
Published on:

19th Aug 2024

Big Brother 26 | Week 4 Recap

Recapping the fourth week in the Big Brother 26 house!

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00;00;00;00 - 00;00;18;01


Coming to you. Welcome to reality, everyone. I don't know why you're here, but I'm glad you are. Because tonight we've got a lot of big brother to talk about. I don't know how else to put it. I we sat here ten days ago and we had to reschedule our podcast, just based off of my work schedule. In the future, we're like, we're going to switch it to Sundays.

00;00;18;03 - 00;00;34;27


We don't need it on Thursdays anymore. After the eviction, we're gonna switch to Sundays moving forward. So we skipped last week's eviction and now we are here post eviction after the Sunday episode. And I thought in my minds, maybe there won't be that much big brother to talk about. Maybe there. Maybe there magically will be like an easy week or something.

00;00;34;28 - 00;01;00;15


And we don't have to cover every single thing. And then possibly one of the greatest eviction episodes I've seen in a very long time happened. And now here we are on Sunday, having to cover a vote flip new alliances. just multiple insane moments in general. I mean, like, I there are so many things I have in my notes right now for the past ten days that I don't even know.

00;01;00;18 - 00;01;24;18


I don't even know where to start. I just know we're going to get there eventually in like the next hour and a half to two hours. And I'm going to tell you right now, we're not going to cover it all. We just can't. We just can't do it. This house is too packed with things and people with ideas, and I just, I, I, I don't have I don't have the energy for this cast, that I wish I had and but I'm going to have such a blast talking with you all over the next couple of hours.

00;01;24;18 - 00;01;47;24


Welcome everyone. Again, we have the chat open. We're live. I'm wearing Roxy Scrunchie that she made me and sent, all the way to in the past ten days. and now we'll debut it live here on the podcast. So. Hi, everyone. my name is Barrett. If you're joining us for the very first time, I am joined by my esteemed big brother colleagues, the next city, these actresses and the lovely Roxy Hartman, who I'm going to get in on this discussion now so I can stop talking.

00;01;48;13 - 00;02;04;20


Nick, it's been a crazy ten days in the Big Brother house, and I want you to get the conversation started in this past week, because I have no specific questions for any of you other than, like, let's just get the conversation started of what we're going to break down. But I also want to know just how you're feeling in general.

00;02;04;20 - 00;02;26;25


So, Nick, tell me, Big Brother 26 and use relationship. How is it it is at the best state it's ever been. I will say I have been eating it up like I so there's I agree, first of all, Thursday night's episode was like one of the best episodes of Big Brother. I think we've had in like years, like years.

00;02;26;25 - 00;02;52;02


I was so glued to my TV and then afterwards I like literally was glued to the feeds and have been ever since. And I feel like it's really what made me be like, oh, I really, really like this season and this cast and these people. And I'm just, I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed. Nick is obsessed. Roxy, I'm going to come to you now because, Nick in the chat.

00;02;52;05 - 00;03;14;24


Nick the the chat Nick of our reality, said I need to hear Roxy's thoughts after the vote flip last Thursday. so I'm going to let the wheel of discussion decide whether or not you're going to talk about that right now. So just let me go to a real quick. So you literally just put the question up there and then tell me I can't talk about it.

00;03;14;26 - 00;03;37;26


Okay. Well the real discussion says you can talk about the boat flip. So Roxy, what do you guys think about the vote flip this week and its impact on the game and your love of the show? This is like one of the first times in a really long time that I have watched the eviction episode, and I was not 100% on what was going to happen.

00;03;37;28 - 00;03;58;25


I did not know who for sure was going to go home. I mean, I knew like I watched it all week. The flip back and forth and the talk and the well, what if we do this, you know, and take on chemo like endless like loops of conversation about it? and I was hopeful, but I also didn't want to see it happen.

00;03;58;25 - 00;04;25;17


I did, because I don't want I think that this that one move solidified, what like makes it a great season because we're not going to have a steamroll from the side of the house that was really cementing into this, like pretty solid group that was going to be able to to run the house because they had already been running it for three and a half weeks.

00;04;25;19 - 00;04;48;24


And so I wanted to see that happen, but I did not want Cedric to go home. It was it's a weird dichotomy. It's like, I don't want Cedric to go home because I love him and adore him. I wanted it to be someone else, someone more expendable, that would also blow up that side of the house and give us this, you know, two sides.

00;04;48;27 - 00;05;17;04


But unfortunately, Cedric went home and and and that really did hurt my heart. He's precious. And I don't know if you guys saw the extended interview. It was hard to watch. It was so sad. It was so sad. But I did watch it. It loved that episode. I loved it. I mean, there was that picture of Julie and Cedric, that post extended interview where Cedric is like, give it a thumbs up.

00;05;17;07 - 00;05;36;18


But he's like, tears are still streaming down his face. He was, I don't know why that thought that they should still take a picture of it, Julie, but, yeah, there was a it was definitely a, it was a hard vote. A lot of heart in the speeches as well as Julie pointed out. And, I can't wait to dive deep into it after we get to these.

00;05;36;18 - 00;06;00;20


Zach Perez, who has yet to speak. First of all, Isaac. Okay. What's up? I would love to know. Do you agree with with Nick and Roxy that this, this vote was highly entertaining, highly emotional, and one of the best, eviction episodes you've seen in a while. I mean, it was definitely one of the best eviction episodes I've seen in a while.

00;06;00;22 - 00;06;29;14


Emotional. I guess to the players. Like you're acting like it's Jessie Goddard 2.0. The man did not die. like, I mean, I, I don't I'm not saying. I'm not saying like he wasn't a good character or anything, but, like, I feel like he's just one of those people that just, I mean, you know, had to go because we're getting on to the game and everything, and I feel like he's just.

00;06;29;16 - 00;06;53;25


It's collateral damage in a sense. Like, I didn't have any problems with them personally. I mean, it was he's one of those like, players where it's like, oh, he's cool. He has a nice moments, not problematic or anything, but like, he's not one of those, oh my God, I just lost my son or something. Like it's I mean it it's been great.

00;06;53;25 - 00;07;35;02


I'm glad that the vote flip happened. They, Tucker and Chemo are beating the OSR and DF allegations. They are actually doing things. And the good thing. What? No, it's no s no. Oh. Chemo thing or they did thing. They have been doing things okay. I don't think anyway. So if you will dive into what because the in general afterwards people like people know that they are the reason why this happened.

00;07;35;05 - 00;07;39;05


No one wants to target them.

00;07;39;08 - 00;07;56;27


Well, that's not true at all. That's really not true. I unfortunately, but, you know, I mean, it goes back to what? Go back to what you said they did do. The thing they did. They did may have not done things, but they did the thing and they may not have done it, like as aggressively as we wanted them to.

00;07;56;27 - 00;08;15;26


And they may have sat on their hands every single night leading up to it and been like, maybe we'll do this and then that. And then afterwards were like, should we have done that? Oh, but in the room all night long. Yeah. And then magically Thursday morning they're like, I guess we'll just do this regardless of how it works out.

00;08;15;26 - 00;08;33;21


And then we could be like, okay, they did the thing leading up to it. That was just like, can you please just decide before I invest in, like, listening to five hours of your variation? We've already been through this surgery. And, Izzie, I'm pretty sure we're used to it, so. Well, it's a bit different, though, isn't it?

00;08;33;21 - 00;08;53;29


Like Siri and Izzie last year were like, let's do this thing. Actually, no, let's do this thing. Actually, no, let's do this thing. There. Meanwhile, like T core and chemo are sitting there like, let's do this thing, but let's talk to Quinn about it first. You'll lend a hand, but don't they have stuck on it? At least they're stuck on one thing.

00;08;54;04 - 00;09;13;24


And it's not like, oh, scenarios. Joe's a, long time friend of the show. and just, doing all these different things and thinking, well, what if this happens? What if it's just one set thing where it's like, should we do it or should we not? And it's just one thing, and I'm glad that they stuck to it, at least.

00;09;13;24 - 00;09;39;20


Yes, they thought through it and they didn't do anything that was, they didn't do something that they knew would not happen or something that would damage their game completely if it did not go through. And I think it was a good it was a good move on their part to wait till the last minute because then, the Medusa, queen of what what was the Pentagon that is now the rectangle?

00;09;40;26 - 00;10;07;05


yeah. It couldn't get the wings to it. That's what I was saying. all right, well, I think that pretty much covers the boat flip. We could probably move on from that, right? I'm just kidding. We're not holy. We're just dying. Because I really do. Just want to go through. I know in tonight's episode did a great job at finally giving us those important conversations that were happening during, the live eviction, things that we slamming doors.

00;10;07;07 - 00;10;32;09


Yes. The slamming of the doors after the live eviction and all of the the talking. so, I'm excited to get into this because it truly was cinema. between, we have the AI arena, we have Rubina, who I thought for a second won the AI arena competition, but cut to McKenzie actually winning the AI arena competition.

00;10;32;09 - 00;10;52;26


The last second. We have the scrambles, the talks. Julie had to be out of her mind watching them finally strategize and all of the different rooms for their allotted time. We finally got the moment and Julie even said herself, like, you guys finally, finally did this! I'm really excited that you guys finally decided to strategize in the game of Big Brother before I live eviction.

00;10;54;02 - 00;11;11;01


and then beyond that, we have the emotional speeches and we had no shout outs in the live eviction speeches. None. And I was like, oh my, this is actually like, this is real. Like, this is like, this is crazy. Real. Like, this is actually like an important moment in this game for everyone. Everyone's crying on the couches.

00;11;11;03 - 00;11;27;29


We have people crying in the D.R. as they're voting Cedric out because they just don't. They don't really want to, but they know that they have to for their own game. And then on top of that, tonight we get more context and I know you.

00;11;28;01 - 00;11;58;29


Know I don't know what Barrett knows. Okay. And I know if you were watching the TVs as much as I was, we were shocked and dumbfounded by the vote flip that had happened and occurred. No, I wasn't, Roxy. Roxy. Okay. what? So you were you were literally messaging our group chat and saying, oh my gosh, is it going to happen?

00;11;59;02 - 00;12;38;01


Oh. Yeah. Oh God. No. I already said that earlier in my answer that I, I it really is the first episode I can remember in forever, that I didn't actually know who was going to go home, but I will say this. So after, Barrett said he'll be back, by the way, after, the vote happened, you know, in the anticorps and and Hemo did their, you know, they did thing they, then they wouldn't come out of the bedroom room all the, like, the whole rest of the night, like, people were even had to pee and wouldn't even get up.

00;12;38;02 - 00;13;08;24


But she didn't want to get up. And meanwhile, Brooklyn was in there lying to his face like putting all the blame. All of the blame. Hi, Barrett on on t core and chemo like they if you're going to make that move, you need to go out and own the move and make your deals right. Then don't let somebody else change the narrative.

00;13;08;24 - 00;13;28;23


It didn't work, but you don't know that. Get up. Leave. I know Tucker was stretching, and that was a quite a show that. But well, that's what I thought. That's what I'm going to say. Even if they didn't, it's didn't matter because they're still in the Sixth Avenue. Yeah, but how do you know it's not going to matter.

00;13;28;24 - 00;13;55;24


You don't. So yeah, I literally was watching the feeds after the move happened and they were literally up till 5 a.m. talking with people. Who are in chemo. Yes. In, in their in the rock bedroom where they did not leave for about 2 to 3 hours afterward. They talked to Tucker at five. At 5 a.m.. Yes. They went to Tucker's room.

00;13;55;24 - 00;14;17;11


That's whenever that morning, whenever I texted you guys was whenever I talk, you are not talking about the same thing that I'm talking about. So I don't know what you're going on about. I'm talking about directly after the vote. After the show. I'm not anymore. Okay, I know what you're right. That's what I was just going to say.

00;14;17;11 - 00;14;42;19


Roxy is talking about before the H.o.h competition. Okay? She's making it. She's making it sound like she's making it sound like they were in there for, like, they only did thing, and he thinks they did things I. So here's my stance on it. I agree with Roxy in terms of afterwards. I was like, everyone is kind of like running around trying to like do damage control or like, say their piece.

00;14;42;26 - 00;14;53;26


And the two of them were just sitting in the rock going, oh, there's a man in the. Yeah. And then they don't know where you are.

00;14;53;29 - 00;15;18;12


And then Leah came in at one point and was like, Brooklyn is saying, it's you guys. Is that whatever? And keep that oh my God, I'm going to flip out and then like they never sat there for another hour. Yeah. I was like are y'all going to get up like so I, I do understand that, I feel like the two of them need to separate themselves a little bit because I'm like, yeah, y'all might as well just be a show, man.

00;15;18;14 - 00;15;41;18


They are a show, man. They're never like they're like, beer treat gave us a super chat that. But things were happening at the time. And then Barrett disappeared. Yeah, I also agree rice is right. Zach is delusional. I'm assuming just saying. They're in the they're in the majority alliance, so they're doing something right. Obviously. Roxy, I would assume you are rice in this situation.

00;15;41;21 - 00;15;58;08


Yes. And I don't know, I I'm just I'm not I'm not disagreeing with her. Like as in like, oh they should have been out there and this is what I'm saying. I thought you were just talking about all night. Like they were in the rock room all night not doing anything. And I was like, now they weren't.

00;15;58;08 - 00;16;23;09


They were literally. But after Tucker won H.o.h and they were forced out of the room. Yeah. Because how do you that Tucker won. H.o.h I felt like they were like, we can. Yeah. It's like we're not Jacqui if they were still behind or anybody, if anybody else had won H.o.h, they would still be in the rock room.

00;16;23;11 - 00;16;48;14


Like if anybody in the Alliance that they blew up, let's just pretend that Brooklyn won, they would still be hiding. I don't know about that, but we don't live in that. We don't live in that reality. We live. And the correct reality, the amazing reality, our reality. Tucker, is the new H.o.h I, I just want to tell you about the vote flip.

