
Published on:

24th Sep 2024

Big Brother 26 | Week 9 Recap

Recapping the ninth week in the Big Brother 26 house!

We discuss MJ's controversial HOH reign, Chelsea's manipulation, and the shocking decision to backdoor Leah. We also go over double eviction scenarios, potential targets, and shifting house dynamics. We debate the best moves for each houseguest, predict potential winners, and explore Angela's gameplay.

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00;00;00;00 - 00;00;24;26


Welcome to our reality, everyone. I don't know why you're here, but I am glad you are because we have yet another week of Big Brother 26 to go over. We have escaped Janky World, but not without any victims in her wake. One being T core, who was evicted on Thursday night by a vote of 4 to 1, and Jankie himself, who did not make it out of Jankie World.

00;00;24;28 - 00;00;46;11


And he will be dearly missed, as we saw in the approximately one minute long In Memoriam segment. On Sunday's episode last night. And going forward, we have a lot of stuff to discuss because we ended a Leia H.o.h reign that I feel like. And I'm sure many, many other people feel like. And we already discussed last week.

00;00;46;27 - 00;01;12;02


I failed H.o.h to a certain extent. And now we've seen McKenzie as the current h.o.h. Somehow double the ineffectiveness of being an h.o.h and having what is pretty unanimously, as I'm seeing the worst h.o.h of the season, maybe in some time. Who's to say there's been a lot of bad h.o.h is this season already? So I feel like part of it is the victim of this week, who will finally be heading out the door Thursday night?

00;01;12;02 - 00;01;28;13


That that is kind of inspired, that storyline. But at the same time, I can't wait to get into this because we had a lot of weird moments in this past week. Just being outside for the rest of it. And also leading up to the double eviction. So much to go over, especially when it comes to the end game.

00;01;28;13 - 00;01;43;19


And Big Brother 26. And welcome, if you're joining us for the very first time, we are live here on YouTube. If you want to catch us, not live in the future, we also are on an Apple podcast on Spotify. All that fun stuff. If you want to like this video, subscribe to the channel. That would help us out a ton.

00;01;44;00 - 00;02;06;14


My name is Barrett, everyone. And joining me, as always, is my esteemed big brother colleagues, the Nick city and the Zach Perez. Here to talk about Big Brother 26. Once again and wow. Just going to see and chat because Roxy, I need to acknowledge the lovely Roxy Huffman is not here for the second week in a row.

00;02;06;17 - 00;02;25;10


Take it up with her. It's all I can say. No. Roxy will be back, I promise. And we do miss you, Roxy. But, Nick, I'm going to go to you first. We saw T Corps go out of the house. Her first time on the block the entire season, getting evicted, heading to the jury house with one Quinn.

00;02;25;12 - 00;02;51;03


And I would like to know, what are your thoughts? Ending the week. Last week, outside Janky World. Pizza. Ice cream. Where? Cha cha cha cha. We're dance partying, and we see it. Or go out. Someone that we were all pretty high on early on in the season, especially. So what does it say about the season T Corps going out in in Janky World, splitting up this trio and how did Leia really use her power last week?

00;02;51;03 - 00;03;18;23


Would you say? Okay, so I personally think she went about it the right way. You did you decide I and that was what I was sticking with last week. You know, I really thought that she should target that trio. But now it's not looking like that was the right thing. I don't know. But regardless, I think that leaving kind of open to the open the game a little, tiny bit more.

00;03;18;23 - 00;03;38;21


Because now I feel like the only other person that's like, really like giving a lot is like Chelsea. And so I wanted someone like T core to leave because it kind of gives everyone else more of a chance to win. But yeah, I don't know. It seems like everyone's just flocking to Chelsea now. Even the people that were with T core.

00;03;39;11 - 00;03;55;10


There was that one moment where they had this week where they went to her and they were like, oh, course, that if she leaves to stick with you what it was like to Chelsea, I was like, lovely. So Chelsea just has, like, everybody now. But I don't know. I think we went about it the right way.

00;03;55;11 - 00;04;16;05


I don't think any of us predicted this happening. Really. So, Yeah, I, I just think I just think it's interesting that Lee, And, you know, Keemo laid it all out. And, Zach, I'm sorry. We're going to get to you. I know you have a lot to say about Lee and Mackenzie, and, because we've discussed it for ten minutes prior to hit me.

00;04;16;05 - 00;04;38;25


Hit and go live. I do think it's interesting that Keemo really did lay it all out for Lia to be, like, just so you understand. You can see we're a trio. You see, they're a trio. We are really bad at competitions. I mean, we are horrible. They're actually pretty good at competitions. I feel like there's something that we can work out here to where maybe we could go after the people that may win these future competitions.

00;04;38;25 - 00;05;00;02


And we can help keep you safe. And I felt like that was a very good pitch. Too little, too late in a lot of ways because it was, you know, post nominations that were doing all of this. And, I, I do feel like not going after Chelsea or at least not seeing this, hurt Chelsea and Kim as the prime targets going forward, especially in this case.

