Damian just put in chat.

01;38;56;16 - 01;39;17;16


Oh, I see you. Tucker has week five. H.o.h first in the costume in Saboteur twist voting no. And then the all preventing him from winning the game. Yeah. And that's he's all of the Curtis. Yeah. And he's claimed that he's only here to break the he was only motivation was to break the first and curse which I mean whatever I don't know if I truly believe that that is his motivation.

01;39;17;19 - 01;39;39;28


How does he know what that that there's a curse but he doesn't know what a favorite player is. Well, he they told him that afterwards. Yeah. Oh, okay. Just like they told him afterwards or currently I think there is another award. And I think he did see the people when, I remember he moved in with McKenzie and Angela was in them.

01;39;40;00 - 01;40;05;22


Rubina. Yes. Yeah. Rubina. So I think all three of them were like taking turns grabbing the door or something, not wanting to go first and then Tucker just when it walked in. Tucker's like, what was. What is this? Yeah. Y'all are so weird. Y'all not wanna play, like, Hey, the short ones kind of cute. Oh, gosh.

01;40;06;12 - 01;40;25;16


I know he thought he was into t Corey first. Oh, yeah. For real? What's, What what's on that girl with the crochet? Right. What's on? My little my my little list? Do y'all feel good about the instigator twist? I know there was a couple of other instances, but we haven't seen those yet. We've only heard, like, the aftermath, but it wasn't.

01;40;25;16 - 01;40;43;28


It still didn't really. It didn't cause as much as the Rubina one. So yeah, it was like about twerking and teaching Angela like. And that one's also. Yeah. Rubina also. Yeah, I think that, like I think that, what's.

01;40;44;00 - 01;41;05;20


I'm gonna now be grading like Big Brother twist says ass or pass. Okay. This is a pass for me. Like, oh, no, maybe. I guess pass doesn't work because it's like I'm passing on it. So,

01;41;05;22 - 01;41;25;22


I don't know, what you're trying to say, so I can't even hear. Is it good or not? I think it's good. Jen wants me to explain the secrecy clause. I mean, it literally is just. He cannot tell someone that he is the instigator or he won't win the money. Yeah. They learn from from Quinn, like.

01;41;25;22 - 01;41;44;00


Right. Yeah. I mean, honestly, they should have learned from many people over the past, however many years that they shouldn't have this clause. But, yeah, he just can't tell anyone that he has this power. And if he does, he will not get the prize that America will vote on whatever. However impressed we are with his, instigator abilities.

01;41;44;02 - 01;42;05;13


What are they? What? No, not like the end money. The prize that he gets from the instigate. So he's basically doing a challenge right now in America, is going to vote on whether he receives five, 10 or $20,000. I think was the sticking point zero as well. And zero. Yeah. So theoretically, Tucker can get the full amount for the instigator clause, win America's favorite player, and still have the same amount of money as a runner up.

01;42;05;13 - 01;42;26;05


Pretty much. It's actually a donate thing. They sent a Cash app out and we're like, hey, how much money you donate? We're going to we're going to take out the taxes and AKA and then we'll give a certain percentage to Tucker, because they're actually taking it out of, Kenny's stipend. Still, they're trying to do with that.

01;42;26;23 - 01;42;47;18


Yeah. How do you fall asleep during last night's just, like, trippy, weird fest of an episode? But. Okay. Yeah. Instigator. My little list, of other things that have happened in this game. I do have a couple of more, clips I didn't show any of, like, the punishments yet. Oh, yes, I want to talk about them.

01;42;47;20 - 01;43;07;19


One of the, I don't want to get out of the way is I. Haven't you guys didn't get to see Angela actually doing her final? I have her final ball where everyone formed, a tunnel for her as she as she ran back where she was kept, people were kind of like, am I going? Yeah, go back.

01;43;07;22 - 01;43;20;22


Oh, my God. You can see her hazmat suit. The monsters Inc looking thing. Yeah, yeah.

01;43;20;24 - 01;43;56;27


Come on. It drop. Oh, yeah. Angela. Just a thousand more balls. Drop from the sky and land in the back. We just got the count in. You still have 500 remaining. Where are they? And then we have that. We have Tucker's punishment, which I don't think I have a clip of him from last night. Oh, wait. No, I do.

01;43;56;29 - 01;44;19;29


Okay, so last night, you look like this outfit. It's the helmet that gets me. He's like a knockoff Tron or something, like I don't. What is he? So Tucker basically has to be an AI assistant where there's random, like, almost like Google search type questions that Big Brother will announce into the house. And then Tucker has to go find the answer.

01;44;19;29 - 01;44;45;17


And books, that are, that are in the house of, in the upstairs area. So you can see an example of that. This one's about whales, I believe I assist I love whales, but I can't remember what three sub orders they're divided into. So he's got his little outfit on.

01;44;45;19 - 01;45;12;20


This is one where Quint actually was able to help him out. But, like, look at this. Oh, look at this outfit. It is diculous. It's like a mix wearing his blue shorts right now, though. You're right. Actually though, it it is giving like 80s sci fi like low budget low budget movie. It's giving as bad as, almost as bad as Zombie week stuff.