00;16;48;16 - 00;17;08;08


I really just want to talk about the vote for not what we're talking about. I guess it is. It all circles back to it, I guess. So, I mean, what's this, honey? You want to say move for them for Tucker and chemo? Yeah, absolutely. It was a good game move. I'm not saying that we should sit here in praise.

00;17;08;08 - 00;17;30;27


Like this is their steamroll way to the end of the game. It's not. They are absolutely in danger. But to go ahead and try to get rid of a member of the Pentagon right now pre jury before you even get close to I mean just think about last year getting out some big personalities in the game, some big competitive players was kind of essential to a lot of people in the game.

00;17;30;27 - 00;18;09;09


And also think about the ones that came back towards the end of it. People like Jag and Cam that just won their way, further and further into the game. winning competition after competition. I think getting rid of potential competitors like that, especially in Cedric, is, is a good way to continue in this game. And also and also, I'm not saying that aligning with Tucker while doing all of these things isn't counterproductive to that cause, but at the same time, Teco and chemo were left out of an alliance that had the potential to run this game because they were the core within a much larger alliance.

00;18;09;09 - 00;18;24;27


And so getting rid of someone, that quickly, even though it may put a target on your back, is only going to bode well for them, especially when Cedric was as good of a competitor and you look potentially down the line, someone who could make a run towards the end of this game, I, I had him as my winner pick two weeks ago.

00;18;24;29 - 00;18;51;11


I got a mirror again. Two years ago, I picked Amir as the winner pick. She gets evicted. I picked Cedric ten days ago. He gets evicted. It's a curse. I sometimes can't get away, I probably was. I could see myself picking Isom, last year. but, even looking regards of regardless of tiki core and chemo, Timo to to chemo, whatever we've decided for that name.

00;18;52;03 - 00;19;12;16


chemo. Just looking at it as a game move itself. Yes. I think it's a good game move. Is it a move that could eventually get them evicted also? Yes. Would they have been evicted otherwise if they didn't make this move also? Probably so, yeah. So so yeah, that's that's my thoughts. But okay. Well what what didn't make sense about it.

00;19;12;18 - 00;19;36;07


They look, I was living for the votes, regardless of who we're in. Yeah. even what are you talking about? Yes. Even if it means that somebody that online goes home and, like, I love that, but I just like, I don't I hate, like, full house votes. Yeah, I like I love the split house. which is the result.

00;19;36;07 - 00;19;53;07


Right. So I'm for it. But the reasoning for T core specifically was so like bizarre to me because she wants to flip the vote.

00;19;53;09 - 00;20;21;22


Blow up the side of the house that she is on. Sort of, to keep Rubina, but she doesn't want to work with the people that Rubina is aligned with, and she thought that she could flip the vote, keep Rubina work with her, but not the people she's aligned with and still work with the people whose game she just blew up.

00;20;21;24 - 00;20;43;03


What? That's literally what she thought. And I can't make sense of this at all. It it's it's very. Yeah. In the in it really boils down to like how much hope can we have in even the people that we think are making good moves in the game. Because I was talking to Nick about this, I was like, I love this cast, but I don't know if I like anybody in the cast.

00;20;43;03 - 00;21;01;15


And it's a really weird like dichotomy situation because, like, I think they're all uniquely like bad at this game and it's really fun. and even to cause like decoy and chemo where like the two people that I'm like, okay, at least they made a move, even if they talked about it like they were whispering in the h.o.h room for like hours on end leading up to making this move.

00;21;01;21 - 00;21;32;14


And it was aggravating. And it was just like, please just do something and also tell. Please tell Quinn that Leah hates him. like also as a side note, please do that also because like, I'm tired of just wondering if you're going to do that. like even that move itself. I'm like, I don't know how much confidence I can have in it, because T core not only is trying to still play a little bit of both sides, but is also way more confident in Chelseas, or her or her relationship with Chelsea than she should be, because Chelsea hates to score.

00;21;32;14 - 00;21;45;19


As of right now, Chelsea wants to score out of this game and of course, like, just don't what if we didn't get rid of Chelsea though this week we can still work with Chelsea and I just don't. I feel like T core is now picked a side. She picked a side with this move and now has to live with it.

00;21;45;19 - 00;22;03;17


She can't back out of it in the way that even Brooklyn can still try to like halfway be like, I wasn't told about the move and that's what I'm going to. It's going to be kind of like my messaging to Tucker in this moment, even though I may not get me far. T core is also T core can't have that ability because she's the one who really led the movement.

00;22;03;17 - 00;22;23;16


She was the one sitting in there with chemo, as everyone did their one on ones with them together, like they were a showmance. campaigning, I mean, leading up to the ban, it's like, oh, yeah, you have to own it. You have to own it. Thank you. Jamison, have a have some backbone with this move and just know that you did the thing.

00;22;24;13 - 00;22;46;21


yeah. It was really frustrating that part of it. Like, I loved the vote, I loved scene, I hated to see Cedric go. It was sad, but I'm like, I wish it had been somebody else. But it wasn't. I still wanted the vote to happen, even if it meant that he was going to go home. I just think it was necessary for the longevity of my entertainment in this game.

00;22;46;27 - 00;23;18;27


Like, I don't want to want to steamroll. And so, I mean, I love that, but yeah, own what you did and then use it as a jumping off point to build something else. Get out of the freaking rock room until 530 in the morning. They did though. Shut up. So I'm just saying, like their whole like I'm on the go ahead.

00;23;18;29 - 00;23;42;17


I'm also saying, like, I, I understand that they don't want to work with the people that they don't want to work with, but the people that they're currently in the group with still think that they really want to work with them. Yeah. So even even if they don't want to do it and if they're bad about it, I feel like they still have power in the game to redirect it.

00;23;42;18 - 00;24;06;18


They, in unaware of just, you know, like all of these relationships that are and all these like game developments that are happening this week. McKinsey just figured out that cam was the third vote for for Cedric to stay. But you kidding me? Like, not that long ago. and thought that that was pretty cool. She may have known it for a while, but she thought that it was crucial information to share.

00;24;07;06 - 00;24;44;27


she thought it was Kenny, actually, yeah, Kenny could have. Or. Benny, just 1st May have gone in. You voted for Cedric? That. That drove me absolutely nuts all week with not even just this week all game when practically with with or and chemo. And I think it bothers me so much because I actually really like to them and it, it is frustrating for me to listen or watch them constantly talk about all of the plans that they're probably or maybe or might do all of these different scenarios.

00;24;44;29 - 00;25;14;24


And it a long time for another show and no, no season 18 talk please. And so then today, I did not. So and then they say, well, we have to let's run this by Quinn. First of all, you don't have to run anything by Quinn because he's not in charge of you. Second of all, then when they go, as you know, conjoined twins to go and talk to joined at the ankle Barrett.

00;25;14;26 - 00;25;21;29


To to go and talk to Quinn. They don't even.

00;25;22;01 - 00;25;42;27


Yeah. It's from our big brother game that Barrett and I played as conjoined twins. Joined at the ankle. But anyway, I digress. Sorry, that ADHD got me for a second. So I go and they talk to Quinn, and then they don't tell him any of the things that they agreed that they were going to tell Quinn. What are you doing?

00;25;43;00 - 00;26;11;11


It's so infuriating to me because I wanted them, because I like them, like as people. So I wanted them to be really good at the game and do more than thing. And they may and they may still. They may still. But it is week five. It is week five. Zach, please add, will they do more than thing to your, baby preview for next week?

00;26;11;11 - 00;26;35;25


I'm begging you, I don't know if you remember, but it's only week five. Like y'all are acting like it's week ten. And next week we're halfway there and two weeks in. Zach. I'm sorry. Move. The rest of these people have no moves. This may. What is McKinsey done besides play a veto? She just figured out that cam was the third vote.

00;26;35;25 - 00;26;57;22


Is that not? And why are you Zach bringing. They literally it knew see it I'm just throwing something out there. Go attack someone else I have I do have problems with all the other people too and we can touch on that. But I'm talking about T core and you know whose name no no no no. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

00;26;57;25 - 00;27;19;25


You know who was on the right side of the boat? Flip. You know who was on the right side of the boat? Flip. Mackenzie girl. Leah. We get to actually see eight. Yeah. Leah did okay. That's another thing. Imagine being put in a majority alliance and being asleep and people putting it in it for you because everyone likes you that much.

00;27;19;27 - 00;27;42;18


Okay, let me I, I'm just going to walk through what we saw leading up to the eviction of Cedric the 6 to 3 vote that we got to see more of in tonight's episode. So I'm going to give you a recap here. So we have McKenzie winning the arena. Great moment. Nick fell down. now I've been about I hope you guys know that.

00;27;42;19 - 00;28;08;18


Yeah that's not a lie. Nick actually was floored when McKenzie won the I know, it was like, what did you have? Literally, it was like my favorite team won the Super Bowl. Like, I literally I was like, did y'all see? Or Cedric was like claiming that they were like, it was like rigged against him or something. No. But I did see him talk about, how he was thinking about sabotaging McKenzie.

00;28;08;18 - 00;28;26;13


I think that was in Julie's extended interview, where he was like, they didn't explicitly say the wins with our eyes, but he was just saying, you know how they ask you like things? You know, they do it every year. Like, do you have any phobias? What do you get? You know, and they'll include those things like, oh, you're scared of spiders.

00;28;26;13 - 00;28;52;02


Here's a whole competition surrounding spiders or whatever. And so he just was talking about that, talking about the things that he said that he would not excel in happened to be the thing that was the I arena. So he did not claim that he was sabotage. I was it's, it was a snack. Roxy, it was a joke.

00;28;52;05 - 00;29;22;16


Was it? I wasn't actually oh, my God. Cedric said that the CBS rigged it early. What? You said. So you said. I just mentioned it because he said it. Those are his words. Verbatim. I was going to say it was a joke. he's going to say Roxy. He's going to say race. okay. Some folks were winning the joke about it being rigged.

00;29;22;18 - 00;29;51;05


I was that was funny. Sorry, sorry. I get it now. It would have been good of you to let me finish. so after we get to with the arena, we see, okay, I'm just going to recap these moments. So we have our speeches, we have our strategizing, all of that fun stuff. we have Brooklyn taking Rubina aside and saying the house isn't going to keep you.

00;29;51;07 - 00;30;18;06


For what? I just want you to know this was real. What were you in? We had in this game? Whatever that was, it was real. Rubina. It was absolutely the truth. and then we have Chelsea Anticorps and. Okay, we have Chelsea Anticorps in their conversation, which is okay, adding to the drama, was this insane camera move.

00;30;18;06 - 00;30;37;04


I don't know if anyone else got this where, like, went through three rooms. Yeah. Tracked across three rooms just to get to the room that Chelsea and people are in. Great editing choice. so that added to the drama. I felt it in that moment and saying it doesn't look like it doesn't look like Cedric's got the votes and Chelsea, he's like, what do you mean he doesn't have the votes?

00;30;37;04 - 00;31;03;04


We're voting for him and we should have been, you know, a good sign. And then the craziest thing about all of this to me, with how much campaigning goes into the vote, how much like blindsides, just get completely erased the day of the fact that we saw Tick-borne chemo, not only the day of the eviction, say, we're going to do this and it doesn't matter who's against us, we're just going to go for it.

00;31;03;07 - 00;31;23;25


And then on top of that, yeah, on top of that, Joseph and Leah and McKenzie all separately having these moments, even though they, you know, they talked to them beforehand, but in the middle of this moment where everything's chaotic, all it took for Joseph was to see Leah holding the hand of chemo to be like, I guess I should change my vote.

00;31;23;25 - 00;31;41;14


And all it took was McKenzie passing by the right person in the hallway to be like, I guess I'm going to vote for Rubina this day. Like, is that not insane that that many people all had separate moments, like little things that they saw or just like one sentence that they heard that was like, okay, I guess this is the vote based solely off of vibes.

00;31;41;14 - 00;32;06;03


Like, it's crazy that I never seen that many people like that. Well, Joseph I know was pretty vetted beforehand, but like, I mean, you have people even talking about the conversations, but it was never like, okay, cool. It was more like, I mean, wouldn't it be crazy if if this happened? I mean, it's like feeling them out. So it's like they planted it, you know?

00;32;06;03 - 00;32;31;08


And so then when they saw it, it was like, oh, okay then. And I was impressed. Like plus the editing was great. I felt like like in showing that like, especially the Leah holding Cuomo's hand, she's practically sitting in his lap. But I thought it wasn't good editing. Honestly, it was. You're such a liar. Stop it. No, I didn't admit I didn't.

00;32;31;09 - 00;32;52;26


I didn't realize that that was just one long room on the outside, like on that tracking shot. I was like, don't they have, like, set cameras on each one? Like. And then whenever they did that, I was like, oh my God, this is like a cinematic masterpiece. No, it was it was a great moment. I've watched it back probably ten times before I went back to the live episode.

00;32;53;07 - 00;33;18;17


also, I saw it looked at Brooklyn's reaction to your own quirks. So I'm going to leave this up for a while. after the vote. Also with a mother of a husband from Texas, the mother of a husband from Texas. yeah. I almost I had in my notes proxy when I was gonna ask you a question I originally had as someone who was, a mother almost from Texas.

00;33;18;25 - 00;33;41;07


but I am from Texas. I mean, you you you're not currently. I'm not the mother of a husband from Texas. Yeah. You're not quite there. That's a different, what else did I have? Oh, yeah. The Brooklyn anticorps moment in the hallway as they're voting where Brooklyn was, like, wanting to talk to core anticorps. Just like, kept on zoom in Pasteur.

00;33;41;09 - 00;33;59;12


And then beyond that t core tonight, telling chemo like this is the first time I have ever voted and felt fully confident about it. I was like, who are you? Who are you right now? I mean, you didn't feel fully confident for like six days leading up to it. but I'm glad that in that moment you felt confident finally.