00;05;00;04 - 00;05;25;14


I get we had this moment in H.o.h where she had to keep cam safe and, she had, she's been working with MJ since the beginning of the game. That's a crazy sentence to say now. Year post veto ceremony this week, but, like, it just felt like a missed opportunity. And I know splitting up one of the trios is the ultimate goal, but Leah, immediately after that h.o.h ending saying to Angela, I feel like I made a mistake in not going after Chelsea.

00;05;25;17 - 00;05;44;11


Should tell you that maybe Leo missteps in the in the direction of the wrong trio, and I'm going to stick with that, as my answer. But anyway, we'll we'll expand on this more. Zach, I want to get to you because you've been you've been silent for almost six minutes now, and I'm sorry. Also, Jen, we can pick a better way.

00;05;44;13 - 00;06;04;22


We can pick a better name for Chelsea. But, Zach, I would do want to come to you now because we ended Janky World. We all felt a little bit janky early in the process because of it. I want to know. It's pretty similar question that I just asked. Nick, how are you feeling? Post the T core eviction and, entering this week and MJ's h.o.h run.

00;06;04;22 - 00;06;29;16


You know how to get too into the weeds with that. Just I want to know your overall feelings right now. Post decor or t core? Sorry. I'm trying to remember to say her name correctly. Taken 70 days, right? Yeah, yeah. Post t Corbin. Go on. I mean. Yeah. That's it. I mean, I really don't have much to say.

00;06;29;16 - 00;06;58;01


I mean she, she could have had a great game but she just chose not to do much. She did. She did a few moves but. And she won in h.o.h. But she was too passive. She wasn't actively doing anything. She had such good relationships with people. But she did not know how to use them correctly or didn't even use them at all to a degree.

00;06;58;09 - 00;07;26;19


Like even chemo. Like gold. She was literally spirits are smearing a bird poop on him. That's how much she cared about her relationships. Chemo? Yeah. I'm glad she's gone. I'd rather her. Who was she up against? Rubina. Well, then, you know, I would have been fine with either of them going. It just happened to be t core.

00;07;28;00 - 00;07;58;17


And then MJ MJ mj MJ girl. I don't know is the acorn of a brain you have. Like I'm going to say right here. I'll stand by what? Me and Nick said the last week because I did not. No one could have predicted that this was going to happen because it's so dumb. Then two days ago, you couldn't predicted it literally.

00;07;58;20 - 00;08;28;24


It's so dumb. You know why? This is the worst h.o.h this season? Because even Quinn, his two h.o.h is. Yeah, two of his allies did go home, but he did not actively want them to go. This was literally the House's decision. The reason why this is the worst h.o.h of the season, possibly the worst h.o.h in the past ten seasons, is because MJ was literally actively wanting to do this.

00;08;28;26 - 00;08;56;12


If she makes it to the final two. This move will be the reason why she loses everyone else's vote. You know why. She has already knocked out Leah to voting for her to win because of the blindside that happened. She didn't tell her. She didn't do anything. She just wanted to do blindside. Because why not? That's a good move to do in pre jury whenever you're not managing a jury.

00;08;56;14 - 00;09;24;21


And then not only should he blindside Leah, she also blindsided Angela. So she's already lost two jury votes because Angela she's a she's going to be bitter as hell that this happened to her. Literally the worst case scenario. The only person that she did not want to go up against happened not only that, Quinn is going to be voting wherever Leah goes.

00;09;24;23 - 00;09;33;07


Put my word on it. So McKenzie has already lost three jury votes.

00;09;33;09 - 00;09;55;14


Bad move, bad week. Yeah. But Zach said the headline there. So just to give a quick recap. We have McKenzie as the H.o.h after Tucker's eviction, as we saw last night. And we also saw last night that she nominated Angela in chemo for eviction at the veto competition. McKenzie also came out victorious in that.

00;09;55;14 - 00;10;18;03


So she sweeps the week. And as we saw, if you watched last night's episode, Chelsea has been planning the seeds for Leah to potentially be an upcoming target. And she's been planting hard. She got cam in on the mix as well. Which was really impressive. I think that Chelsea is clearly the best strategist in this game, and I don't think she really had to lift a finger to prove that.

00;10;19;00 - 00;10;40;19


And I thought it was the most impressive thing was her coming full circle with their h.o.h reigns and her having that moment where she took in the info, because we've been talking about Chelsea's reigns as the more calm. H.o.h. As of the summer, in a in a summer of very chaotic h.o.h reigns. And so to see her last night in the edit finally have that moment where she used the.

00;10;40;25 - 00;10;57;12


You had those flashback clips of her saying Leah's in this final two. Leah's in this final two. Leah said this to me, that means she's been doing this for nearly a month. I've really collecting these things that Leah has told her. Knowing that she could full on use it against her. That's the impressive thing, is that she actually used info and held on to it.