01;45;12;22 - 01;45;38;19


Oh, it can't take us. Oh, yeah. Dude, I I'll be up there. I'll be up in a second, bro. See, they love each other as. I love whales does not trust him. Oh. In between. So Tucker just has to go search for this. The whales whale info.

01;45;38;22 - 01;45;56;15


And that's that's about. I'll show that because it is just more searching. But that's that's his that's his punishment. And you'll probably get a lot of it. On the special two hour episode. And this just made me remember. Remember when we just, like, covered Terrance in a million tattoos a couple of years ago? You remember when that was the punishment?

01;45;56;18 - 01;46;21;29


Like that was crazy. That was crazy that they were just like Terrance just covered. Just covered his entire body with tattoos. Every time we tell you do. So what do you think? Out of all the years, was the worst punishment? I think getting chained to someone is always bad to a degree, just because, like, you have no independence at that point.

01;46;21;29 - 01;46;49;26


But I think the year Brittany, Brittany was Brendon Brandon and they had to do the math stuff on the chain. Bath was bad. It was awful. Let's if this is like really smelly and you're chained to Brendon and you do what? Oh, yeah. That's a good moment. He mattered the help me that Brittany did. During that session.

01;46;50;22 - 01;47;18;01


I think anything that's over a day is typically bad, but they can usually pack in a really bad punishment in a day, as I say. Honestly, I would hate Judd's punishment. I agree, and think it was, like 24 hours. He was in solitary confinement, and you could. Oh, with all of the with all of the lights and everything.

01;47;18;01 - 01;47;41;23


Oh, no, that was Dan. No, there's the alarms. You have to every like minute or so. You have to push the alarm and turn it off. Oh, yeah. You can't hold it down. That was a really bad one. That you're so right. Jackson Mackey's. I don't care if he deserved whatever, I don't. Yeah, whatever he got.

01;47;41;24 - 01;48;08;05


Well, no, no, I'm just saying, if you were in his shoes. Right? Like his punishment was, they withheld chocolate milk and watermelon from him. We'll just have to take a look. Having to take a bath after every slime dump or whatever. I don't know, at some point. Yeah, I feel bad for the screaming guy. That was fine.

01;48;08;07 - 01;48;27;23


Is it, the Lord of latrine? It was a pretty easy one for Derrick Ax. Yes. I don't know. He was a longtime friend of the podcast. It'd be funny if you just didn't say Judd was the friend of the party. Or the every person that's actually been on our podcast. We were just, like, didn't even say anything of I love Judd, DK's longtime friend of the podcast.

01;48;27;25 - 01;48;50;04


Yes, Lord of the train. Yeah, he almost got in a fight with Christian. Kind of a long time friend of the podcast. Yeah, yeah, of course we can't forget that. What was. Didn't Claire have a punishment too, or. No. Claire, I remember Claire having a costume. An alien costume? Martin was a Queen of hearts or something. Oh, yes.

01;48;50;04 - 01;49;17;26


She was the. She was the queen. Yeah, but I don't know, I, I feel like I remember Claire in a in a unitard. Was it a queen unitard, or is that exist? Was it a card unitard? Maybe. Maybe a can't. It's so long ago, man. Different times. Who cares? Yeah, who does care? My little list. Oh, Britney's on your little list.

01;49;17;29 - 01;49;43;27


Oh, why don't they do the, where they knocked down the, the at the pick a rodeo or whatever? And some of them have punishments and they have to do like, you know, what was included within on BBC 16 was like, they had to do the Adam and Eve punishment, and then they and then one of them also had to shave their head out of Victoria and Caleb.

01;49;43;29 - 01;50;04;16


Yeah. And Caleb didn't want to. And he told them that he had that he had a tattoo on his, on his it that was inappropriate. Yeah. That's why he couldn't shave his head. It was a total. I just didn't want to shave his head. He I mean, I feel like he put up more of a fight about eating the pickle than he did shaving his head.

01;50;04;19 - 01;50;32;28


I feel like he put up more of a fight trying to get someone to like him than doing anything else. True. Getting. Yeah, that was, delusional. Delusional is one way up for that. Oh. The other prizes? I haven't really mentioned those yet. McKenzie won a Hawaii trip. T won $5,000, which, apparently, Tucker decided to keep the punishment instead of taking $5,000.

01;50;33;12 - 01;50;56;06


Of course, cam won the power of Veto, and Joseph won a staggering 24 hours in solitary confinement. Where? I don't know if anyone actually realized he was gone the entire time, to be honest. Although Joseph seemed to think that him leaving for a day was the biggest deal to the house because in Joseph's mind, he is the star of the show.

01;50;56;06 - 01;51;20;22


Still, and in Joseph's mind he is running the game. And in Joseph's mind, if he gets to the final two a Tucker, nobody's going to vote for Tucker and they're all going to vote for him instead. Joseph is troubling and Joseph is entertaining, and I love him. What did you say? What did you say this past week? Oh, he's like, who is it?