00;34;00;08 - 00;34;32;00


because core honestly looked like a badass in this episode. That's what's so crazy, though, is he is the more, like, dominant force in pushing these things than she is, the more wishy washy. Yeah, but she does. She sounds stoic. She doesn't like show her emotions externally as much as is chemo does. but he was really more like, we have to do this.

00;34;32;00 - 00;34;57;01


And she was more like, we really should talk to Gwen. Like, you know, so it was interesting. Shut up. and then, so Cedric gets voted out. He's talking as he's leaving the door. All right? He's young, he's young. Cedric. Going out the old front door, as we put it in tonight's episode. and he's like, it was really interesting because this is a really tense moment.

00;34;57;03 - 00;35;15;26


Vote flip. We get Brooklyn's face, everyone's reactions. Rabin is like, oh my God, that was the noise. Like, you heard somebody go, oh my God, is that who that was? Rubina. You know, I Mina Mina. And then you have Cedric. Like I don't know what was like, there's no telling what was going through his mind because he was like trying to tell them all goodbye.

00;35;15;26 - 00;35;32;06


But he was also trying to, like, put it together in his head and just, like, just be like, it's a good game. It's a good game. And I, I mean, I, I don't remember what he said, but it was just like so tense and that. And then Tucker comes around the corner after like hugging Rubina in the air and is like, I'll get the door for you.

00;35;32;06 - 00;36;00;13


And I'm like, there was just so many things that were going on at this moment. I think it was overstimulating, almost. and then all of that leads into just, a pretty I mean, pretty short, lame walk. but a very good outcome with a very fun final two. I will say, and just that there is there is something about this I arena twist mixed with this cast that just makes everything just so fun to watch on Thursdays.

00;36;00;13 - 00;36;21;06


And I don't know how they did it, because if think about this, if we didn't have I arena, I don't think we would have Angela and I don't think we'd have Tucker still in this game. It's almost like not having Kenzie our high summer. Izzy last year. Right. Well, I don't know about that, but but, I'm always so hesitant.

00;36;21;06 - 00;36;46;07


Like, I didn't like. Like, I don't like. I don't like the these twists or whatever, but this I've already said it. I think every time we podcast in this season, like, and I've been like, do I like it? But ultimately I do, I think, I think this is the best with that they've had in maybe ever because I hate twist like it works.

00;36;46;07 - 00;37;13;11


out. The battle of the block:

00;37;13;11 - 00;37;44;08


They were just planning. Okay, they're planning ahead I gotcha. Yeah. I mean there is a realistic like Big Brother timeline where I feel like we have Matt still in this game, but we have Tucker and Angela both. Yeah. I so and that's I mean that's not and I'm very thankful. And we have Matt where we live. We have Matt, Kenny and Mackenzie running the game and like oh my god.

00;37;44;11 - 00;38;12;07


Yeah we almost had that. That would have been miserable. you know I think Tucker likes biscuits. Yes, he likes biscuits and he likes puzzles and he likes puzzles. Yes. I was just going to say. And Rubina, Nick's name is now puzzles. Yes. yes. It is going back into my, my likes vault, on Twitter. here was Julie's moment when they finally strategized.

00;38;12;26 - 00;38;46;05


looks like you made up for strategizing for the first three weeks of not strategizing. Thank you. Dang, Julie, I think that was so funny as, like, Vanessa pleading for five minutes. So let's say you go and everyone's try to laugh in the room. It's like. I mean, also Quinn unknowingly having the best reaction possible to the chaos that was unfolding in this vote.

00;38;46;08 - 00;39;16;25


Also, I and I want to talk about Ozzy Osborne. Yes, I saw some people when he was. I put a picture or screenshot of him hugging Brooklyn in tonight's episode, and someone called him Elton John and Michael Jackson. But. Oh my gosh. Oh what? He's been posting all of the Michael Jackson stuff, with Brooklyn and I'm sorry, I do not want to laugh at that because that is so mean.

00;39;16;25 - 00;39;50;21


But I can't unsee it. Yeah. And see it only so much you can do. I'm sorry. Brooklyn. and, well, as a mother of a husband, as I'm like, that you guys, that's not nice. But also I'm like, oh, my God, that's so right. Look at that. Stop, stop being so correct. Yeah, yeah. Also, yeah, Brooklyn's having an interesting week because she not only was the victim of the probably the biggest victim of the blindside vote, she then, was put on the block for this week.

00;39;50;24 - 00;40;07;08


It's a pretty big target. Could be out of the house as of Thursday night. and on top of that, decided to trash the whole room, during the hide and go veto competition this week. So it's a it's a rough time for Brooklyn. I actually have a still of Brooklyn. messing Tucker's h.o.h room. Oh, wait, no, those missed a minute differences.

00;40;07;08 - 00;40;37;06


And I guess. Yeah, that was:

00;40;37;16 - 00;40;56;09


because he truly was a very, very good and fun player to watch, even though we didn't get to see him fully play this game, but a very, you know, very kind individual who I thought again, contributed to one of the greatest moments I've ever seen in Big Brother, which is Angela grabbing him by the shoulders and saying, I love you, Cedric.

00;40;56;12 - 00;41;22;04


And I know I will take that with you for forever. I think this season's let's just in the podcast here. Barrett well, season's over. Suddenly, it definitely gets worse from here and looking about. I mean, that season's over. Cedric is already gone. Let's just give him the $750,000 he deserves. It. I would be curious. What are you talking about?

00;41;22;06 - 00;41;51;19


Why are you saying that? It's the best thing you're taking away from this whole experience with Michael? the friendships for sure. Okay. What's his little heart? Yes. Precious. What is so red back in there? You it. He's looking at the door. He's like, I mean, who is Julie going to tackle him down from going back into the door.

00;41;51;22 - 00;42;14;01


No she opens you is ready for the hug from Cedric. Like she was very ready for that which I don't see. You're normally just like, please hug me. But for Cedric, she was just like arms out. Like she hugged Lisa too. She's he's definitely getting the Jesus is my H.o.h sweatshirt.

00;42;14;03 - 00;42;23;12


You got one in the mail right now. okay. First God.

00;42;23;15 - 00;42;57;11


What? God. 101. I was almost forgot. Oh, yeah. God, what a what? Okay. Let's, So from the eviction, we got to see a little bit more conversation, post Cedric eviction, where it was essentially the remaining Pentagon members piecing together that they had just been had. And you have Leah trying to join in on this conversation. At one point, it just gets the door slammed in her face, which points Leah to be like, I guess I am, not on their side, which, like Leah, has a lot of problems in this game.

00;42;57;13 - 00;43;19;05


We can't really. I don't know if I could overstate that of that. Leah. Not anymore. Not like playing the greatest game. What? I was just kidding. No, I should have known you were kidding. First off, the fact that I don't see any Leah stands in our subtitles for our names anymore, so I still like her. I yeah, I still like her.

00;43;19;05 - 00;43;40;27


She's she's literally on. I think she's playing better this week than Mackenzie, but really she is definitely playing way better than Mackenzie. Joseph. Jesus told her about the tried to tell her about the collective, and she just went and told Mackenzie and Chelsea. It was just like It's Leah, just stop talking to people. Please. I'm begging you. Like, just please keep information to yourself.

00;43;43;17 - 00;44;07;17


but I don't really trust Earl. But it's big brother. This thing where she said that literally. I'm like a girl. I didn't see that. okay, so we see Quinn starting to break down before the H.o.h competition. We see Brooklyn, cam, Chelsea all trying to figure out what they should do. Quinn starts crying, breaking, like,

00;44;07;20 - 00;44;36;16


And this is why I really want to get into this. Because Quinn has had. And he said in tonight's episode, like the first few hours, I think he's arguably had the worst week of a Big Brother player who had all the power like. And I know people love to give like the Ronnie the Rat, comparisons to Quinn, and I feel like there's some truth to that in the sense that, like, he had an h.o.h week where he ended up in tears, which is pure Roddy the Rat.

00;44;36;22 - 00;44;53;18


I mean, he's running the rat was up in the room and everyone was, like, berating him from downstairs as he cried and held his, like, picture of his wife in his room. But like, that's not quite Quinn. I thought it was. It's Cat. Oh, I don't know. It's definitely his wife. I think it was his wife. Yeah, that.

00;44;53;21 - 00;45;17;16


Yeah. The way I thought is really funnier than the wife, but the. Yeah, the cat's cool too. so, yeah, Quinn was holding his picture of zing, but, that was just a miniature, cutout of that he has in his room. And so let's just lay this all out. Deepfake h.o.h. Quinn's got it. He uses it. But Angela, one of his targets, is now the real H.o.h.

00;45;17;16 - 00;45;36;22


So take her off the board. You can't evict her. Oops. That's okay. You still got Tucker. Tucker won the veto, and now his first two targets are just completely off the board. But he's still got Rubina, someone that's closely attached to Tucker. She's on the blog. Cedric's upon. Cedric can win competitions. Sure. That's definitely going to work out.

00;45;36;22 - 00;45;59;29


Let's put Cedric up there and then he has to watch as the one guy that was in his alliance that he put up, is upon, is evicted by the rest of the house. And the two people, the two people that instigated the vote flip, were two of his closest allies who don't want anything to do with them really, right now.

00;45;59;29 - 00;46;15;16


That's it. That's not true. They still. They're fine. They're fine, but still, two of his closest allies are the ones who just completely left him out of the loop on this to a loss after planning to leave him in the loop for after playing to leave. And we got to tell Quinn everything. We got to tell Quinn about the vote.

00;46;15;16 - 00;46;36;25


We got to tell Quinn that Leah actually ran this by Quinn. Let's run it by him. We'll get him. We'll get this. I think he needs this info. And then after this all happens, he goes to an h.o.h comp and is in the final two of a wild comp with his number one enemy, who offers him a deal of safety.

00;46;36;28 - 00;47;03;29


He refuses and then falls in front of a nationally televised audience. And he's just got to live with this this entire week. And y'all are wondering why he's sitting there for like, what felt like 18 hours so long just staring off into the distance. You. He's just like. And I really just want to be like, you could get dressed.

00;47;03;29 - 00;47;31;20


You're wearing just a towel. But he was just so sick. And yeah, that little Quinn Brooklyn had to be like, he. Quinn's in there. Like, I don't I don't think he's moved in a while. Like, I don't like Quinn. I don't know Quinn's conscious movement versus his unconscious sleepwalking and, sleep talking was completely different. This was not the sleep talker and sleepwalking we have become used to seeing, or the Big Brother fan or the TV character.

00;47;31;26 - 00;47;50;04


He also on top of that, can I say his deepfake h.o.h putting on the suit, having the one on ones, making a whole big deal out of it to then have the worst week he could ever possibly have of his favorite TV show. It was very performative and I did not enjoy that. Well, he said that I would.

00;47;50;06 - 00;48;18;01


Yeah, I think, you know, it's really his own fault. Like, oh yeah, I don't know why on God's green earth you would think using a pawn right now, this early in the game, when there are plenty of more people that you can put up, that you don't have a best relationship with, and it won't go, it won't go bad.

00;48;18;03 - 00;48;42;21


But now I'm going to put up Cedric, who I don't want out of this game, and he's going to try to win a competition because he will win. We've seen. Well, yeah, because we've even though we've seen even if they're not looking at Twitter feeds or anything, these comps are more equitable. We like you can see it from each of the competitions thus far.

00;48;42;21 - 00;49;09;12


The houseguests can see this. I don't know why he would want to, I'm I'm laughing in my own head because I'm just like you. You got to think pawns go home because he honestly thought. And I'm talking about Quinn, not Cedric. And that's what I'm saying. Quinn. It's his fault. Okay? I'm just saying that, I'm prefacing what I'm about to say.

00;49;09;12 - 00;49;35;07


No, no, that's what you were saying. Okay? Okay. You were not saying the things that you thought you were. I was just, I was going to say my own thing, and I wanted to preface it that I was talking about Quinn and not Cedric. Oh, okay. Well, I was just. I was just saying that I thought that you thought that I was talking about Cedric's fault, but I was just like, yeah, it's Quinn's okay.

00;49;35;10 - 00;50;08;14


Rebuttal? There's no rebuttal. Roxy, I want to hear your thoughts. No, it's not a rebuttal. That I was just going to say that Quinn thought that he had so many numbers and that he was so confident in his 400 alliances and all of the things, you know, that he thought that he had in place, which I mean, he did sort of he was so confident in that, that he honestly thought even if Cedric doesn't win, he won't go home.

00;50;08;17 - 00;50;28;26


And that's what you get for thinking, don't do that as somebody who's a fan of Big Brother, you should have known better, but you didn't. Sam should worry more about your game instead of your fancy suit. That you thought we were going to enjoy. I mean, I did kind of like it, but it was just. It was cute.

00;50;28;28 - 00;50;52;20


It wasn't a bad souvenir, really. Cedric also did, like, volunteer to go up to. Yes. Oh, yeah, I forgot. I completely forgot about that. And he didn't want to, like, for Quinn, it's like, okay, well, that's easy then. I don't have to make anybody else mad. And I mean. Like, it's big brother. You're going to make people mad.

00;50;52;20 - 00;51;12;22


Come on. Yeah, well, that's why he should have just shut his mouth about the power in the first place. Exactly. Yeah. For real? For real. Yeah. He he ruined it from the beginning to his own game. from he did this goal for himself when he told Angela about his power the first week. But you don't even know these people yet.

00;51;12;23 - 00;51;31;29


Why would you, like, blab about something like that? That is such a powerful, like, power, in my opinion. Not even because, like, oh, like, who the hell is going to believe that it was actually Angela? But like, if you didn't tell a single person in the house about it, you could have done some crazy shit with that. And the whole house literally knew who was the issue.