00;10;57;12 - 00;11;14;05


In this season where I feel like people take info and immediately have ran with it and, and it made me think in the moment, like, God, if Chelsea does not win this season, it's going to feel it's going to feel pretty bad. Because I know who she's up against right now, and it's a bunch of people who have not been playing this game in the slightest.

00;11;15;09 - 00;11;34;16


When you have chemo, of all people saying like, we're not a threat. That's that's troubling because that's three like last week, that's three people in the House that are saying collectively that they are not a threat. And being completely accurate with it, like it's not just a disguise. And that's nearly half the house. And so it's.

00;11;34;16 - 00;11;57;11


Yeah, at this point, it's like, if Chelsea don't win, I don't know. But it's it was impressive to watch Chelsea do this. It was even more miraculous that MJ fell for it. And not once questioned Chelsea, potentially manipulating her in the process. After observing how long of Chelsea being jealous of her and Cam's relationship. Like you maybe think that Chelsea doesn't have your best interest, in the entire world at a certain point?

00;11;58;08 - 00;12;16;27


But yeah, Nick, since we've since we've got it all out there, we can just, have our main headline be right now what is happening post veto ceremony? Because I know that's what everyone really wants to talk about. Before I do that, though, Nick, I do want to go back to, the chat real quick. We have Leah going after the wrong trio by big Sister Banana.

00;12;16;27 - 00;12;38;22


Welcome, big Sister Banana going to go, big sis. Thank you for coming to the chat. And Trell says Tiger's biggest move was probably eliminating Cedric Tucker, who wouldn't have targeted her, which is. Yeah, we are in a season where everyone loves to put up their allies on the block, whether it is, you know, Quinn putting up Cedric, whether it's Quinn putting up, Joseph.

00;12;38;24 - 00;12;58;03


And now we have McKenzie putting up Leah. We've seen many times already this season where, whoever we put up, is going to go home eventually. If they are your ally and they are happened to be on the block also, just like, don't put your ally on the block, I feel like is the what I, what I should just say first, don't put one of your allies on the block.

00;12;58;05 - 00;13;18;00


But they're the pawn. Bear it. They? Yeah, sure. I'm sorry. I don't give up on you. You, as the h.o.h don't control who is the pawn or not. Which I feel like is a huge oversight of everybody. You are not voting. You're not. You can't just say this person's the pawn. Like, there are many people who decide who is the fun and who's not the fun.

00;13;18;00 - 00;13;36;12


And you have no idea what they're thinking half the time. Okay. But, Nick, I want to know your thoughts as a as it says in your subtitle. McKenzie, stand sadly. How are you taking this complete shift even from last night's episode? I keep going back to last night, but like, all of this played out perfectly last night.

00;13;36;13 - 00;13;59;08


McKenzie saying, I do not want to put up Leah because I know I would lose her jury vote. And what do we see her do last night you said she says, I think I'm going to put Leah on the block. She said to chemo, I think I'm going to use the veto on you. And what was chemo response,

00;13;59;10 - 00;14;23;19


Is that good for your game, though? Even the guy that you're using the veto on is telling you that this is a stupid move, and chemo should know better. First off, I mean, should I? I never had confidence that he would did no better than this scheme has been on the block five times now. I thought maybe at some point, but like, how do you not see like, maybe I haven't heard any of this from Leah.

00;14;23;22 - 00;14;48;22


This is all being told to me through Chelsea. Maybe Leah like. And also, she didn't even want to warn Leah. She really said I'm going to blindside her too, which was somehow was the one of the worst things she could have done. Like it was one thing to use the veto, but it's another thing to not even tell Leah or give Leah even like an iota of like or a semblance of warning that she's going to go up on the block.

00;14;48;22 - 00;15;06;29


She just did it. Sorry, I got on a soapbox there. Please tell me your thoughts. Okay. So you see, I literally when it started going into motion, I was getting a lot of texts from people. I'm not even going to lie. And people were like, what is she doing? And I'm like, I can't answer for her. I'm sorry.

00;15;06;29 - 00;15;29;23


Like, I, you know, I will say, I have been standing by her side this whole damn season. But McKenzie, girl, you done fucked up. And I will say that loud and proud. She fucked up, okay? And I will own that. Because you know why? Because I also lovely, And I feel like Leah doesn't even deserve this. It's like, oh, my God.

00;15;29;23 - 00;15;45;08


It just it breaks my heart because I was rooting for the both of them so much. Like, McKenzie was always my number one and Leah was always my number two. And then it's like now McKenzie is taking out Leah, which is so dumb because now McKenzie is probably going to go out literally 40 minutes after Leah gets evicted.