01;51;20;24 - 01;51;51;18


Who is it? Yeah, that is exactly what he said. Hello, Julie. I can't wait for the compilation of Joseph at the end. At the end. By. Between that and him standing in the hallway, for 10s straight with the music player, it's just. I can't get enough of Joseph. He doesn't understand, that he is not an important character in any of these players lives, including Tucker, who he is the closest to.

01;51;52;20 - 01;52;21;10


And it's really funny to me, and I truly do think Joseph has potential. I just am waiting for Quinn to realize that Quinn hates Quinn, realizing that Leah hates him and that Joseph realizing that everybody doesn't care that he's there, and that everyone is kind of doing their own thing. And then Joseph's just kind of also thinking that he's doing something he's essentially been handed the toy steering wheel in the passenger seat and saying, look at you, Joseph, you're driving.

01;52;21;10 - 01;52;47;21


Go. And he's trying his best. Oh, well, do you think that if who would win h.o.h. And actually oh like won him out I sympathy I know he might get thrown up there just as like like if I find he would also be like two maybe like, just like I'm sitting thinking like, who can we put up, who can we put up with their name and all these people?

01;52;47;21 - 01;53;11;23


And then like, this is like, that's all. That's what has an epiphany. There's like eight. What about that guy? And they're like, oh yeah, Joe. Yeah, we can put him up. Yeah, I, I'm a big Disney fan and I see, I see Tucker is like Joel McHale, in that show. And I see Joseph as like the dean who's just oh, my God, that's so funny.

01;53;11;23 - 01;53;42;20


I love that show. It's an amazing show. So you're basically saying that Tucker needs to make Joseph shave his mustache? I'm I, I'm saying maybe it I'm saying, like, if Leah told Joseph to shave his mustache, would he do it? Yes, yes, but then he would just blend in so much. Yeah, that'd be so different than the way it is now.

01;53;42;23 - 01;54;02;19


He's the star of the show, Roxie. Yeah. They think they got a new a new roommate, and they, like, they're. He's not this much of a douche in real life. You? No, I like him, though I do like, no, I don't I do not think he's a douche. I think he's, I think he's a very likable character in this game, and I will.

01;54;02;20 - 01;54;21;05


I'm not going to say he's. Everyone in this game is pretty bad. Joseph is not the worst like he is. Oh, he is aware more than a lot of people what is going on in this game. Because he's actually in a lot of these alliances. He just thinks that he made them is the problem. He thinks that he's making all of the alliances that are running the game, which he's not.

01;54;21;16 - 01;54;45;05


He's forcing the version of Raven. You know what? Okay. Yeah. Like, he like, you know how the Raven thought that she was like, I better be careful. Damian's in chat, and he loves. He loves Raymond. A Raymond Raven. Wait. You know, everybody loves Raymond. Love and Raven. I've never heard those two sentences together. Unless it's coming.

01;54;45;05 - 01;55;14;10


Damian does. He likes her. He likes her. Damian is mad that she was like the puppet master. Just saying. Joseph, I think that's what he thinks. He's running things, except he's likable and she's not. Yeah, and also, he doesn't have a bunch of fake illnesses. So there's also that. I mean, she had a mural up for her and All Stars two.

01;55;14;13 - 01;55;39;18


I did say Raymond one time on accident. That's true. I did say that. Yeah, she did this. Maybe not, but I was pulling some strings. Joseph is just also like, he's got this sense that he could be one of the like, I don't know, like, he thinks that he actually could get a bunch of jury votes. So he feels the need to, like, brag about it almost in, like, very slight ways.

01;55;39;18 - 01;55;57;00


Or I have little moments, like with Leo and be like, I'll protect you. I feel like it's it's he really. It's so funny how highly he thinks of his game. When like, the only time I could even think of like, him making an impact is when he misspelled that four letter word in the first veto competition. Like, that's the only thing I could truly remember.

01;55;57;26 - 01;56;04;02


But he. I mean, he did it. See, like, a Britney.

01;56;04;05 - 01;56;37;28


. No. Not Heinz oh:

01;56;38;20 - 01;57;07;29


What, like SB maybe. SB Sabina I think he's just Joseph. He's just him. This Joseph, he's in Victoria. No, he's not Victoria right now. He is not Victoria. Maybe he's got a maybe he's got like a slight mix of like Jose. You guys are Jose and like Johnny Mac, I don't know, maybe we can combine two people.

01;57;08;00 - 01;57;30;03


No, no no, no. Dave. Damian, it is it. That is a crazy comparison. Raven and Joseph. And not really saying he's like Raven. I'm just saying he thinks he's a puppet master. She thought he was a puppet master. So in that way, they're the same. Except he's likable and she's not. That's the end of the comparison. I'm sorry.

01;57;30;05 - 01;57;54;22


I am sorry, Damien Joseph. If he goes out of this game on the basis of him claiming so much credit for starting these alliances that he's not even, the most important person in not even like in the top five. Some. Yet the message when they break up. Yes, exactly. If he goes out because he's claiming that he started these alliances that were no longer even real, and that's what gets them out of the house.

01;57;54;22 - 01;58;12;10


I think that would only be fitting, because it'd be like, at least I went out as the as that Noel. I was almost that instigator. That's not the right word. I went out as the mastermind, but the thing that he thinks he's the mastermind of, we're not real things, but people voted him out because he claimed that he was the mastermind of those things that they thought were real.