00;51;32;01 - 00;51;55;16


Like, it just, I don't know, he did it all. And then he would have blown up his own alliance, which was his plan to begin with, as he was going to put up, Cedric, Chelsea and Cam because he knew that they had something solidified within their group and he was like, well, I can't have that. I need to be the one who's the most insulated, not them.

00;51;55;22 - 00;52;24;03


So he was going to blow them up with his deep fake whatever. But that didn't work because he told everyone. So yeah. And also. Yeah. Exactly. he also decided to make another TV moment out of calling Tucker every possible name he could think of, which McDeere could try and should not offend anyone to a great level.

00;52;24;06 - 00;52;42;07


But Tucker, I feel like took it, pretty personally that he did that on TV. which I thought was it. I thought it was a pretty good speech. I didn't think it was very like this. Tucker. Do you think that he was really offended? I thought he was just acting like I thought he was just joking. Like, this is the worst.

00;52;42;12 - 00;53;01;12


I was never been told to him. So. oh. You know what? I did notice if Tucker didn't think about it constantly, he wouldn't have brought it up in his speech that he called him 15 names in front of all of America. So you tell me if Tucker was joking or not. This is true. Yeah, that is true, I guess.

00;53;01;14 - 00;53;26;05


I guess his lack of, hiding in the corner and crying uncontrollably led me to believe that he was unbothered by it. But, I mean, I'm like, I'm not the least, like, really, like, skewed, after all. Shy boy or I have the same brain. It's the I'm sick of, not Leah catching straight. I love you, shy boy.

00;53;26;08 - 00;53;52;24


They were the same. And then, if we keep going to this week, we have, Tucker as the h.o.h making this little proposition, with Quinn saying now, after we are down on the wall. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Still, Tucker is still reaching out his hand and saying, I just want you to be the pawn. And then we heard Tucker in the D.R. also say, I want Quinn to be the pawn.

00;53;52;28 - 00;54;17;08


That may not mean anything with Tucker and the doctor. I don't I would not put a lot of confidence in the things that he says in the doctor at all, but I think he doesn't even know the things he says even when I'm saying it. I agree. Yeah, and so like with with Tucker. Yeah. I don't know. I feel like at least in the doctor I feel like he can he's somewhat honest.

00;54;17;10 - 00;54;34;27


Well, I think he meant that right then. And I'm saying I don't think it would be. Yeah. What about tomorrow? Well, I could, I could, I could see, at least in Tucker's mind, where what he was talking about in the Dr.. Where it's like I've already beaten him. And like, so many competitions, it's like it's not even fun for me anymore.

00;54;35;00 - 00;54;50;10


Like, hey, I have bigger fish to fry kind of thing. I kind of, I could see where. I could see where he's thinking that in his head at least a little bit, because he's winning X amount of he's already on a comp winning streak right now, and it's like, where am I going to? Who am I going to knock out now?

00;54;50;17 - 00;55;19;00


Glass. He knows it can't last. Nobody can win all the way through. I'm surprised he's won this much, but it kind of had to end. So he like. I think he's like thinking like a truce with Quinn would be ideal for Tucker, you know? Yeah. I also just get the sense that Tucker doesn't even want to be in the game.

00;55;19;07 - 00;55;36;00


Do you ever get that sense? Sometimes I get the idea that, like, Tucker would, like, like to leave, and that's sometimes why he makes the crazy moves that he makes. I don't I know that's probably a discussion point that many people have had, but I just, I don't I don't see moves like this in the way that Tucker like acts with production.

00;55;36;00 - 00;55;58;15


How frustrating is sometimes without thinking like, I don't I don't know if he exactly wants to be here, and that's what's leading him to make the most chaotic moves of all time. Well, I thought that he specifically said where I thought he had a conversation where it's like either I'm gonna break records or I'm want to leave pre jury or something like that.

00;55;58;22 - 00;56;17;17


Is that okay? I could see him saying something like, don't, I mean, I can do I feel like he the way I interpret it at least is that he just doesn't give a shit, to say the least. Like, I'm just like, you know, I feel like he's just like, you know, he goes out there, he wins things.

00;56;17;17 - 00;56;41;10


And like, he's just going to do whatever the fuck you want because he doesn't care. Like, that's how I. Yeah, like, I think he's just having fun and like, it's just like living daily. Yeah. This is the game. And he's not like. Like he's super competitive and he wants to win. And he. And he gets, you know, like whatever all that silly stuff he does when he wins.

00;56;41;10 - 00;57;01;05


Like when he walks around like, you know, I'm the king or whatever. I mean, true, but, I think though, at the end of the day, I think he's just having fun. Like, he like, he's the kind of guy that he would be really pissed if he lost, but only for, like, probably an hour. And then he'd be like, do you want to play checkers?

00;57;01;08 - 00;57;35;06


You know, like, he's just like, he's not a great older guy. Oh yeah. Because he's literally B6 coded where over 75% of that cast was like, no, I'm going to win this competition or I'm I'm not half assing anything. I'm not throwing competitions. I'm winning this. That's what he's giving for me. Like, and I mean, I'm here coded challenge coded whatever you want to label he's if he doesn't get an all stars call a challenge call.

00;57;35;08 - 00;58;11;10


I don't know about Amazing Race, but. Or survivor call like. Yeah, CBS call him wow Zach Perez these Zach Perez. So how dare you say such a thing on this podcast? I think Tucker is probably the best castaways of the season in my opinion. And I think in terms of people we want to see on the show every year, we want people like him who are just going to like, do whatever they want and not care if ten other people are voting one way, he's just going to still do what he wants to do.

00;58;12;03 - 00;58;36;00


so I feel like we always ask for players like him. So the fact that we have him and he's winning things and he's doing what he wants with the things that he wins makes me really, really appreciate him in this cast. So he's honestly my favorite. I know it, says McKenzie Stan, but I can't copy Zach. I can't make it look like I'm copying the XL.

00;58;36;03 - 00;59;04;02


Yeah, we can never copy Zach. I do, so Big Brother Junkie does kind of like fan polling just to see where the Twitter fandom is really at. Each week. And yeah, Tucker has a pretty commanding lead, unsurprisingly. as you can see, this week, we have the top few R Tucker, Angela Tucker, and Cedric. Rest in peace.

00;59;04;23 - 00;59;26;17


and trickling in behind that at the very end, last place is still cam. who, yes, deservedly probably should be at the bottom and not by like anything of his own doing is just by his not doing of anything like where t core and chemo are doing the R did a thing. Yeah they did thing and he does no thing.

00;59;26;19 - 00;59;44;14


He just does. He's not quite a thing yet. I think that I think what's interesting about that ranking, I don't know if you saw the bottom three were all the people who voted the minority. And then it was chemo right above them. Yeah. I'm like, wow. Like they didn't like the people who voted in the finale or the person flipped.

00;59;44;17 - 01;00;06;06


So the decor of the article, even though they like take or that is interesting. It's like everyone I feel like that just says that everyone like the people. A lot of people like t corn chemo. If they just chose T core in the specifics, I'm sure chemo is actually way more love than that represents. They just, they dedicated their, retweets and likes or reposts and likes.

01;00;06;08 - 01;00;26;26


Sorry Elon. to t core as opposed to chemo just because why would you not pick t core over chemo? You kidding me I love her, I also love to you. I also love chemo. Almost a TMO which still applies I love them, yes, yes it's still applies. I've just really been disappointed with their lack of an S on the end of thing.

01;00;26;28 - 01;00;50;02


So you know yeah this week they lacking thing. I will say. This week five guys their week five thing. But week five they've spent a month over a month in this house. I want them to do more thing Zach. You want her. You want her to get on a frickin shower stool? They've done more than her. I did not see that.

01;00;50;09 - 01;01;14;19


u went to the shower stool in:

01;01;14;19 - 01;01;48;25


They haven't even said the first letter yet. But it's not like I was sitting there. Sit wasn't it? The the issue is there are people in this game who haven't done thing at least they've done thing. I can't say, but but here's the deal why it's so frustrating. They spent 400 hours talking about things and only did thing that Roxy Roxy.

01;01;48;27 - 01;02;14;21


After last season, after how many times they talk circles around each other. Cirie and the gang. We can't survive one. We can survive one round of chemo. And then doing this, you know, that's a cheap shot for you to call a Bebe 25 when you know she didn't watch that show. Well, I'm just saying, if she. I quit listening to me.

01;02;14;23 - 01;02;33;15


Well, that's what I'm saying. We've been through this like we've been literally the first four weeks of the game. It was flip flop left and right. Like we don't know where they're going to end up because they flip flop so much. Yeah, it's something that I'm used to and it's like, I can understand Roxy's point where like, she's right.

01;02;33;16 - 01;02;51;18


He's like not used to it because they did it so much. They didn't they didn't do that last year though. I feel like they didn't sit there and they did. They went there and said, actually we're going to get rid of Haysom. Actually, no, but what if we didn't get rid of house and then we actually got rid of this other person instead?

01;02;51;18 - 01;03;10;15


And they said actually, how about a third person that we haven't even thought about yet? What have we got rid of them that'd be so devious. Whereas this is literally I'm literally saying the same thing. No, because this time it was more just, should we get rid of Cedric? Maybe, I don't know. And then the next thing should we get we should get rid of Cedric.

01;03;10;15 - 01;03;31;19


Right? It's not as bad. It's. Yeah, but it's not as fun to watch, is it? I feel like I'm watching Kaitlyn's word salad all over again in the H.o.h room. Every single time we went up there, I used for. I was going to compare it to Kayland and Sarah Beth is just like, please stop just to see what you're going to do.

01;03;31;19 - 01;03;48;02


Literally just be committed to it in circles for I don't get it. Yeah. And I get that's all you have to do in the like I get that that is the majority of all you have to do during the day. So you might as well use up all of your time doing that, because what else are you going to do except ride the stationary bike for the 500th time?

01;03;48;04 - 01;04;00;06


But like if you're Tucker, you could stretch wearing your green shorts. I don't yes, do a jasmine stretch outside on the patio I don't know, do what you want.

01;04;00;09 - 01;04;30;20


Jasmine, good friend of the pod. Yeah. Long time friend of the podcast. You need some watermelon? Wait, when did that happen? What is that reference? Watermelon and chocolate milk. 20. That. Okay? I was like, mama. I was like, that can only be a Jackson like you. okay. Well, should we even talk about the real quick? Okay.

01;04;30;23 - 01;04;53;18


Because I do have a, I have a clip that they didn't even really show in tonight's episode that I was kind of disappointed by. was it? Well, it's probably not a bit, but I was like, when I first turned it on, I'm like, is the volume muted? Like there was no talking for so long. It was so quiet person.

01;04;53;21 - 01;05;10;09


So I'm like checking the volume. Like what? Why are they not talking. Yeah that was on like I was on Twitter. I was like also typing in my notes and like after a while I just kept on scrolling through Twitter and then I had like two minutes later I was like, oh wait, yeah, I gotta watch the show.

01;05;10;12 - 01;05;30;01


And that's like nothing had really happened. Because, to be honest, it was. I mean, not that on the live feeds it was anything more than just everyone sitting on the sidelines being like, you're so strong, you're so strong. Stay up there you were. You were the strongest humans I've ever seen. If you if you drop, I will just.

01;05;30;01 - 01;05;55;21


I'm going to be in tears if you let go. Right now, the strongest humans I've ever seen. That's. They were very. They were hyping. They were up and they all now within like 20 minutes I was like, what is going on 31. Yeah. Was the total literally, literally ridiculous? All of the older people on ten lasted longer than they did well, but it's a little different.

01;05;55;21 - 01;06;32;01


But yeah. But they. Do you do you think that they lean the wall sooner? More? They definitely do. But because I saw earlier where Jessica was saying how she lasted like 20 something minutes and this whole competition was 31, and she was like, like, what's the deal? And I was like, okay, so obviously it's harder now than it was when you did it, because there is no way that she lasted longer.

01;06;32;04 - 01;07;02;22


I just don't understand. Why are you going? No, no, no, the reason why is because of the footstool. The. I've seen it. The shorter. Yeah, it's a shorter thing on a shorter ledge. And also the, the little handhold, these things, whatever they're called. Are they different too? Well yeah, I just played they had Jessica had planks to hold on to.

01;07;02;22 - 01;07;24;29


So it was more like she can hold on to one above and one below, which I feel like is more easier. Yeah. I think there was like a thing in between their legs too. So they couldn't like squat down either. Yeah, they, they added that after James's season I believe. Yeah. Or B never mind. I'm not even going to mention it.

01;07;25;02 - 01;07;52;17


Exactly. Yeah. there's some of this trail and chat said you'd think that they'd want to test their endurance instead of their strength. Right. If you're going to call it an endurance competition, you would think. But literally adding, I think I remember maybe I'm just misremembering, but I feel like the wall comp used to take a long time.

01;07;52;19 - 01;08;16;22


Yeah, it took longer than 30 minutes or the longest. The longest wall comp was Bebe 14 13 hours and 14 minutes. I mean three hours and 14 minutes. I was like, there's no way. The competition lasted 13 hours as watched the whole thing, through three hours and 14 minutes, I believe. Yeah. And they and they cut off the feeds for the last, like, three minutes of it, so.

01;08;16;22 - 01;08;33;04


And like, it was it, basically like watching a just an episode of TV featuring a bunch of people on a wall. All right. And Cody, the Cody in chat says, I think also for the sake of them not wanting to keep the feeds on, he made it more difficult because this is CBS. We're talking about this true story.

01;08;33;04 - 01;08;57;17


I so irritated they had it right at the very end when it was just like Tucker and and Quinn hanging on, and it looked like Quinn was about to fall, but we didn't know. And then they cut the feeds and I was everybody was like, are you kidding me right now? Yeah, the worst it was. I never understand why they cut the feeds, because we are kind of know who wins.