00;15;45;10 - 00;16;08;10


And like, that is insane to me. Like both of them are going to be out of the house come Thursday. Probably. Maybe. We don't know for sure, but I hate it. I'm so upset. I'm so upset, I really am, I completely am, it's I understand, it's it's infuriating to watch someone make such a bad move, like a historically bad move.

00;16;08;12 - 00;16;29;10


And it was, but at the same time, it is if you're if you're wanting to be entertained by this week, this was a really entertaining outcome. But at the same time, leading up to a double eviction, you want a little bit more, especially a double eviction post. Jerry, as we're getting close to the end game, you want a little bit more substance in the game that these houseguests are playing in.

00;16;29;10 - 00;16;49;07


The fact that even this late, and I should also say McKenzie had played a really good game last week. Like I thought she did really well to set up to score, going home and made sure that it happened and I can talk to everyone that she needed to. So to have this week, immediately following where she has all of the power in her hands.

00;16;49;10 - 00;17;08;02


And I should say again, we've had two weeks in a row now where the H.o.h has all the power. Pretty much, you could say. I mean, I know Leah only won the janky veto. What an abysmal performance in the Janky Veto competition, by the way. I mean, Leah, come on, you had three chances to hit the bottles that were like five inches front of you anyway.

00;17;08;23 - 00;17;28;26


Whatever today. So apparently they could have practiced to get Gigi's, like, I hope you've been playing all week and like, oh, okay, easy. That's you. She didn't have one. Anyway, that's not important right now, but, it goes to show, like, Leah also held all the power because she had Angela right there with her, who had the actual veto.

00;17;28;29 - 00;17;44;21


And, they still didn't even go after the right people. Maybe. Angela I mean, I know Angela is fine, the ticket going, but I think just, I don't know, they messed up there. McKenzie also messed up here. I just I don't know what it is about. The h.o.h is this summer. I don't know why they can't do it.

00;17;44;21 - 00;18;06;02


I don't know why they can't just pull it off. It's infuriating. Easy to. That's the thing. It's like, literally all she had to do was put up chemo and Ribena, and then she won the veto. So, like, she literally just had to do that. Yeah. And that was it. And she would be fine for the double. She'd still be sitting pretty.

00;18;06;02 - 00;18;30;05


She'd probably make it to the finale. Now. It's like McKenzie, what are you doing? Yeah. And she puts a shake her and like, I can't, and I'm just like, watching it from home. And it's so aggravating. No it it is and I so I do want to like expand upon this also. Roxie has made it to the chat.

00;18;30;05 - 00;18;56;05


Hey Roxy. I'm glad you're here Roxy. See everyone Roxy is on the podcast. Should all, what really happened was, Nick decided to nominate Barrett and me for eviction, but then use the veto on me and put a proxy for she. He got inspired by Mackenzie just to make a move. And we voted out Roxy.

00;18;56;07 - 00;19;17;06


It's true. I voted out Roxy. Oh, but you would vote out Roxy. I could see the way, Roxy is actually trapped in the hollow net with, Ainsley currently in the Big Brother house. She's fighting for her life. Everybody we have to help her. So she's trying not to get, She's trying not to get unaligned, like, like Jane, like the janky.

00;19;17;06 - 00;19;35;26


Yeah, janky. Our boy. Janky. I'm actually going to play that real quick, just because I'm getting a little fiery from all this. Because it's so, I don't remember saying before the season. McKenzie's, like, questions that she got with Mike bloom in her preseason interviews. Just like I think I said. The line they keep giving us nothing.

00;19;35;26 - 00;20;06;03


McKenzie, you're doing great. And she did give us something this week. She got the thing that we wanted. Yeah. People. When she won, I was like, this is going to be a boring week. Well apparently not. Well, she literally she would have had the, like, what's it called? The comeback story of all comeback stories coming from the bottom and working her way all the way up just to fall from grace.

00;20;06;06 - 00;20;28;06


I feel like the part that frustrates me the most. I'm sorry. I know we keep talking about it, but her talking to cam and being like, I can't put up Leah like, that's such bad jury management, that's that. Whatever. And then she, like, puts her up and doesn't say a damn thing. Yeah. And it's like, oh my God, Mackenzie, you know that's not what you're supposed to do.

00;20;28;09 - 00;20;45;09


You know? And we know because you said it. You said you're the one who brought that. Also. I hate I do hate how much they talk about like, jury management out loud to other houseguests. It drives me insane. It's the same thing when, like, janky popped up and they were all going back and forth being like, what does that stand for?

00;20;45;09 - 00;21;09;09


Did you say, like, it doesn't help anyone when you all study together anyway? Whatever. That's just another thing that's like, drives me insane about the way that they play this game. And also didn't mention the three incredible friends in jury comment that Rubina made at one point last week. Like, I am, so annoyed I everybody in this game is driving me insane.

00;21;09;09 - 00;21;29;28


So this will be the first time two women are in the final two. Bye, Chelsea. And someone else. Yeah, it's not true time ever that two women are in the final two. Yeah. Not even. Yeah. Y'all don't even know what you're talking about. Like. Brett, get it out. Okay. I don't usually kick people out of the chat, but.