01;58;12;12 - 01;58;44;03


I think that's only fitting for the season two. What if he just goes up to Chelsea and is like, come on, let's do it, Octagon back together. What's up? Yeah, maybe you I think they should. I wish these alliances would just pretend that there's one extra person in them to confuse other people. Kind of like the the Joe, the prank where you release the goats into your high school and you number them like one, two and four.

01;58;44;03 - 01;59;03;25


So everyone's always searching for the third, but there's actually no third one. Because you but you made it seem like I wish there would be like. Like if the Pentagon just called themselves the hexagon, but they had no six person in that alliance, but they wanted to make people think that they did. So they'd always be searching for that six person and there or maybe they could be on someone that's on him.

01;59;03;27 - 01;59;24;09


He just doesn't remember joining me. I guess it's all a blur. There's so many people approaching me. It was like a meet and greet. People kept coming up to me and saying, you're. You want me to be in the Alliance? Oh, okay, okay, I guess I will come back. It's like I'm back on my video store. Just, you know, this is really for him to final do with me in the Or when I went to vote and it was really strange.

01;59;24;10 - 01;59;52;05


Like I said, yes. No, no, no. Who runs his social media? Whoever it is, it's very funny. His brother is is he's got that friend that made that video with all the cameos of Big Brother, his friend. Oh, his friend. Me. Yeah, yeah. Eric Stein. No. Oh, no. Okay. Little list. He's more visible because we're talking about him.

01;59;52;13 - 02;00;14;24


You know who we really haven't talked about besides just his face and winning of veto might have become I based on. That's true thing. Yes, him. If I had to guess. Yeah. We haven't talked a lot about cam, who is come alive a little bit this week after finding out that he almost.

02;00;17;21 - 02;00;32;03


What what's happening right now?

02;00;32;06 - 02;01;00;06


I'm just going to keep crocheting. I don't know what we're doing. I'm just making a blanket. Y'all play too much. So that's Cam's game? Yeah. So that's a catch. A good catch up on cam? No, I mean, he I feel like I've seen a little bit more of cam. He's earned those dollars this week. After being consistently at the bottom of remaining players in the game in the Dockers accounts, which I need to find that, too, on that little list.

02;01;00;08 - 02;01;20;17


But, no, he's at least made attempts. And, after finding out that he was nearly voted out if the outcome of the AI arena was slightly different. And he seems to try to put up more of a front for his own game, which is nice, but, now that he's won the veto, I don't know what else to say about cam for this week.

02;01;20;17 - 02;01;39;11


I don't know if I want to give too much of an effort for him, because he's honestly not given me a crazy amount more than just being a chill guy, which I mean, like, yeah, chill. I mean, he talks when he talks to Tucker Killa Cam and like, you know, and they form their final two or whatever trying to work together.

02;01;40;11 - 02;02;06;20


Then he, he went straight back to Chelsea. It's like all of his eggs are in Chelsea's basket. Like cam doesn't really like he'll have other alliances, probably with Joseph. But it's like, I don't think I've seen him and Joseph exchanged one word. Now that I think about it, maybe not, but doesn't matter. They could still be on the Alliance.

02;02;06;22 - 02;02;38;06


I think that's out of it. I think that's out of I don't think that's in his, settings as the NPC. Maybe not, but like, it's like an I don't know that Tucker would be somebody that he would really want to form an alliance with, even though Tucker would have, would be loyal. I'm just saying, like, it it everything he you know, the runs it once you run everything by Quinn even though she wants Chelsea to be her number one.

02;02;39;17 - 02;03;08;01


Cam has to tell Chelsea everything and I'm like. What is this? Yeah, this is your game. You know, like, this is Chelsea's game, which I don't know if that says again. Is that is that because Chelsea so good at keeping control of everybody, or is it because cam is like putting all of his trust just in Chelsea?

02;03;08;08 - 02;03;29;13


I think that's largely it. He has no he doesn't have strategic value with anybody except his enemies, which they're their strategic value with cam is that we need to get rid of him. So he needs to find a way to actually be valuable to someone that's not even within it. There are people too, though. CSA doesn't even does even know he has enemies.

02;03;29;15 - 02;03;56;15


I, I would hope that he realized that when he got told that he was about to be voted out, but, I'm not I'm still not too confident in that. Maybe they didn't say cam. Maybe they said Coomer. Tucker. Tucker. Maybe. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but nothing to think about it. They didn't say my name at all. Maybe they met cam last year.

02;03;56;17 - 02;04;22;26


Yeah. I mean I have like your number one. You've got to have you've got to have that person, you know, that you're going to actually try to ride to the end with whether you work with them the entire game or not or whatever. But you do have to have that. But it's like you also have to have other people that are peripheral to your game that are helping you accomplish goals that you have.

02;04;22;29 - 02;05;03;18


Whereas for cam, it feels like his role in the game is the peripheral player for Chelsea. Like it's. And that's weird to me because. I think he he lacks the strategy. I don't even know if it's a strategy is the drive I'm not sure. But it lacks he lacks the action in his setting, the ability as an NPC player, you have him.