01;08;57;17 - 01;09;23;23


H.o.h like, it's not going to be a big deal. Not because of that. It's because they have to get the outgoing h.o.h to to do their lines. Like, it's like, well, I'm saying they could so-and-so's down or whatever. They cut and they cut and give them their instruction to do that and then put them back on. Well, so they kind of once, once the last person drops, they just cut it.

01;09;23;23 - 01;09;48;14


Then. You would think. But they do their lines all during the competition. They do. Oh, at the end they don't cut it every now and then and be like so-and-so's off the wall. You know, like when they do the voiceover from the outgoing h.o.h, it's like that. Okay. I thought they did it like like they would instruct them like before or something.

01;09;48;25 - 01;10;18;16


I'm going to play this. I can do this, I can do this. I can't do that. Oh shit. Oh, it. Let's see if that's cheating. Language. Sorry. I thought you didn't. I thought she did a jasmine very second. Good job. That was so fun. Good job. Girl. I'm sure someone wait. Go back. Jessica. Oh, yes. Toombs always comes through.

01;10;18;18 - 01;10;37;08


Sims is always so good. I can do this. You can do this. I can do this. I can't do this. Do the. Damn it! Oh, I'm not. Good job. Girl.

01;10;40;22 - 01;10;46;19


Oh, no. Oh!

01;10;46;21 - 01;11;05;25


I really loved it. Whenever they were, like, super sliding, I crossed the thing at the end. By the way, something else we didn't get to see on the feeds. So you're doing this up for the Pentagon? This? Yeah. And again, they were mad as hell.

01;11;05;27 - 01;11;29;14


Oh, and here it's frozen. Yeah. Oh, we lost him. I realize I thought I was looking for a clip for your second. I didn't realize the time until the the text message came through, and I was like, oh, wait. What? Sorry. I was in the my crochet, and I didn't know what was. Well, oh, it's not a lot of time on this.

01;11;29;16 - 01;11;58;21


Yeah, well, last year's walk or Waffle Camp was a, it was Josh's meatballs, meatball disaster or something. I was so pissed. Yeah, I feel like this one's a better step up. It was like a Josh Martinez waffle competition. Yeah, yeah, and they were, like, thrown out for the meatballs. I think this is so. I can't believe I'm watching this.

01;11;58;23 - 01;12;23;26


And then. Wasn't that the one that Jared. One, two. Oh yeah. We were live for that. Yeah okay. That was just a bad night. Like because it clips my me screaming oh yeah yeah I forgot about that. It really unfortunate moment. Where is it storming where you are. No I just have like a really sensitive outlet that, I am now realizing is kind of a problem.

01;12;23;26 - 01;12;46;20


So, I get to fix that in the next, in the next week before we podcast again. So sorry about that. Everyone. I keeps just like tripping it because like, hit it with my foot and then my computer turns off. It's a great system. so, sorry about that. Everybody. I know, I know that y'all are all here for me and definitely not Roxy, talking about everything.

01;12;46;20 - 01;13;14;08


Bebe 26. Honestly, I would also only come here for Roxy. but I am here for my life for eight years instead. Everyone. Everyone just comes in for KBS. Calls her every day. Every day. Yeah. So send us a scrunchie. Well, we're on a first name basis. Like, just I call them. See? Love one another. Stay with us.

01;13;14;23 - 01;13;32;06


did you see all those act? Did you do a good job? no. I didn't even know you guys. He didn't? Yeah. neither of them noticed what I thought you were. Look, I thought you were looking for a clip. I was like, oh, did I hear, like, instead? Yeah. Oh, I can't wait to see how that worked.

01;13;32;09 - 01;13;55;09


Yeah, you were frozen, but I was, like, shaking. And, And I saw out of the corner of my eye tags came through my phone. I looked down and I was like, oh, wait, is Barrett frozen? Sorry about that. No, I unfortunately, I, I'm the one that actually had the wall. Yeah, well, we'll keep talking about the wall because it will actually, you know, there's not much to talk about.

01;13;55;09 - 01;14;22;10


There really wasn't. Oh, wait. No, there is one more thing because on top of that, for Quinn's horrible, no good, terrible, bad week, he had to watch. After the competition ended, Tucker slowly, just doing a little sliding maneuver over to Angela as she basically just drops, just like a reverse of the veto medallion when she looked up into the face of God and saw Tucker putting the veto on her face, put the h.o.h key around his neck.

01;14;22;14 - 01;14;49;17


The H.o.h that was Quinn's last week. Quinn's h.o.h key putting around the neck of Tucker as everyone else joins in on this like backyard bash and like, slides in the in all of like the remaining glue from the wall comp is Quinn is just like defeated over to the side, realizing that how many millions of people are going to watch him not take a deal and then immediately lose an endurance competition, I just felt like I should point that out as well.

01;14;49;17 - 01;15;13;11


To add to Quinn's mindset going into this week, because honestly, I'm really starting to feel bad. The more that I think about it, I feel bad for him. I do because I'm just like, I just I don't dislike anyone in the cast, so it's like hard for me. You know, usually there's people that I'm like, I cannot stand them.

01;15;13;13 - 01;15;43;15


This year. The people I couldn't stand went out one and two, so and three so I don't have all these. No. Absolutely not. I don't like glitter and I don't like Lisa, who drafted Hurricane. Oh no. Who did drafter. Wow. Me. But she's the last the last pick. Yeah. So Roxy didn't really have a choice. She did. It was between her and Brooklyn.

01;15;43;15 - 01;16;06;16


And I didn't want Brooklyn. What I thought was between her and Kenny. No, it was between her. Exaggerate, man. No, it was not. I would have taken Cedric. You quit lying. It was. Yeah, definitely. No. Her in Brooklyn, I have Brooklyn. That's right. Now, we did the snake draft. Zach. So it was Lisa in Brooklyn. Why was Zach always trying to start something you want?

01;16;06;19 - 01;16;24;20


If you want to be starting something like Brooklyn's like Brooklyn. Yeah, exactly. I probably got funny that you said that because I was thinking it in my head, but I was like, nobody's going to know that. Nobody's going to get this. let's take a look at the the draft real quick, because Zach made a beautiful graphic to show you.

01;16;24;20 - 01;16;58;10


Did actually updated one. I was proud of you, Zach. We were all proud of you. So here we are. Here's the standings. only Nick has all four of his players remaining. The only downside is that, those four players are Leah, cam, Chelsea and Brooklyn. Like, So I think unless something apps solutely bonkers happens this week, Nick, you will lose one of your four players.

01;16;58;20 - 01;17;18;10


because in fact, three of them might be on the block together as of tomorrow night. They make a final, just a recap for people that haven't kept up with this week of Big Brother. We have Tucker is the H.o.h. As we saw tonight. We have cam, Brooklyn and Quinn on the block as we saw tonight, but spoiler alerts for the veto competition if you just don't know the the results of that.

01;17;18;12 - 01;17;39;24


Tucker, unsurprisingly also won the veto competition and unsurprisingly is planning to do something with the veto. He told Quinn European don't worry about it. And then he also told Quinn, I'll use the veto on you if I win, but only if you don't tell anyone that I will. And Quinn, what did he do? Naturally, he told Brooklyn. And then that information got shared.

01;17;39;27 - 01;18;05;27


But Tucker is still highly considering on using the veto. Using the veto on Quinn in which case Chelsea will be the replacement nominee. So, Nick, I'm so sorry that 304 players will probably be on the block as of tomorrow, but who does he want to go home? still Boston? He wants to say no. Yeah. Chelsea in. But t core and chemo are very much like Chelsea's okay.

01;18;05;27 - 01;18;21;03


Or more mainly t core is like, I'm good with Chelsea. We don't want to get rid of Chelsea. She's pretty opposed to this. Even though Chelsea is downstairs being like I'm getting out t core next and no one can stop me. So there's a bit of there's a bit of disconnect there. So Chelsea really is probably the best option.

01;18;21;18 - 01;18;38;05


which is a crazy thing to say. I never thought we'd be in a position where back to back weeks pre jury, we would see Cedric and Chelsea go after how crazy I was on Chelsea after like the first week of the game and how high I was on Cedric after the first week of the game still. But yeah this is where we are.

01;18;38;08 - 01;18;58;08


I've lost man my drinks. Zach, you've lost sweet can okay. And you've got quite you've got a good you've got a good trio if you're a remaining team. Between time I thought I was crazy for picking Angela. Well, I still think you're crazy for doing that, but, he's making Jerry. Angela's doing great. I mean, in her own terrible way.

01;18;58;10 - 01;19;22;00


And that's the best I can say for her. Angela had great moments yet again this week. Like, she can't go a week without giving me some great, as Quinn would put it, TV moments and my favorite Angela moment this week in everyone's because it was one of the few that she really got to show off was her forcing herself into the Tanks Alliance, which was the 5.0 so good.

01;19;22;29 - 01;19;41;04


listen everyone just do that in life. Like you see a group of people and you're like, think they're cool? I want to be a part of that. And you just walk up and go, hey, can I join your little group here? Why? Yeah. Can we just normalize doing that? I forgot the part where she was. You forget them.

01;19;41;04 - 01;20;09;29


I was just listening at the door. Oh, yeah? Yeah. No, they're cool, but you're listening. Like she was laying on the ground. And it's insane because, like, Angela still approaches these people to be in alliance. And I'm going to be distanced from myself from, accidentally kicking my ass yet again when I make this point. Angela walks up to this alliance and just says, can I please be in this?

01;20;10;05 - 01;20;24;15


Like I know everything and you kind of have no choice, but can you please include me in this? Because, like, you really, I mean, I'm going to be honest with you. I'm going to walk down those stairs and rat all of you out if you don't say that I'm in this right now. and they're all just like, yeah, you can be on it.

01;20;24;15 - 01;20;49;27


And then she says, I can be on the bottom. Like who? Who in the world approaches an alliance and just says, I will gladly be on the bottom of your alliance? besides, Angela, no one I did. It's it's crazy. And then, furthermore, she has been, like, back and forth being like, nobody talks game with me. In the meantime, it's like actively like Joseph is trying to talk game with Angela, like her alliance is trying to include her on these things.

01;20;49;27 - 01;21;09;14


And she's still sitting there in the corner, like, I just can't. I just can't do it. No one wants to talk to me. No one. No one wants to do it. No one wants to play this game with me. And it's like you're in an alliance. You are in an alliance that is in power this week. I don't know what you want out of any of this right now, but I'm living for Angela.

01;21;09;14 - 01;21;33;29


Keep her in as long as we possibly can. I stay with you? It was like nobody talks game to me. I mean, I hear all the game talk because I'm eavesdropping, but nobody's saying it to me. And let's not forget the first two nights of this game. Joseph walks off there and forms a majority alliance with Angela, who was in power, and she thought that was fake.

01;21;34;01 - 01;22;01;16


Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Because she is delusional most of the time. But you know what? It's okay. I do entertaining and I like her. I do feel bad when she's like by yourself and just, like, crying, though. I don't like seeing that. Yeah, that's why she's giving Karen from Bebe 5.5. I agree Zach you know and more time is going on.

01;22;01;16 - 01;22;25;10


All right. Yeah I need yeah I get it. I don't get it. It's not that I've never seen it. Even though I'm the one who told Zach to watch Bebe Canada in the first place. I literally didn't direct that towards anyone. First off I know so. But you thought it in your head. I could tell I was easier and I heard you.

01;22;25;12 - 01;22;54;06


Oh my gosh, what are you gonna say now? I know who your realtor is. I don't know what that means because Angel is a realtor. Oh, yes she is. I don't think I had any other Angela moments that I wanted to. I'm going to open up my notes page again because my computer turned off. As I say. Are we going to talk about how they literally reacted, how I said they were going to react?

01;22;54;08 - 01;23;13;01


Oh my gosh, we have such a deep fake. We have. Oh yes. That's such a good point. Yes. We forgot, well, in this case you wrote everything was right. because we have the difficult shortage for Angela Winds. We have the. We haven't talked anything about the Angela's H.o.h competition yet. but Angela wins the head to head h.o.h.

01;23;13;03 - 01;23;38;25


She picks Brooklyn a million times in a row. Even though Brooklyn also picked Angela to go up there like, why are you mad? anyway, so Angela wins. Does her little, has her little celebration, and then we have the deepfake h.o.h, which we have been longer waiting for the reveal of how that was going to work. and it was, it was I want to go back and actually look at what we all thought would happen, but I feel like it was pretty accurate.

01;23;38;25 - 01;23;56;02


Like you said, Zach, we I feel like we all said they're going to be there. And then Angela's going to turn into a character that looks like the H.o.h, and then they're going to just pretend they're doing the moms, and everyone's going to just pretend like they're interested in any of it. And Angela, who said, hey, that that's not me.

01;23;56;02 - 01;24;17;19


That's not me. That's I loved that. I loved that Angela kept being like, I didn't say that. That I did not like this. This is the first time Angela's ever seen. And I character in her life. So it was someone so like, yeah, she's like a parent that that gets a FaceTime call and doesn't know how to work it.

01;24;17;22 - 01;24;39;00


She really was committed, though, and I liked that she was because it made the moment funnier for me, and it made it less stupid because it got to cut to Angela every now. And she was just like, no, I didn't, I didn't do that. And it's so stupid because the edited show literally shows how everybody knows about the deepfake.

01;24;39;03 - 01;25;03;02


Yeah, definitely the show that everyone knows. Yes. It's like everyone knows it was outed to everyone. And then the next episode. That's not me. I didn't say that. What you mean? Julie called it a secret power. It was so funny. yeah. Ridiculous. And then all of a sudden, I see not just one, but two. Angela's. Oh, we going to deal with this?

01;25;03;04 - 01;25;25;01


I'm going to is part of the whole thing. Was Angela going? What else do they have? I was like, girl, like, she's really going for that award. Like, yeah. Oh, and Angela's fake crying. I forgot to mention that in the Sunday's episode last week. Oh, yeah. With Brooklyn. Yeah. She said they can't come out. They're just not coming out.