00;21;29;28 - 00;21;53;03


Brett, get out of the chat. I don't know, it's. Oh this is a banana. This message made it on. Can I go big Sassy. Anyway, Oh yeah I was going to play Jackie's death real quick and then we can get back to it. Just need a little interlude here. Feel so well know what is happening to me, I can't see.

00;21;53;06 - 00;22;36;13


Hello? Are you feeling? Wait. Oh, no. No, no, let me get. All those gasps of breath like his final breaths is a crazy detail to add, but. I need to go. Oh, I imagine that's what Quinn's me was saying. Whenever he got evicted. Probably. I think Jackie and McKenzie's game were about the same age when they died. Yeah.

00;22;37;00 - 00;23;00;10


Okay. So that happened last night as well. So, okay, let's let's dive back into McKenzie here because I later on, we're going to talk about, like, the double eviction and our predictions and the kind of what, what might lead up to that. H.o.h comp again, the H.o.h competition was called. Oh, yeah. That stacking. Yeah.

00;23;00;10 - 00;23;28;02


Was the Reindeer games calm? But, did they have similar props in there? That was very festive. Kind of. So I didn't want your reindeer names had, like, snowflakes, I think. Okay. Yeah. With some flakes, because it was something like snowflakes or sister ornament. Christmas tree ornaments or something. Yeah. Yeah. Let's talk about that, because I know we're naturally going to find our way back to literally everything else that is going on in this house.

00;23;28;09 - 00;23;47;19


I will say though, Leah is really upset in the live feeds right now. Obviously this caught her off guard. She doesn't think that she did anything wrong to McKenzie because she didn't. This is solely a move that Chelsea is just stabbing Leah in the back over and over again without even knowing it. No reason not for it.

00;23;47;22 - 00;24;07;15


I mean, if you're comparing, like, if you're going to get someone out of this house, it's probably going to need to be Leah if you're Chelsea. Because why should you be scared of chemo? And Rubina, why should you be scared of Angela? I'm talking I'm talking about McKenzie. Oh, yes. Chelsea. Oh, yeah. Yes. This is a great move for Chelsea.

00;24;07;18 - 00;24;42;25


Like I'm giving Chelsea all of her flowers. She deserves them. Literally. Dan Kiesling, 2.0 level stuff like. But then again, I don't know. It may have been easy with McKenzie, but I digress. I was about to say it's not really. It's not really that hard. Let's relax. I had felt more like this was, like if the because I'm trying to think of a cast full of like not very good game players and then one person who actually is playing the game to know I felt another stronger players onion.

00;24;42;27 - 00;25;04;06


I was going to say that's why I was gonna say 16. It reminded me more of like, but Derek the the most best mastermind player ever. You can't you're not allowed to go on this one. Roxy's not here. Yeah. So I'm going to go off of this going off. So, but it did remind me of just like, barely trying for Chelsea, which, I mean, Chelsea been putting in the work, I'm not going to lie.

00;25;04;06 - 00;25;25;08


But, like, I'm not, you would think if someone's going to completely flip on someone they've been working with the entire game, that you would need to try a bit harder as opposed to just like a couple of days and then grabbing cam and being like, Will you help me convince her of this? And also doing it all without her even talking to Leah like she didn't really have to try.

00;25;25;10 - 00;25;46;21


As hard as we've seen players in the past really put in the work and plant those seeds over the course of weeks, really, even, it didn't seem like she had to put in that night of work and it's still working. Really? Two hours? Might as well have been. Yeah. I also left off the fact that t core going on Thursday was very much up in the air, even when the feeds went down, like Cam's vote.

00;25;47;10 - 00;26;01;12


And then all we really got and, Sunday's episode was just like a quick flashback and they'd be like, so t caught, right? And then it was like, we're back to the episode. It's like, okay, I guess that was actually easy for everybody involved to vote out. Score. I don't know, my dogs at the crib t score.

00;26;01;14 - 00;26;24;14


Yeah, exactly. Okay. So let's let's just go through this week so far because or because really where we left off was last Monday we were post veto ceremony. We had yet to see the veto competition play out. We saw Angela, when the veto good for her. She had that moment where the camera shook as she celebrated.

00;26;24;14 - 00;26;49;11


I thought that was really great. And, Well, you got the. You got the, you know, everyone else forgetting that they were playing for another veto and everyone was just awkwardly standing around. Yeah. Like like, Angela won the veto. Pretty strange. Oh, wait. We have another veto to win. That's true. And it would have been pretty useful for a couple of people in the house, not going to lie.

00;26;49;27 - 00;27;04;02


But I thought the Chubby Chaser segment was so unnecessary. I, like, have we not established this at this point with Leah? Like, I mean, did they just know they were going to make a bad joke out of it? So they're like, we got to get in one more of these. Let's make sure everybody knows before zing.