02;05;03;20 - 02;05;27;17


You have limited actions that you can make. You can talk super likable. He's athletic. He could easily integrate with anyone that he wanted to in order to play the game to win, but I'm not seeing that from him yet. I mean, he might now that he knows he was a target. It certainly helped him to win this week.

02;05;27;17 - 02;05;51;09


But I'm saying up until now I'm like, okay, what are you doing? Because if he had played like, I just think if he had told Tucker. Yeah, like final two, they both potentially could comp their way to the end between the two of them easily against the people in the house. But no, he. Yeah. Which is odd to me.

02;05;51;11 - 02;06;13;11


He's just sitting there waiting because I think he thinks he may have signed up for survivor. So he's just waiting to get on the island and wondering why they're still in the house. This is just a staging area. Yeah, this is the loading screen. Maybe he's trying to get on Love Island, and it's just wondering when they're going to get to the villa.

02;06;13;13 - 02;06;38;03


The, They're they're already there. They're at the villa. Where's the. Yeah. You heard about the handling. He's like, wait, are we already on the show? Did it start? Wait, are they filming us? There is a camera right there. Wait, there's a camera right there. I thought that was the ring. Oh, my God, that explains everything. Dan's. I thought this is the interview process, are we not?

02;06;38;03 - 02;07;02;21


So in sequester? Okay, I'm gonna move on to the account because, cam has been the person with the least amount of dollars for two weeks. Right? What's. Yeah, believe it or not. So I'm going to play this classic game with you, all of who has had the most. And this is only updated as of Thursday. So we don't have last night's episode in here.

02;07;02;22 - 02;07;29;11


Matt has more doctors than him. Well, probably now, actually, I got a fun fact for you. They have the same amount. Stop it. I'm not lying to you. They have the same amount. Oh my gosh. As of Thursday, as of Thursday. So cam is in the lead now because he got nominated. He had plenty of DRS on it last night.

02;07;29;11 - 02;08;00;12


So he goes ahead. But as of Thursday night, Matt and Cam. Cam, who has been on the show for five weeks longer than Matt did or was on the show, has the same amount of doctor sessions. Just take that into account. But I will now ask you all. And unfortunately, I kind of, spoiled the bottom, but, I'll say cam is actually tied for last place as of Thursday with another houseguest who also has 27 doctors through the entirety of this game.

02;08;00;14 - 02;08;30;21


Ruby, I think it is Ruby or Ruby. Anna is a good choice too. What if I told you that it was not either of those players and it was absolutely Joseph? Well, that's believable because I forgot about him. The star of the show has the least amount of doctors in the show, and now that cam took way more screen time on Sunday, Joseph has the least amount of doctors of active players in the game.

02;08;30;23 - 02;08;54;15


And if I don't know it, I need to go back and see if he had any last night. I'm assuming he had at least one, because if you didn't, that would mean as of right now, Kenny said all of the evicted houseguests would have more doctors in him and I. Actually, no, except for Lisa. Lisa would have one less doctor session than Joseph.

02;08;55;13 - 02;09;16;05


Now I'll have y'all guess. And this is probably an easier guess who has the most. Yeah, Tucker's got the most. Tucker. So here's the full list. Tucker is in the lead as of Thursday with 114. Next closest is Quinn with 99. And then you have Angela with 88. So Angela is taking a bit of a dip, over the last few weeks because she was being normal and now she is in the lead.

02;09;16;22 - 02;09;34;17


So that number is going to go up in the two hour episode. Yeah. I mean, last night, even alone, probably. But as you can see, Joseph and Cam and Rubina all at the bottom there, and Leah and Ruben are actually tied at at 28 apiece. So not too far off from the star of the show himself.

02;09;35;17 - 02;09;59;01


Okay. Glad we got that out of the way. Now, Zach, I'm going to go two. Oh my gosh, listen to this baby. Brother. Daly. Angela, you decided to leave the room and not hear me out. Tucker I don't care to hear what you have to say after what you did to me. Angela. Okay, Turkey. Tucker, have a pity party.

02;09;59;03 - 02;10;24;19


I did nothing to you, Tucker. I'm not. I am tired, and yes, you did stuff to me. You hurt my feelings. You broke my heart. Oh, I was still fighting for you to be off the block all morning. Is there a clip of this? Oh, there is. Play. Hold on. I'm going to get this. Was this in the bathroom?

02;10;24;22 - 02;10;43;06


This was not earlier. Which they had another. Yeah, they had that hold this is that which is an 804 hour time. Oh this just happened. Throw you under the bus today. You left the room and decided not to hear me out. I don't care what you have to say after what you've done to me, Angela. Okay, Tucker. Have a pity party.

02;10;43;06 - 02;11;04;03


I did nothing to you. I'm not. I'm tired. And yes, you did do stuff to me. You absolutely hurt my feelings. You broke my heart. I was here for you. Was still fighting for you to get off the block. I was still fighting for you not to be the one that got renamed on. All morning. Even if that is true.