01;25;25;01 - 01;25;46;23


I don't know, I can't do it. It's just a really dry look at the camera. She's like, yeah Angela. Oh my eyes. For our listeners, I can't believe we went 26 seasons of the show that have an Angela on it. Like, I kind of blows my mind. I guess. She was busy on Doctor Phil and, all the other shows, but, like, I'm glad we finally got her to come around for the CBS show.

01;25;46;25 - 01;26;17;18


She was booked and busy. Well, they've all done other I mean, not all that was excessive. Several of them have done other shows. Yeah, like when he was on cops. Rubina was on. oh. She on some sort of like like music. Yeah. Thing in the show thing? Yeah. Cedric was in the Young and the beautiful. Well, he's related to somebody famous right now.

01;26;17;18 - 01;26;50;16


Isn't Chelsea related to somebody famous? Yeah, she's. She's related to. I forgot her name. Nancy. I can't thank you, Minaj. No, no, not Nicki Minaj. Niecy. She's hosted, like, some home improvement shows. And Niecy, like. Yes. Thank you. That was move that bus in there. I think I don't know, I don't know for sure at her cousin something.

01;26;50;18 - 01;27;34;05


Yeah. Then segment is like, related to, somebody who was. A Cincinnati Reds ball player. And he's married to somebody from in Vogue. and then Tucker is related to Amanda Zimmerman. Both. Is that Carmen, Amanda Zuckerman? Yeah. They're cousins. He can't even. I can't because him and Zach are related to you. I love it when you just breakneck like, I feel like it takes a lot for Nick to be like, I'm just and stop.

01;27;34;12 - 01;27;59;20


And so the fact that Nick that you drive Nick to that is really funny to me. Sorry, Nick. It's okay. At least I know people's last names. But yeah. Beckerman. Zimmerman. Yeah, I get it. Roxy. What I understood. Yeah, I you get it. All right. let me let me see what else I got. Did I have any other Angela moments before I move on from Angela?

01;27;59;20 - 01;28;22;16


Fake crying. I character who, she desperately wants to join the alliance. then we see the Sixth Avenue form. We saw that a little bit tonight as well. Which sixth Avenue and Joseph Key motif core, Angela Tucker and Rubina. And they're going to run the game. They're going to change the world. Oh, yeah. We're also Angela is the first two time H.o.h.

01;28;22;19 - 01;28;42;04


She was going for third on that wall. She almost did it. She said, I can't, I can, I can do this. I can't do this. This is me doing anything in life. I can do this. Nope. Can't do it. Actually, yeah, I thought about it. I actually can't do that at all. I was just lying to myself and everyone else cannot do it.

01;28;42;04 - 01;29;08;27


And what about the, brain surge competition? The P of the last. yes. So we had a little bit of, I have I have, I'm a little iffy on that veto last week, so I'm gonna see if I can find pics of it to, to support our argument here. But so the veto competition, it was, everyone step on the colored tiles and don't step on the wrong ones or else you got to go starting and basically Squid Game, but without the dying part of it.

01;29;10;16 - 01;29;29;24


to go, and then he just had a:

01;29;30;10 - 01;29;54;29


I did love. And I'm gonna bring up Angela again. I did love Angela being very terrible at the competition. Like stepping on the same one so many times. And I think someone, like, did someone, like, screenshot it, and it was like both of her tiles on that rover, like red at one point, I don't know, I thought I saw that somewhere, but Angela stepping on that same exact spot like six times in a row and that edit was, was really fun for me.

01;29;55;05 - 01;30;22;13


I just. Do you think she threw it? No. No angels. Angela, don't throw anything, okay? Don't tell me. Yeah, something. Something tells me because it's basically it's memory. There's some memory to it. And I feel like Angela has a pretty good memory. I feel like she threw it. She. She going to throw you on the block? Zach Perez, that's what she's going to do.

01;30;22;16 - 01;30;50;23


I don't know, Angela master won, but his button didn't work. His button didn't work. That's what they said. Oh okay. Could you just, like, hop over the last square and hit your button now in the same way that Cedric could have just sabotaged McKenzie in the AI arena because they didn't say it in the rules. Just got over and just, like, pushed all of her balls that she rolled up off of her, off of her platform because he was thinking about doing it.

01;30;50;23 - 01;31;14;24


And if that would have happened on live television, it would have been, that would have been Julie would have needed or would have broke her. Yeah, she would have been broken like Cedric, stop! Cedric Young. Cedric. Cedric, that said set said that set. I don't think they would have known what to do if Cedric just ran over there and started messing with their entire platform.

01;31;14;27 - 01;31;38;27


Like, would they have let him just do it? And then afterwards been like, I don't think because he would have had to do it for a really long time because Ruby like that took like two, three minutes in total. So Rubina just would have been Roland, and Cedric would have just kept like, pushing them off. Like every time McKenzie rolled, just maybe even tossing him across the backyard, then making her like, go get them back a little at first thing, like, yeah, yeah.

01;31;38;28 - 01;31;59;26


At first I thought that they were doing the, you know, make the ball go back and forth and they had to go to the end and toss it. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, that's what I thought was gonna be. At first I was like, that's like a that takes a little 100 times. Yeah, yeah. And I'm just like, oh, we're just going to sit here the whole time and watch it live, okay.

01;31;59;28 - 01;32;28;08


Yeah, I wow. When Rubina was actually like getting momentum in that competition I that's when it my heart started to realize that the rate was high. The rate was high. and then just fall down them. I didn't fall down. I stayed upright, thankfully. Unlike unlike Nick, I couldn't help it. No, I understood it. I understand I was I had accepted she was out of the game.

01;32;28;08 - 01;32;53;18


Like I have no idea. All that work. I was in such a bad mood because I was like, she's literally going home for no reason. And then if it was, it was great. Wait, if we do happen, if she stay safe or her and Cedric or still on the block, wouldn't she still stay? I have less faith in it then.

01;32;53;19 - 01;33;16;08


No, that wasn't the plan. They were only going to do it if it was against Rubina because they wanted Rubina to stay. It had nothing like that's where I was like, I feel like McKenzie would have just left, right? This wasn't about getting Cedric out. This was about keeping Romina. Yeah, yeah, I thought this was about attacking the Pentagon, blowing it up.

01;33;16;10 - 01;33;38;16


I don't like that phrasing at all, but that's which the FBI is coming. Yeah. Watch, watch. The way you talked about this game, I said it was. It wasn't about that. It was about that for me. That's why I wanted it to happen. That's why Roxy voted Cedric out. Yeah. You know, when she. When she called me. Sorry.

01;33;39;23 - 01;34;04;00


it for 44, it was about keeping Romina for chemo, maybe about blowing it up because he knew that they were on the bottom, but for sure, she still wanted to work with them. Even after she kept Romina, she. It was a whole thing. It was a whole thing. That's sad, but it's scary. But to him, if Mackenzie was against Cedric, she doesn't want to keep McKenzie.

01;34;04;00 - 01;34;29;01


So obviously McKenzie's going home. Gotcha. But McKenzie gets to stay and run this house. Period, right, Nick? Am I right? That's my girl. God told me the. What's her plan, Nick? What she got to do? Tell us you guys got to do to win this game. God told her she's already winning. So. Oh, okay. This got. That's it, that's it.

01;34;29;01 - 01;34;53;08


That's the plan. I wish that God would tell her that, her reads on the house are terrible. Because they are. He. It's like, okay, so you saved yourself during, the I comp, you didn't go home, and then you immediately align yourself with the very people who were on the wrong side of the vote this week. Super smart.

01;34;53;10 - 01;35;21;28


Great idea. And you know, the thing that gets me to is like, her and Tucker had a conversation like right after the episode on Thursday, and she was like, I could tell people were like, pissed that, I was yeah, that she won. Yeah. Because, like, I mean, when you think about it too, in the past, like the arenas, they were like screaming and like Angela Ryan thing and like, it was just like this big, huge thing.

01;35;22;05 - 01;35;40;18


And like, Mackenzie won and they were like, oh, well, what is going to happen now? And so I feel like she caught on to that. And Tucker said to her to like, you know, you could tell a lot about where you lie in the house based off of people's reactions when you win things. And I thought that was such a good quote.

01;35;40;18 - 01;36;09;10


And I was like, I really like that, because you could really tell, like, people are pissed off when you win something and you're like, oh, why are you going to vote my ass out? Like, so you know why she's doing this. But you know, the funniest, the funniest thing that's happened is whenever after the h.o.h competition at like, five, 6 a.m. or something, or maybe four, she.

01;36;09;12 - 01;36;58;07


When they weren't in the rock room. Rock, like, you know. Yeah. An hour. Yeah. I wasn't gonna say anything. She goes upstairs to knock on the door to go talk with Tucker and literally everyone in there. Mom is in there. The the sixth Avenue, minus Joseph and Rubina and, Angela Hyde and I look at it just looks like Tucker is talking to chemo, and, Tucker, she goes downstairs and just is waiting there for hours to go up there to have a conversation with the energy.

01;36;58;10 - 01;37;11;02


And and people. People were comparing it to Angela from survivor, asking Natalie for her jacket.

01;37;11;05 - 01;37;32;16


I don't know this moment, but I will, I will, I know the reference, but I don't see the comparison. As she was trying to go to the H.o.h, Drew Tucker wouldn't let her in. You wouldn't get Tucker would let you into the room. Zach I wouldn't get it. I've never heard of this show you speak of called survivor.

01;37;32;18 - 01;37;43;24


Tucker would like me because I'd be like chemo, so. Yeah. Oh, Zach, you want to play a game? I'll cook my.

01;37;43;26 - 01;38;09;06


I'm going to be Julie. You're going to be Quinn. Hi, Quinn. Hey. Thank you, thank you. I don't know why that entered my mind is the thing that we should do about two minutes ago, and I haven't stopped thinking about it. I was waiting for, a good point to do that. So, we'll continue on.

01;38;09;08 - 01;38;28;14


All right. Who have we not really talked about? I know we haven't talked about like the we talked about the veto competition. We did not talk about the lead up to the veto ceremony, which was enjoy Bill in and of itself because you have Tucker basically saying like I might might just not use the veto. You know, I started this started this feud with Cedric.

01;38;28;26 - 01;38;50;08


I got to finish it with Cedric. And Angela is just like, oh, I brought up painting again. Better not just like, please don't do that. Please don't do that. Tucker, I'm begging you. Please do not do that. You're better not. Yes. Channel and Renee, you better not wear our Angela and Renee. They're not the same age now, but, like, are they the same age when they were cast on Big Brother?

01;38;50;11 - 01;39;18;17


Because Angela's, like, 52 or she just celebrated a birthday? So is Angela, 53. Now, let me see. I don't I'm not sure. I don't know how running was. Angela is 51, right? I just know Renee was a phenomenal Renee. and ironic. You know, this has been such a fantastic season so far. And when was season one plus two?

01;39;18;19 - 01;39;49;10


Sam. Yeah, something to keep. Keep casting people in their 50s. Yeah. Ass minus Kenny, minus sweet Kenny. K yeah, or Benny for that matter. You put Glenn fingers in people's faces, it's inappropriate. I would say that we'll never get a moment like that again, but Angela Arias already had, like, three of those moments. Yeah, actually, no more than three of those moments that I will quote for eternity in Big Brother.

01;39;49;10 - 01;40;14;23


So I'm very thankful for Crazy Eyes. For me, it gets me literally every single time. Still, I would never, ever do that to you. Oh. Angela. okay. We let's see what else. What else is going on? We had the. Okay, I stop talking about the veto meeting, but there was a whole build up. Everyone was really excited for Tucker not to use the veto.

01;40;14;23 - 01;40;35;10


He use the veto. He disappointed everyone. I love seeing and I love seeing Quinn and Brooklyn both get really excited thinking that he might not use it because I knew the whole time that he was going to use it. I loved it, I loved, yeah, I loved it, like he's so unpredictable that they're like, is he actually going to leave himself?

01;40;35;10 - 01;41;03;24


I mean, because he did it the week before and like they just have he I think that he just feeds off of the chaos and me too. So is that really frozen? Yeah. I'm still here while you're frozen. I know he's just he's just like that. He's just got that internet to him. I know. Yeah. Thanks. Just so this is how he is.

01;41;03;24 - 01;41;34;29


So he always is. okay, so people in this house that do exist that I've yet to talk about. Erb. Okay, I'll style CBS. I'm sorry. I haven't talked a lot about Joseph. I feel like he's just kind of an important person. in in the sixth Avenue in the early formation. I also just someone that I find interesting in this game because I think he thinks that he's way better at this game than he actually is.

01;41;35;02 - 01;41;57;21


And I, I do grow concerned because, I think that he thinks that he's running this game. He's not saying, hey, but I think thing is, coming back is right in this game. Yeah. Yes. And and then Joseph is like, now he's kind of crushing on Leah a lot. And I'm like, I'm I'm worried about that too.

01;41;57;21 - 01;42;25;15


And, try to form a final or tried to form bring in Leah to a final three that he already has a ticker in chemo. last night. And I'm like, what are you what do we do? Why are we doing this thing? And, like, and Leah has not trusted with any info and also cannot help. So like why or why are we I mean like Leah can be a vote but also Leah talks to everybody about a lot of things and so like she's just not trusted or she shouldn't be trusted.

01;42;25;15 - 01;42;44;20


And Leah got a door slammed in her face and still probably thinks that she has. There's an avenue with Brooklyn, maybe not a Sixth Avenue with Brooklyn, but an avenue nonetheless. and so I just Joseph confuses me, and he thinks that he's, like, super like he had a moment where he was with Tucker, and he's like, I know more about this game than Quinn.