00;27;04;02 - 00;27;30;14


But, it means I would have had a chance with her. Although my wallet, although my wallet is not that big, so I digress. Sorry, Zach. Sorry about Zach's wallet. Rest in peace to Zach's wallet. In the chat. Your bank account? Yeah, whatever. Okay. We had t core saying that the not my favorite quote of the week.

00;27;30;14 - 00;27;57;06


T core said that she had a strong feeling that Lila was going after the trio. This was during the veto episode that she had a strong feeling, which is aft, which again is after two of them are already on the block in T core said she had a strong feeling that was going after the trio. I was just like, yeah, she is.

00;27;58;11 - 00;28;21;10


I think the feeling should be a bit stronger than strong. Who did she even say was her target to the those three? I honestly can't remember who she actually said was her target. She kept it kind of open ended at first. Like, maybe she could pull up someone else in the trio, but, I mean, like, you put up two of them from one trio.

00;28;21;10 - 00;28;42;24


It's not like you're going to convince them of anything. Well, maybe. Who knows? I'm. I'm actually confused at what you can convince people up and down in this game. Taeko are saying that seeing Angela. Angela celebrate, her veto win was the most disappointed that she has felt in the entire season. Was really funny to me.

00;28;43;06 - 00;28;57;19


And seeing Angela's joy would immediately mean that you were not having a good time in the game, which probably does have some correlation with a lot of people. But also, you look back at T Core and Angela's relationship back to the beginning of the game, and it makes a little bit more sense why she would say that.

00;28;59;06 - 00;29;21;19


And oh, Lia literally promised cam safety and, MJ and her have been working this entire game. So that was kind of her reasoning. To key moment. Rubina. Sorry, Zach, I forgot I'd made a note of that. And then Leah does really bad at the janky veto. Angela uses the veto on chemo. Cool. The ninth consecutive veto use now up to ten.

00;29;21;19 - 00;29;36;18


By the way, everybody and I have a cool stat from hamster watch about this. I want to get your thoughts. It's cray cray. What is this? Never been done before. Well, it's just when you look at the stats for the for the year, I mean, obviously we're going to look at the stats and I'll have to tell you to look at them.

00;29;36;18 - 00;30;02;23


y. In past seasons. Where can:

00;30;03;05 - 00;30;25;29


All-Stars. The original All-Stars had nine of 11 vetoes used. And, I'm going to say I didn't think that this was possible this late in Big Brother's run as a show. And also the fact that chemo has had it used, has it been three times on chemo and three times on Angela now, or is it just been twice on chemo and three times on Angela?

00;30;26;02 - 00;30;49;28


I think just twice on chemo. Okay. So twice on chemo, both in the past two weeks. And chemo also took himself off the block in the AI arena. It's just crazy to me that we can have that in this game. I would have never guessed that we would get back to a or have a Big Brother season anywhere in the future that had the veto used literally every single week of the game.

00;30;51;01 - 00;31;15;24


And have the 10th time be the craziest one of all, weirdly enough. And I feel like half the time it's been unnecessary. Like this week, obviously unnecessary. Last week. Angela using the veto. Unnecessary. Tucker using the veto on Angela. Unnecessary. It's it's crazy to me that they just, like, have in their minds said we need to use this veto.

00;31;16;09 - 00;31;37;17


At every point, chemo was only here. Yeah. No, it's only been two times. Yeah. Okay. Last week in this week, well go chemo. So chemo has been on the block five times at this point. And then Angela's been on the block six times. Which is also a crazy stat just for two people that have. Not really.

00;31;37;17 - 00;32;04;00


Well, Angela has won three competitions. Lest we forget, chemo has not won any unless you count the I arena. He does he. I guess Joe and Rubina would as well. Rubina with her one I arena win can't be so good thing Leo went after them. Yeah. And then McKinsey's won three. I believe she had the. It depends on if you count her first competition win or not.

00;32;04;09 - 00;32;30;10


The at the whatever the other veto is called, I can't remember what that veto was. Poker face, but, Yeah. Marcus. Vietnam. Oh, that's right, America's veto. Okay. The Mackenzie technically won six comps. I just want to say that's a comp beast. Mackenzie has won six comps. Technically, yes. If you're counting. Her upgrade, I her I arena comps.

00;32;30;10 - 00;32;50;10


Yeah. How many I arenas that she win two. I don't remember her winning two. I couldn't remember one. I certainly do because I remember one time in the tire one. Yeah I can't remember the other one. It was when it was the Joseph. It was a ball thing. That's it. Oh yeah. When Rubina basically, nearly won. Yeah.

00;32;50;21 - 00;33;11;27


Okay. Cool. Well, that's. Was that. Yeah. Yes. That's right. Because Cedric was like, I was going to sabotage Mackenzie in the, in the game, but I got too scared to do it in the moment. I just could, but, we already talked about it. If they could, they have. What would they do if someone did that?