02;11;04;05 - 02;11;21;10


Even if that is true. Just hear me out. Even if that is true, that's true. How do I stand a chance to win against you? How does anybody. You just wanted to be top three? And that's exactly what I'm going to do. Okay, I was doing I just kept my word for you all along. Okay, well, I'm not upset at you, so cool.

02;11;21;10 - 02;11;43;29


I'm mad at you. I can be upset with me, but I'm not upset with you. That's fine. You have no reason to be upset with me, I heard differently. That's cool. You will fucking see when you watch the show. Okay? Can Mackenzie please leave this week? I'm sorry. I need McKenzie to leave me next day. This is us right now.

02;11;43;29 - 02;12;07;26


We are wanting your girl to leave. Yeah. Hurt my neck. Sorry. And I know whatever I say. Your girl, it's usually for you. But. Yeah. Yeah. So I was confused for a second. So your girl Jasmine.

02;12;07;29 - 02;12;34;09


Who can't even walk her own butt? Okay, let's look at our draft standings. So, as you can see, last week, Nick finally lost his first ever draft pick. And as we are five weeks into this game, he lost Brooklyn, who was his last draft pick of the entire draft. All of us have lost our final round draft pick, which is really interesting to me.

02;12;34;24 - 02;12;53;20


And then the only other one was my third round draft pick, so it none of our top two rounds have gone home yet. Which I, I'm going to go ahead and just say is unprecedented. And that's not any like and I don't I also I'm not saying that's like a credit to us necessarily. I could go home this week though.

02;12;53;23 - 02;13;19;02


Yes. Yeah. You're so as of right now we have Roxy's round two. We have Zach's round three and we have, Oh wait. So Zach's round one and three, and then Roxy's round two all up for grabs this week. So, it's going to be tough. It's going to be tough for for you. I know, I know my my group mind though.

02;13;19;04 - 02;13;44;22


My my final two of T core and Joseph. They're going to go all the way. I got the star of the show and the actual star of the show, both on my team, and I'm ready to ride this out. Actually, Tucker is the star of the show. I'll be honest, of course, not far behind. But yeah, I mean, we've we've had a I feel like we've pretty good draft that we had, the one that I didn't want to do and I may just never want to do, because I don't care.

02;13;44;24 - 02;14;13;09


But I do know Roxy, you're doing my. You are doing good. Yeah. You guys. Yeah, I would, however, I will, I will say I'm wondering if we should do, like, a point system. Like if we do a point for, like, each one, like, say, each time someone survives the block or like, if they win a comp or if they win an h.o.h or if they win, like some type of power or something.

02;14;13;09 - 02;14;36;13


Yeah, if they win some type of power, if they win, like if they win like six competitions or if they get into a showmance or if they have to put on a costume, I think maybe then they should get points, but like, but like only then are they like won and I arena comp or if they like the skits or if I think maybe then if we, if we did like a point system, that would be really cool if we did that.

02;14;36;15 - 02;15;08;18


I mean, it's not my fault. It's not his fault that he's right about everything Barrett is claiming. These cops are equitable. Yeah. I mean, I can argue with you on that. It's just. Tucker is, pretty good at a lot of things. Also, Roxy's girl Mackenzie, she won an I arena. She she did this, although Cedric tried to stop her, but he didn't get to in time.

02;15;08;20 - 02;15;33;00


I thought it. Oh, no. Can't the I know that was you know that was good this week. That was came the one that. Why do you say Cedric? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Never mind, never mind. Cedric with Mackenzie in the comp. Yeah, yeah, I thought never mind. I was thinking of Chelsea for some reason. No. It's okay, it's okay, I forgive you.

02;15;33;02 - 02;15;48;09


I forgive you, Zach. You broke my heart. I tried to advocate for you all day up here. You wanted to be top three, and that's where I was going to take you. And here we are, the final three of this podcast.

02;15;48;11 - 02;16;15;03


I evicted Nick and Final Four again. It. I'm not mad at you because you're a snake. I'm a dove. Thank you very much. He's actually. He's actually better at. No. Yeah. What else we got for for this show? Your little list? Yeah. My little list is about ran out. Let me see if I got anything else weird from last night's episode.

02;16;17;11 - 02;16;40;11


I have, I had chemo song. We have Angela sandwich fantasy. We still don't. You still didn't play a clip about the veto meeting? Oh, yeah. I didn't play the veto meeting. It feels so long ago. It's like when we get to, like, a Sunday. I know now, Monday. And I have to think about, like, the previous week, everything just seems like.

02;16;40;11 - 02;16;56;24


Especially because a lot of that was centered around Brooklyn. And now that she's gone, it's like, oh, yeah. We also didn't talk about the hand go veto comp and the backlash that she got. God, we didn't talk about I talked about the charcuterie board before. I talked about the Hayden Go veto competition in Brooklyn, tearing up the H.o.h room.

02;16;56;25 - 02;17;25;29


Oh, what am I thinking? I'm not on it today. So is that not on your little list? It. Amy, it is on my little list. I just like I like to go like pyramid or like reverse pyramid, where I just, like, go to the most recent thing at first and then work my way back from there. Mainly because it's usually on my mind more than anything else and, everybody else's, to be honest.