01;42;44;26 - 01;43;00;29


Like, he keeps trying to talk to me about Big Brother to me. But like, I know about I know I know more about this game and I do enjoy Joseph's like shit talking rants that he has at times. because he's knows more about this game than Quinn. Yeah. You know, he knows more about the guy who has a Zubac cutout in his bedroom, I guess.

01;43;01;16 - 01;43;22;25


but, I mean, he's playing a better game than him, so. Well, I didn't think much. I just I also don't know if, like, someone's going to win h.o.h and be like, I got to get Joseph out of here. That guy just. He's the brains of the operation. He's the. I can't I can't get a read on him.

01;43;22;25 - 01;43;41;00


Like, I think Joseph is probably one of the easier people to get a read on. And his final two that he has with Tucker is the most non secretive final two I've ever seen in my life. Like he's he might as well be saying in conversations, well, I gotta run this by Tucker first. maybe like I gotta see what Tucker says, and then I'll get back to you.

01;43;41;00 - 01;44;08;29


Like, he is enamored with Tucker in the way that, like, America is enamored with. Oh, great. Aren't we all like, you know, he he has Big Brother Twitter living in the Big Brother house with Tucker right now. He's like, I will worship the ground that you walk on. He is as well. I think that's part honestly, I think that's part of why Joseph wanted to flip and save Ribena is because that was a Tucker's want.

01;44;08;29 - 01;44;43;01


And he knew that. Joseph knew that. He's like, oh, America must love Tucker because they put Quinn up, you know, like so. I mean, Quinn also thought that, but I think I think for Joseph, he was like, I don't want to be on the side of the house that everybody hates every. If America loves Tucker, maybe I should try to migrate over there.

01;44;43;01 - 01;45;06;27


So I do think that that played into it a little bit. Whereas Quinn was like, America loves Tucker because they put me on the block, which means they hate me. And guess what, America, I don't care. He is my arch nemesis. So yeah, it's different outcomes. Joseph really said, oh, this guy got nominated by America. Maybe I don't want to hang out with you anymore.

01;45;06;29 - 01;45;29;26


It just kind of rolled with that for a while. So. But we are here now with Joseph just I mean Tucker. Tucker. Tucker I like the same, though I did not like how in the episode they watch that clip of like Dan and Ian and I was like, oh yeah, where even is like the comparison here? Like, thank you.

01;45;29;27 - 01;45;55;01


They say that they just like randomly pull the final two that made it to the like end together. And we're like, this is that I was like, where who is Ian and who was Dan? Because I don't see the comparison at all. They he literally just said nobody expected these two to work together. So we're all that could be applied to most duos in any season that have ever happened to Big Brother.

01;45;55;04 - 01;46;17;29


Oh, yeah. Nobody wants us to work together, Name one. Name a woman. No I'm not. I said name one. No, I was I know that you said that. I was quoting Billy on the street, but, there are many duos. Did you ever expect Cliff and Nicole Anthony to mirror? Yes. Danielle and Jason. You never would have seen that coming.

01;46;17;29 - 01;46;43;12


Did you? Yeah. Do you ever see Tyler, Chris and Casey Clark? teaming up? I didn't I didn't even know about it until the final five. Zack. That's how I got it. Two guys, you know, two guys. Two guys. Would you have ever expected Jack Matthews and Jackson Mikey to get into an alliance. put those two guys in a room.

01;46;43;12 - 01;47;08;08


You ever expect them to work together? I don't think so. To to. I can't pull it for you. Yep. Oh, yeah. That was the that was the the day 53. Like leak. Yeah. The satellite leak at night. Remember when we hacked into the Big Brother satellites? Someone hacked into Big Brother satellites and just was like, here is, Julie talking to the crowd?

01;47;08;09 - 01;47;27;20


That was pretty weird at the time to live in, one of my talk. Oh, yeah. Nick, you brought up the Wednesday's episode for me now, in which I have many notes that I have not going over yet, so I'm going to take my time to do that now. First of all, there was a moment where Cedric was like, I don't know if I should have been the pawn.

01;47;27;23 - 01;47;53;29


Yeah, but I thought and then immediately we get a segment on Leo of all people, Leo, where she just talks about how chill that she is and how she's just watching everyone do their thing. And I was like, what are we? Why is this in here? Like, how am I like doing my job like this too? Like when it was her and Joseph in the backyard and Leah has all these days where she's just like, I'm going to take my time on this one.

01;47;53;29 - 01;48;09;17


But the this one is the game of Big Brother. Like she's just waiting for something to happen. I don't know, that's so unstable. You literally just get. I promise. I didn't try to steal that from you, but I don't know if you'll ever believe me on that. But that's what I'm saying. There are like three people right now.

01;48;09;19 - 01;48;35;20


One of them is iffy because if one person gets h.o.h, she's definitely gunning for her. But there are three people right now that's no one's got to gun for them because they're like, it'd be a waste of an h.o.h. One of them is, Joseph, another one is Leah. Unless. No, wait, no, that's not the one. The other one is Angela.

01;48;35;22 - 01;48;46;27


Unless Mackenzie gets h.o.h, that's the only one. But I think that she's right. So Mackenzie is a part of that group, too?

01;48;46;29 - 01;49;11;17


I guess I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I feel she's a spokesperson for Mackenzie. There's really nothing you can do and sign. Yeah, for people. That's our final four right there. Can you imagine? That is our final four. And Leah wins. Like, I want this game and Leah wins. The first pick of the draft. Wins. Who would've thought?

01;49;11;19 - 01;49;34;24


My pick. My winner pick manager. oh. My quote of the week. I'm so sorry. What did you say? Nick? Nothing, I just said. Then why didn't you pick her when he said it wasn't true? Yeah, I never had. I got third pick because of Barrett's rigged rake rig. Could of rigged. We all should have given me money.

01;49;34;24 - 01;50;02;01


I would have made your name bigger on the wheel. This is very transactional, this podcast. So, Oh, yeah. So one of my favorite quotes of the week is Tucker at the end of Wednesday's episode. And he said, it's very well put. I've got one thing on my mind and that's winning the Big Brother game. I just like that he said the Big Brother game, because that tells me he doesn't really know how to phrase Big Brother in a sentence, and that's winning.

01;50;02;04 - 01;50;23;20


He's the only one viewing this as an actual game. Everybody else use it as personal. And he's like, this is fun. I mean, pretty much well, no, he got called a dork patron, and now he's been on a bender ever since. So you tell me who's taking the personal right now. I love Tucker, by the way. I don't think he is.

01;50;23;23 - 01;50;39;17


He's never been more offended by anything in his life than being called dork on and on TV. That is not true. Sorry. I mean, he's talking about it right now on the feeds he's not yet has. And start talking about it. He did confront I don't I saw before he went live. I don't know if he was talking to Quinn.

01;50;39;17 - 01;50;57;05


He was talking more about Quinn, like saying to Brooklyn, about him being in the pawn and that he was going to take him. So are you going to take one off the block if he won the veto? But I don't know exactly where he might face. Why you're not talking about the first confirmed showmance of the season.

01;50;58;25 - 01;51;25;25


because obviously I was saving it for the hour and 51 minute mark of this podcast. Zach, they literally christened the H.o.h Room with the kids. Oh, okay. Okay. I was about to say, let's relax. Yeah. I didn't like that. You how you started. That's it. But I guess I didn't either. I was about to be like, no more rumors.

01;51;25;28 - 01;51;54;12


I feel like we talked about Two Burner last week, and I feel like it is not shocking when it's ruled out last week because they had. No, they weren't. And then they finally kissed. Okay, okay, okay. Apparently I'm not the showmance expert this season, so. Well, Mackenzie will find her showmance and then you will stand that showmance. I don't know who that will be with at this point, Nick, because the men are being evicted left and right this season.

01;51;54;12 - 01;52;24;02


She's in a showmance with, big in the show. anyways, the star of the show, Joseph. Not everybody. Brother Tucker, he has, yeah, she has a crush on Tucker because he said that he likes, girls with curly hair. And now she's been wearing her curly hair. Curly. Now. Yeah. We don't talk Christmas in program. Yeah.

01;52;24;05 - 01;52;45;13


We did is, Yeah. Mackenzie didn't have curly hair for, like, a month in this game. And now every time I feel like I see her on a screenshot or anything, or on the episodes or whatever on the feeds, it's curly hair. Mackenzie and curly hair. Tyler. Crispin, welcome back to the game. Yes, I mean, might as well.

01;52;45;14 - 01;53;13;26


Longtime friend of the longtime friend of the show. Like a long time friend of the podcast, Tyler Christman. we know you're watching. Thanks, Tyler. We love your support. anyway, let's talk about the game. Let's talk about the, oh, real quick tidbit. We we did the Diary Room count last week or ten days ago, and now I want you all to guess who has the most.

01;53;13;28 - 01;53;32;26


As of Thursday's episode, it's not updated fully. And let me check to make sure that it's not up to the day. Angela. Talk. Okay, so it's that guess Angela, you have Tucker for Roxie's guess. Nick. What is your guess?

01;53;33;23 - 01;53;58;17


you can have you have the ability to guess anybody. Don't feel like. I don't feel like. Because I still feel like it's Angela. Because I remember her and Cedric were the top two. Okay? And so it was Cedric the right? So. Right. So he had a narrow lead, going into his his demise week. So now, as it stands, as of Thursday, I need an update.

01;53;58;28 - 01;54;27;09


soon from Ariel, the person who keeps stealing these scraps from Ariel for for letting me. Just like I just steal your tweets. I'm so sorry about that. okay. the top three in third place, we have Tucker with 78 in second place. Actually, I'm just gonna jump to first place because that's a bit anticlimactic. It's Angela with 84 diary room.

01;54;27;09 - 01;54;50;15


Sounds. She has 11 more. that is crazy. That Cedric was had that many doctors, in my opinion. I know he didn't. It didn't feel like it, did it? No, because I feel like he wasn't even like. Like, okay, he was relevant, but like, he won the h.o.h. And then he was on the blocks. Like, I get like, two weeks worth of, like, a lot of confessionals.

01;54;50;15 - 01;55;13;23


But like that much, it's just I don't know, he just was not like, I can't. Zach's frozen. I know, I'm so sorry. Yeah, I just noticed that too. And it's like a really good moment for him. He is excited about this, bro. And he's a fucking he's oh my God. He's so. Oh that was so good. Yeah, it was so good.

01;55;13;25 - 01;55;37;07


I saw his tongue move. Were you really not frozen? He wasn't. Oh no I was that was actually say it. Thank God it is scary how good you were at that. I totally thought you were frozen. Okay. Do it. Get right.

01;55;37;23 - 01;56;04;11


the, How are you this good at it? That's exactly what you look like. Frozen. Okay, but that's crazy. you have a you have a secret talent. This this is talent. Everyone follow these. Zach Perez for more content like the frozen king, the frozen keg of self. sorry. That was a really great moment. I'm really excited now.

01;56;05;16 - 01;56;29;28


Dayroom count. Yes. So, cam still at the bottom. much like Angela in the Sixth Avenue Alliance, and he has a whopping 18 diary room sessions. One of those tonight, I believe, included him saying, I, I know how to win. I always win something about winning as as he is now. Yeah, yeah. Is he still is yet to win a competition.

01;56;29;28 - 01;56;48;18


So it was a very bold thing for him to say. is he throwing them? I think so I remember it was weird the way he got off the wall there, I feel. Yeah. How did he get off the wall and just look like he stepped off? Like he was like. You know what? And then. And then just step down.

01;56;48;18 - 01;57;11;22


And I was like. I also thought it was part of the rules that your feet had to stay on the thing, but I guess not. because he was on one foot. Yeah. He was like, dangling, slipping and sliding. It happens. All these things happen on the wall. The wall gets crazy. How about that? He says he's throwing them.

01;57;11;22 - 01;57;29;00


That's what I would say, too, if I was losing all of them as well. Yeah, but I will say that first week the three C's were all talking about throwing the second week. So there is a good chance he was throwing something. but I wouldn't count on it. I mean, like, it's one thing to say you're going to throw a competition, but you really want to.

01;57;29;02 - 01;57;52;07


You really want to do that. I mean, that's the same reason Kenny wanted to go home because he couldn't win anything. But he would never say that. And it can't get second in Angela's second. H.o.h when, the knockout comp was he second place? Was that question. I think you actually want to get someone else. Sam wasn't Sam.

01;57;52;09 - 01;58;16;08


Yeah. Also, can I say for that competition, I, I did not need to be beaten over the head every single round with. I saw that this person was missing. Oh, my God, it was so dramatic. And so for that reason, I decided to pick a. And then they did that for like three different times. Like I notice that in this picture.

01;58;16;09 - 01;58;39;27


Yeah, that there was this thing wrong with it. And so for that reason I decided that I should pick B and then I locked in my answer. They will. You know, I've noticed I think they even got into specific details and would be like, I noticed that Mimi from season 25 of Big Brother had an eyeball on the top of her forehead, and it was like, can we please just get on with it?

01;58;39;27 - 01;58;59;11


Like we got it? I notice that they don't they don't they don't repeat letters, for the same answer so that there's a down to two answers. So I guessed a before Tucker could even boson and I win. Here I go. Yeah, I'm here I go. But if you did that as well, they're narrating like, every single thing.

01;58;59;13 - 01;59;23;19


Like, I get it, I get it after one round. Guys, you don't have to show me any more on earth. So Angela picks me twice. Mistake. Who cares that I also picked her? Who cares? It's a good time. I'm in an alliance and she's alone so I can pick her. She can't pick me, though, because I'm an alliance.

01;59;23;22 - 01;59;30;22


I'm a wife that gave birth. I'm a Texan wife.