00;33;12;00 - 00;33;31;00


They. I don't think they'd be able to. You. Can you go up to someone's veto thing and just fuck it up in the middle? I don't you're going to go to commercial? I don't know, Brian. Like, you can wrestle people for the, you know, you can wrestle people for the, whatever pieces. Yeah. But that's not like sabotaging the purpose of the comp, though.

00;33;32;00 - 00;33;57;03


Yeah. That would like. Yeah. Also that, you can't like if you wrestled someone for the o to like thing, eventually one of you is going to have to run up the block or else the round can't end. Whereas Rubina could. Rubina could have just won in the competition, would have been over. Okay. Quickly going through this eviction episode real quick and then we can get back into the craziness.

00;33;57;06 - 00;34;28;17


So Julie's back. By the way, everyone, I don't know if anyone cared of when she was gone. She's back and she's Covid free, which I was like, well, yeah. What is it? What else was the other option? You know, I'm back, but I still got it. I everyone's got it now. And we had a great, horrible moment, where everyone got to sing the janky song live, and we cut around to the crowd.

00;34;28;19 - 00;35;03;08


We got Julie in on it. We got the houseguests in on it before the the live vote, and I'll play that again. Everybody. J and k I e j c j t u love k j a n k I e j e j k. Let's party. I Nick, you look like you have something to say about this.

00;35;03;08 - 00;35;25;16


I'm gonna let you leave. I want to know if Julie knew what she was walking into. Genuinely. She had Covid. She does not watch the damn show. Was she like, what am I doing? Like, I just want to know how that conversation went. Like, Julie, you're going to go on the stage and sing this tune with the the houseguests.

00;35;25;16 - 00;35;46;04


Yeah. And she was like, I had Covid for five days with the fact that I'm there. Yeah, it would be very confusing for her to come back into this. Like this is a different big brother than I am used to. But Zach, did you did you sing along when they. When they did this live? Yeah. See, like, it got a little bit of it in, like.

00;35;46;06 - 00;36;09;26


Yeah, just a little bit. Just like tap tapped your foot a little bit to it. Oh no. It's it's my it's my ringtone now. Oh no I didn't know people still had ringtones. That's that's really cool, man. I'm glad to hear, this is one of those things that, like, I know we love the meme of Big Brother is a complex game of social strategy and all this.

00;36;09;26 - 00;36;30;18


And then we have it combined with a clip of just pure ridiculousness. This is one of those things that even if I had told my friends, like, this season's amazing, this season's chaotic, every live eviction is just you're on the edge of your seat. And then that was what I showed them. Yeah, like, I mean, you just lose viewers, man.

00;36;30;18 - 00;36;57;19


But also like, pretty weird. Like I do enjoy when they're a little bit off the show. And the Sunday episodes have been that in large part last night was no exception with, zing! But and, janky being murdered. But I, it's just like you didn't nobody nobody made to do it. Imagine. Like they had planned this out probably all week that they were going to do this, on the eviction.

00;36;57;19 - 00;37;18;12


So it was like, what if this was a really tense eviction and they just did that? Like, every, like up to the like and almost was we didn't really know where the vote was going to go exactly, even though it was just going to be one of the trio of going home. But just imagine if we had like T Core and Chelsea on the block, and it was like this really tense moment in the backyard where everyone's just done with everything.

00;37;18;12 - 00;37;40;29


And and then we got a janky song. Also them cutting to Julie in the middle of it terrified me. When I watched it the first time, I didn't expect it, and I honestly don't want to watch it again. So that was the last time I will ever watch that. Clinton. Good. Everybody cool? Anything else in the janky song?

00;37;43;16 - 00;38;08;00


James I guess. Yeah, I that's our, have PTSD from, janky week. So yeah. Skyler loves janky faces. He can actually, because he, hates the janky song. Trust says janky, janky world has made my sons watch Big Brother. Maybe that was the goal. Yeah, yeah, we got to get everybody in the big Brother.

00;38;08;00 - 00;38;33;01


I'll take the. I think they all think that janky is going to be like a reoccurring. No I know no I don't I sure hope not like reoccurring like as in like he's going to be back like every other week. I mean, as, like is it going to be back once a season? I think there could be like a janky, like we do one of the comps where they're launching a ball into like one of the squares.

00;38;33;01 - 00;38;55;16


I feel like there could be a weird, janky, like, Easter egg. He is trying to reboot himself into our universe. In order to give him power, you have to launch these energy balls into his battery pack. Once all three balls are in the pack, janky will be a full power jam. If he's made a whole Kappa of veto.

00;38;55;17 - 00;39;15;17


Where did this come from? I don't know, let's use that. That competition. Unlock it now. Okay. Next comp. It's like, what was that? Zach? Yeah. Zandra I don't want to. I really miss some of these messages that the people are having coming in. The veto streak is incredible because a lot of people are saving others. Yeah, I, we love it.