02;17;26;01 - 02;17;55;09


But I do have the veto meetings. But you want to talk about. Awesome. So I know all about the collective, all the eight people Brooklyn Tucker, Chelsea, Keemo, Joseph, cam. Cedric was in it. Quinn's in it. And, I know you all were going to kick me out last week if I was there on the block. And I know that there's an even tighter knit group within the collective that is Chelsea Quinn.

02;17;55;11 - 02;18;23;12


It was Cedric Brooklyn and Cam. And you know, you guys have a really good game and I believe that it is Brooklyn and Chelsea are the main ones in charge of that whole collective and that tighter knit group. So yeah, there's a lot of layers and a lot of snakes here. So with all of that said, you know, I have decided.

02;18;23;15 - 02;18;36;22


To use the power of veto on Quinn. How did these veto meetings keep giving so much?

02;18;36;24 - 02;18;52;21


This is big eviction, brother. I will have to name a new HouseGuest as a replacement nominee. And my replacement is Chelsea. This is big up. Trust me.

02;18;52;23 - 02;19;31;21


I love McKenzie's face when he's going through like, the Alliance members names, because McKinsey is genuinely finding this out for the first time. I believe it is. You guys. Wait, wait, guys, guys, guys, I don't think that Tucker likes Lisa. I'm getting the sense I heard that she's not really a chef. Yeah, she doesn't. Me don't. Matt and Angela still, they still don't like each other, do they?

02;19;31;23 - 02;19;54;23


I don't I don't think they're going to be I don't think they're going to be best friends outside of the house. I can't believe what y'all think them. Kenny. Is he a cop? He might be. I like to think she does get, like, really accurate with her reads, but they're just so dull. Like, they're like a week and a half off, but, like, they're so specifically accurate.

02;19;55;09 - 02;20;28;09


Like, what if she, like, I think Cedric might have been a military intelligence analyst. Now that I truly think about it, it's all it's like, where did that come from? McKenzie. Wait, is she having a birthday coming up? She might be enlightened, like Joseph, 25. Yeah. Wait. I think there's alliance with five people, And I'm not in it.

02;20;28;12 - 02;20;54;19


Yeah, that's what's crazy to me, is people hear all of these things and they're not included. And they still don't think, I don't know, maybe the rest of us should join up and take them out. Like this. Thought never even even if you don't do it, it's like nobody ever says anything about it. It's like they're just like,

02;20;54;21 - 02;21;22;12


That's interesting. And then they just go about their day like they're more worried about their hard meats and and cheeses than like, I don't know, man. I would be too hard. Meats and cheeses only lasts 2 to 3 weeks. But your bonds last forever, right? They when you're on slop, understand? When you're on slop for a week, it hits you.

02;21;22;15 - 02;21;51;20


Just eat. Sometimes you hit the floor and we're like, Mickey, you know what he did? Mama always say no. It was like a watermelon. You never know if you're gonna get a seed or not. It's, perfect impression of Jackson. Mickey. Okay. My little list has been pretty much run through at this point. So, there was a moment last night where, I thought it was funny.

02;21;51;20 - 02;22;14;01


Really? It took forever to say a name. When taker asked who she felt like was the biggest threat to her game. I thought that was great. Leah's okay, I know I put this down because. Leah, it's funny how Leah is getting so much airtime lately immediately after the feed's going down, probably because of something that she did.

02;22;15;13 - 02;22;36;22


I just thought that that was really interesting, that that is the same time, like, I don't maybe maybe this is coincidence that they're like, we need to give up more time, like on air, but like, not understanding. I don't think that. I think I haven't heard her say anything. Yeah. Do they have do they have them on delay or something?

02;22;37;03 - 02;23;14;22


Yeah. I thought the feeds are always on delay. More so than they used to because Tucker said something like. Like it was probably because of Leah, because I talk. I've already had to talk to her like four times for saying inappropriate things. And I was like, what? What? When, when did that happen? Yeah, there's there's a lot of things that we've missed, just genuinely missed this year on the feeds and have to really randomly get like context to later on.

02;23;14;26 - 02;23;36;20


Yeah. Because it's like it's almost like we can't go back and try to see what happened. Yeah. If if you want a 24 over seven ish look at the houseguests, I don't know why they can't even advertise it as 24 seven. Like they just cannot do that anymore. It's very it's the most misleading thing that they could do.

02;23;36;22 - 02;23;54;19


I mean technically they do have a feed that is up 24 over seven. I guess they just don't have to specify that. Most of the time it's, animals running around or it is just wake up. Yeah. It works. We do have a feed. We're not promising that it's the houseguests on the feed. A lot of times it is the fish.

02;23;54;22 - 02;24;23;25


Even when it is, it's like all four cameras are on one conversation and it's not even who is like on cam. What are we doing? Like, can we watch something else? Something where someone's talking. It's Mackenzie. It's like that. Parks and rec, center that just sits there in his office and doesn't just smiles and, doesn't do, the politician that I can remember.