01;59;30;24 - 02;00;00;23


And I picked B because I saw that Mimi had five hands. I mean, Chris, I don't it's different energy tonight. I don't know, it's the computer. I'm worried that it's going to turn off. And so I feel like I got to get all my thoughts out before it happens. Yeah. Did you serious with with this scrunchy thing? You told me to put it on, and now you told me that if I made you one, you would wear it for an entirety of the podcast.

02;00;00;23 - 02;00;25;08


So I got excited, and then you stripped it to me, and I put it on before the podcast, and then you and Nick said, it looks like a penis. And then I thought, maybe I shouldn't go live on the podcast with it on my head. And then what happened? I don't know what does it right now, but it did when it was hanging down in front of your God look like a limp penis.

02;00;25;10 - 02;00;36;03


I wanted you to fix it. I didn't want it like that. I didn't like it. It's.

02;00;36;06 - 02;01;00;04


What else do we need to talk about? Not this. I know that. Who will win the POV competition? I see? Yeah, it's about time for that. Zach. let's let's let's preview the next week of Big Brother. Everyone in the only way that we know how, which is the Zach Perez setting it all up for us. So, Zach, please take it away.

02;01;00;04 - 02;01;28;11


Tell us what's going to be coming up on this week of Big Brother, even though we don't even know what yet. And what can you say? Oh, okay. Three winners. I think we discussed the game, but on Thursday or on Wednesday we are back for the POV competition where who will win and figure out to take someone off the block or keep the nominations the same.

02;01;28;13 - 02;01;55;28


And on Thursday we'll Keyamo and Tucker do more than thing. Find out on Sunday when we're back. Live with the H.o.h competition and discussing who has been evicted here on all reality.

02;01;56;00 - 02;02;20;09


Thank you. okay. With that being said, let's preview next week a little bit. So yeah, we didn't talk about that Tuesday episode. Oh yeah. We there was totally another episode that happened on Tuesday that I'm just completely skipping over where we saw the entirety of, all of our, our favorite players return to give very, very good analysis on the game of Big Brother.

02;02;20;13 - 02;02;36;13


I actually didn't mind that episode. I didn't take any notes from it, but I kind of had it on in the background. I enjoyed some of the stuff that they showed though, like, T core and Ki moon kind of forming their alliance on data that that was pretty cool. I instigator and the AI instigator.

02;02;36;13 - 02;03;05;05


Yes. We have a whole twin of that start Thursday. I'm hoping they just forget about it. Did you guys vote? We did. I never vote for anything. Did you vote? I, I think I haven't voted since like I'll go vote now. Maybe I vote for everything they give us. I, I typically forget to vote about on those things.

02;03;05;05 - 02;03;37;18


Unless someone like sends me a link. You know what else is very important? FIC fans voting for your community. Go to vote vote vote. Org. Oh god, I don't want to help impact. There's also another vote this November. Everybody. Oh my God, I don't. Okay, fine okay I because I'm real irritated about things about that I just don't like people.

02;03;37;20 - 02;04;03;14


I don't like people right now. Oh yeah, I, I don't like people in their stupid opinions. Hey, don't I, I won't speak anymore about it, but I, and I probably agree with you, you 100% agree with me. I think I probably agree you can only vote five times. And then if you watch an ad, you get to vote another five times.

02;04;03;17 - 02;04;35;11


There's nothing. But yeah, yeah, here you're voting for. I voted for this week. Right. The entertainment of the season. Oh, I voted for Tucker five times. I'm about to vote for Angela five times. Man, they're already getting an entertainment I think you should vote for. Like, somebody that if they have to do it, it's going to cause drama, I find it.

02;04;35;13 - 02;04;59;03


Well, I also I also think that CBS, God forbid, is not going to make this just a silly little thing. And then it's going to be like and they also get to name their nominations and vote out the h.o.h that puts them on the block. I don't know, they didn't tell us that. Yeah, I think you should vote for like like the Urkel and or Joseph.

02;04;59;03 - 02;05;28;25


Somebody who doesn't start anything with them, put him in such a bad position or like Lee or Mackenzie, like they have to do something like that. I think it would be funny. They know it's not anything I voted for Tucker. My husband. Oh, I think Tucker would be good, I think I think Joseph would be an interesting instigator, just because I want to know what he would say and who he would say it through.

02;05;29;23 - 02;05;48;07


I just, I don't know, I want to know. Yeah. I mean, is it going to be dumb, like, via the stupid I. Yes, but I mean, obviously I instigator, so nobody's going to believe it anyway so it's pointless. No no no I don't think it's entirely I think it's mostly pointless, but I don't think it's entirely pointless.

02;05;48;09 - 02;06;06;09


Maybe because they can still say what they want to say or what they want the AI to say. So it still is probably going to be like something pretty mean. That's yeah, someone is going to be like, oh, someone thinks this about me, right now, that is in this house. So I think from that perspective it could kind of like thing.

02;06;06;10 - 02;06;23;17


But, but it's like people really think it because it's in the house. People in the house. Yeah. You just don't need to vote on who's going to call it people. McDuck a tron. I need something a little bit more hard hitting than that. So, whoever you feel like is going to give the most. Yeah, I'm, like, really?

02;06;23;19 - 02;06;46;05


Yeah. Who's. Who's going to make someone quit it? It's the kid. Fact. I feel like Angela would be good for it, too. I mean, yeah, it's Whitney made her sparkle. I feel what people like clock it, though. If it was like an Angela saying, I don't know, right, but I don't. It's this what I'm saying? Like, I think people can't keep their mouths shut.

02;06;46;07 - 02;07;22;20


They'll either say they have it for five. That's exactly what would happen, you know. Want me to have it this week? People were like, Tucker going to put himself on the block. And I was like, I mean, if he could, he would. Yeah. Quinn and me, that's it. No. No, no need for a third one. Exactly. I also, I heard Kim say that he didn't know that there is going to be six people in the veto comp last week, and I that really concerned me.

02;07;22;23 - 02;07;39;00


And I just, I just I just remember that that happened. But I don't know if he was like just I don't know if he's just playing it up or what. I don't know if I got an out of context thing or what. But he said that, well, we are only four weeks into the game, Barrett. Five weeks. Five weeks.

02;07;39;00 - 02;08;06;03


Yeah, five weeks, five weeks. So I think you get it right. You get it. Nick got my hopes up because he said, oh my gosh they're playing bye be can rules. H.o.h isn't going to play in the POV competition because Lisa was saying it to Angela the first week. That Lisa just didn't know what she's talking about. Soccer I know, like, who knew?

02;08;07;10 - 02;08;24;19


you girl Lisa. Nothing else happened. But I do want to as our last thing I do just want to ask everybody a different outcome for this week and how we feel about it. So because we're not going to podcast again until next Sunday, when someone's going to be evicted from this house, we're going to have a new h.o.h and all that stuff.

02;08;24;19 - 02;08;54;00


So we got to we got to say what we want to say now before it happens. So, Nick, how are you going to feel if Chelsea is evicted this week? Ooh. I like Chelsea, so I'd be a little sad. I'm not going to lie. I would rather someone like cam go, because if you like, cam is, like, not doing anything, and he's just going to, like, skate by and then just start winning a bunch of shit.

02;08;55;02 - 02;09;21;26


and I actually like Chelsea, and I think she's been playing a decent game. but I think that that would be good in terms of, like, the game, because if you had told me like two weeks ago that Chelsea was going to be out, I'd be like, you're insane. And now we're sitting in that spot where she might be, like you said earlier, like her and Cedric leaving back to back is, like, insane.

02;09;21;29 - 02;09;46;24


And we could be living in that reality. So I think it's good TV, but I would be a little sad because I do like Chelsea, so I have no disagreements with them. Thank you very much. well, everyone can think, Nick, if Chelsea gets evicted. Roxy, how would you feel if Brooklyn were the one evicted on Thursday night?

02;09;47;09 - 02;10;22;19


I would be completely fine with that. But, you know, who cares? In the same way as a mother. As a mother with a husband. From Texas. Well, my husband's not from Texas. He's from California, but I'm from Texas. Yes. You became this. Yeah. Completely okay with it. so okay, if Tucker pulls Quinn down and puts Chelsea up and then who wins?

02;10;22;19 - 02;10;50;28


I, who wins I ooh, I think am cam. I've guessed. I feel like I've guessed wrong every single week on who's going to win I. But so calm wins and it's Brooklyn Chelsea. Yeah. Yeah they've I mean they would vote out Chelsea in that case. I think Chelsea will go home if if Brooklyn wins and it's Chelsea cam.

02;10;51;00 - 02;11;17;21


Yeah. Who goes home. So Chelsea. Chelsea I'm okay if Chelsea wins and it's Brooklyn cam Brooklyn goes one. Yeah that's. There we go. That's what I think. Yeah yeah me too I think. And to be honest I'll be fine regardless of who goes home with any of those. All right Zach how would you feel if cam went home this week?

02;11;17;23 - 02;11;44;10


He's still in the game. Exactly. I was I know cam going would probably be the most it would not be an exciting eviction if cam went home. I feel like we've reached the least exciting. eviction in that case, but, I feel like our best hope is to have Tucker use the veto tomorrow. Save Quinn. We put up Chelsea, and then.

02;11;44;12 - 02;12;03;26


I guess cam winning I arena. Is that the most fun outcome for us? And then we have a Brooklyn Chelsea showdown strategizing session. Hopefully before the vote. I don't know what cam would do to pitch for himself in that case. If he was the if he was on the block, I'd be scared to hear what his pitch would be to anybody.

02;12;04;19 - 02;12;28;08


even though I think, like, wait, regardless, I'm like, wait, don't I still vote? Yeah, I don't I don't go in there with Julie. and then after somebody gets evicted, then Quinn wins H.o.h and he puts Tucker up. Yes. Yeah. Just stop putting, Tucker. Just try to backdoor him at this point or just take it. Don't even let him compete in the veto.

02;12;28;08 - 02;12;44;14


Just don't let him do it. learn your lesson the hard way on Thursday night when he wins the I arena again. which is more fun to me if you if you make him wait until the very last day to to win that competition. But that would be a cool outcome. Quinn gets his redemption arc. He tries to.

02;12;44;14 - 02;13;06;09


At least we just get it back and forth of Quinn and Tucker. I'm here for it. I mean, yeah, I like both of them. So, you know, I mean, Tucker's way more entertaining to me. But I don't dislike Quinn. He just sometimes he tries really hard to do what he thinks fans want. And he is super wrong about all of that.

02;13;06;11 - 02;13;27;09


Yeah, and I, I don't. He also cried. So Roxie hates him. Yeah. Can't cry. No. Okay. See, you are allowed to cry. But you are not allowed to cry. All the time. You know, like, well, I don't want to say it. Never wants. It was about a different issue. I'm not going to say it. It would be mean to me.

02;13;27;09 - 02;13;54;20


Okay, I'm going to say it. I'm going to say it. It's like, the new. Well, it's about, the new, scared straight Dance Moms era era that just started. There is a kid on there that cries every freaking episode obnoxiously, and I want to be like, can we ground her collectively as, like as a nation? Because I can't take it as a country.

02;13;54;22 - 02;14;22;21


That's what the vote November's for. Actually to grow up. Yeah, and that drives me nuts. I mean, if you cry about, you know, something that that's totally fine. But when you cry all the time, I stop. Just stop it. okay. Handle it. Because I'm a main person. I'm sorry I said that about a child, but she really cries a lot.

02;14;22;22 - 02;14;50;08


It's. Yeah. And I think that that is the exact energy I want to bring into islands in the stream. Is that we should have. We should have no more crying children. Here, granny, what do you do? You watch it, Jen. You watch the new Dance Moms in the new era. It's fantastic. You love it. It's bear, Nick and Zach.

02;14;50;10 - 02;15;16;21


Who's Jen? Engines in chat. Ocean city. Well, I have yeah. Long time friend. She is. She definitely is her brother's best. Yeah. Okay, everybody, thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for watching. For the best two hours, Nick. You better pick that up. And I I'm so thankful that you were all join us every single week.

02;15;16;21 - 02;15;34;20


Please join us again next Sunday where we're going to talk about the latest eviction on Big Brother. We're going to talk about the H.o.h conflict and talk about the nominees and our predictions for the week ahead. So please join us after the Sunday episode next week. If it runs long in the future because of football, we've already decided that we're just going to go live at about the same time every night.

02;15;34;20 - 02;16;00;28


So we're not sitting here until midnight waiting for a Big Brother episode to air. So just be ready around probably 930, every Sunday going forward until we are about done with the season. I have no I have no idea why Roxy is lasted and they don't. in the meantime, if you want to keep up with all of us, you can find us on Twitter X, whatever you call it.

02;16;00;28 - 02;16;16;12


I am at Spicy Barrett. Nick is at the Nick city. Zach is at these Zach Perez. Roxy is at Roxy. Underscore Hoffman, please like this video? Subscribe to the channel. If you haven't yet, catch us on, Spotify, Apple Podcasts. Those links will be in the description below as well. Once I actually put that link tree in there.

02;16;16;12 - 02;16;43;09


And yeah, thanks everyone for watching, for listening. All the things. Big Brother 26. It's actually a good season so far. Let's hope we keep it up. I hope I didn't jinx it by saying that just now. yeah. Zach, did you want to did you want to say something before we say goodbye? Oh, yeah. Perception is reality. Our reality.

02;16;43;11 - 02;17;13;02


Stay with us. Oh, and before that. Okay. Love one another. Stay with us. Goodnight, everybody. Perception is reality. All reality. You just said that. You said. Why would you say it? You don't. Podcast. Every night. If I'm not the.

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Our Reality - Big Brother 26, Reality TV
Big Brother & Reality TV Recaps
Our Reality is a Youtube Channel and podcast surrounding Big Brother and other reality tv competition shows. Come join Spicy Barrett & Roxie Hopman as they discuss their favorite shows. With open-chat live shows, those who watch Our Reality are just as part of the podcast. So put on your weird hats and pop a squat.
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