02;24;23;25 - 02;24;56;20


April goes to work for it. Yeah, it's just a camera on Mackenzie in the corner. Just being like, I think that she is Siri's son. I think I picking up on that America is Cameron's daughter. And what? Did I miss that storyline last year? I don't really remember that. I remember Riley, but it was a Riley. All right.

02;24;56;20 - 02;25;28;20


Now. Yeah. Okay. Wait, wait, am I just now remembering whatever she was looking around to see who Jared's mom was? Like, she wouldn't know who else. And would it be? I don't know, it could be anybody who. Okay. Zach, would you like to set up the next week of Big Brother for us? Oh my gosh.

02;25;29;17 - 02;25;52;04


Yeah. I guess we don't have twists. Is it going to be a normal week? I mean, I will have more instigator. Or is the instigator only going to be this week? Do we know we have a two hour episode on Wednesday that's going to be full of the presents and punishments. We've got our eviction on Thursday with the I arena, the normal, the normal eviction episode, and then Sunday the H.o.h competition.

02;25;52;07 - 02;26;23;20


Okay, yeah, I can't remember if they specifically tease anything else though. Make sure it's like the longer one to play. I only ever had the one get it together. Barrett yeah, I promise okay, I guess I'll go very fast. Okay. Find out who it will be. Competition. What? I'm sorry it messed up again. I'm really trying to get this right.

02;26;23;23 - 02;26;53;03


I'm really trying to get the hours on Wednesday, two hours on Wednesday, June. Okay. Find out Wednesday who wins the Pia. The competition in a jam packed two hour special with prizes and punishments. And on Thursday, there will be a houseguest that's leaving that that's leaving the villa tonight. And thanks. Who will win the I arena and get their butt off the block?

02;26;53;06 - 02;27;23;28


Will Julie have a chin moment and will Joseph get more airtime? Find out. And then on Sunday, the H.o.h competition that will shake things up again. And we'll be back live right here on all reality. I like how you tighten us. No, that's so nice. Oh, hey. Hey, drones. But it's, we're a twin, I don't.

02;27;23;29 - 02;27;49;14


Okay, so, Zach, you are making me question if I grabbed a shorter audio file, I. That was absurdly short, and I'm sorry. And I'll be better next week. Yeah. He won't, I will. I'll be going to be better next week. Put it on your little list. For the a little loose. Okay. Anything else you want to talk about before we go?

02;27;49;16 - 02;28;14;12


I don't know, okay. I'll take that as a no. Then wait. Somebody. They think they think Tinker is a twin. That's. I'm so tired of this. It's Tucker that's a twin, not he core, y'all. Y'all are forgetting Benny, Benny and Kenny. God. Okay. You really think that? I don't think so. Lisa is literally a chef that cooks celebrities.

02;28;14;14 - 02;28;39;18


Why are we not talking about this? Why is nobody bringing this up more? McKenzie will in a couple weeks with glitter. All right, so really, it's on Twitter. I gotta look. Well, y'all, it's been fun. 2.5 hours talking about Big Brother 26. I wouldn't have, rather talked about it with anybody else, except maybe if Nick city were here, that would have been great too.

02;28;39;20 - 02;28;57;04


But, it's been fun. We'll be back next week. Sunday or Monday. We only change because, like, who knows what the NFL, what that's going to do the Sunday episode. So it very well may be Monday. Which future Mondays do work well for next, the next city. We'll be back if you all have missed him too much.

02;28;57;19 - 02;29;12;23


In the meantime, if you want to follow any of us on Twitter, I'm at Spicy Barrett. Zach is at the Zach Perez. Roxy's at Roxy. Underscore Hoffman. You can also like this video that would help us a ton. It would help bring more people here. If you want to subscribe to the channel, that helps us out a ton as well, you can join our discord.

02;29;13;04 - 02;29;31;26


That link is also in the description below I have. This has too many words. It's distracting me. It's you're the inspiration by Chicago everybody. But, yeah, this would be a fun rest of the week of Big Brother. Hopefully we'll have a fiery eviction episode and have way more to talk about next week. And we are live, so come and join us as well.

02;29;31;26 - 02;29;50;05


And follow all of us. Get all connected so you can keep up with win. We're actually going to be going live whether it's going to be Sunday or Monday. I'm going to lean towards Monday at this point, just because this was actually a nice schedule to fall into. I thought. But yeah, do all that fun stuff and have a great have a great week.

02;29;50;20 - 02;30;14;22


Hopefully we get Angela and Tucker still in this house, but that's a personal choice. If you don't want that, that's that's your personal choice. Okay. Thank you, everyone in chat for being here once again. Zach, please say the thing that you would like to say and always say. I mean, oh, it's cute.

02;30;14;24 - 02;30;34;00


Love one another. Stay with us. Perception is reality. Our reality. Good night. Everybody I got is copyright claims.

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Our Reality - Big Brother 26, Reality TV
Big Brother & Reality TV Recaps
Our Reality is a Youtube Channel and podcast surrounding Big Brother and other reality tv competition shows. Come join Spicy Barrett & Roxie Hopman as they discuss their favorite shows. With open-chat live shows, those who watch Our Reality are just as part of the podcast. So put on your weird hats and pop a squat.
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