00;39;15;17 - 00;39;36;12


It makes it more interesting. It just changes the dynamic in the same way that the arena has. I'm gonna go ahead and just call it the arena in hopes that they, as we say it, it'll be a tagline to enough for Julie to be like, it's a fan favorite. It's the arena. It's back. Because if we don't bring it, if we don't bring back that I arena, I swear that is one of the biggest missteps in Big Brother that is change this game.

00;39;36;15 - 00;39;56;02


Watch. They're going to they're going to cast like all men. There can't be. And then they're just going to be winning nonstop. And then we're just we're like why did we bring this back? We hate this. I can't. I mean, someone eventually is going to game it. It's going to make it boring. But until that happens, just keep doing it.

00;39;56;04 - 00;40;28;01


And I'm in a way where you can game it though, you do take away your ability to like shit talk houseguests leading up to the eviction, and I think that's the biggest benefit because right now, even leading up to Leah going up on the block, we just kind of saw that reverting back to what I would call, I hope I can one day call this old big brother tactics, but really it's as recently as last season where you have they try to make themselves or they try to give themselves a reason for nominating someone.

00;40;29;03 - 00;40;52;24


And after someone says like, oh, well, this person should go on the block because of this. And everyone's like, yeah, but I'll feel bad. They somehow like, slowly change their mind. By shit, talking them repeatedly and like almost validating their sense of putting them on the block. And we're seeing that with Leah this week. And I don't really they just say that or they just have someone else talking in their ear and puppeteering them and exactly move for someone else.

00;40;52;24 - 00;41;06;03


Yeah, yeah. And they did it with Quinn, too, when they had the time to do it. I've just like. Yeah. And also, I remember when Quinn did this and. Yeah, Quinn sucks and, like, it gives them more time to do that. And it's just not fun because it's just them making personal jabs about someone that's not in the room.

00;41;06;23 - 00;41;36;21


And that's stupid to watch. And I like in this cast is better than that. They've proven that. They've proven that for many, many weeks now. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, besides obviously live double or triple evictions, has Big Brother ever had a live, veto comp besides, Marcellus, on the live election day? Not a live veto comp, a live veto ceremony with the eviction?

00;41;36;23 - 00;41;58;10


Yeah. They typically do that with, like final five scenarios. You think B14? Dan evicted Shane on a live veto ceremony? One of the best moments in the entire show history. They've had. Yeah, they've had plenty of moments where it's like a final five, final four, and they save the veto ceremony to be live.

00;41;59;23 - 00;42;18;29


Before they do, like the final four h.o.h. I wonder why they don't do it for, like, this. Like, safer this week, for instance, or like, you know, why why would they do it this week? I, I guess just because, well, leading up to a double eviction, they had to do it this week because of.

00;42;19;02 - 00;42;40;02


Oh, imagine doing a veto. Oh, that would be crazy. It would be crazy. Zach. They don't have time, though on that. They literally, I think is we're literally about to have a 90 minute episode tomorrow or Wednesday. Yeah. Not on Thursday. Yeah. That's so they can take time off of the next episode and just get into it.

00;42;40;05 - 00;42;59;14


Yeah. Which I do I do appreciate that because I don't think that they've done that too many times in the past where they've made an episode before, a double eviction longer so that they can add more footage. I think that'll be helpful. Especially with the veto ceremony that's about to happen or already did happen will happen on Wednesday because the editors don't care about time's sake.

00;42;59;14 - 00;43;23;14


They just want to give us content that they make on their own. Okay, tell that to the editors who make three episodes a week on the show. Yeah. Or really two. But I yeah, one of them is famously live. Okay. Where where was I going with this? What are we go into next? Because I, I did the janky song.

00;43;23;24 - 00;43;38;21


Was there anything else? Oh, the. No, no, I'm not there yet. I had to I have to get past, Angela's vote because it's. It was my favorite moment from the eviction, and,

00;43;41;14 - 00;43;53;13


Please cast your vote to evict. I vote to evict the beautiful, talented t core Chuck I missed so thank you.

00;43;54;07 - 00;44;20;02


I don't I don't know what to do with there anymore. Would you want your, would you be okay with her? Your significant other, saying that on live TV? That way, I don't I don't see why not. Like, why would you have a problem with that? That's a little, Oh, no.

00;44;20;05 - 00;44;42;25


Explain myself. I feel like there are implications within that. And is that shocking to you that Angela would do that? No, I, I like it. Don't get me wrong. It's funny to me. Yeah. I just be curious, like, I'm assuming that her husband definitely knows, like, how much she is and stuff and would expect it from her.

00;44;42;26 - 00;45;07;12


Yeah, I don't think I, I don't think Chuck is shocked by any like, Yeah. Oh, I was reading chats. That's what I was doing. Zander said chemo annoys me in the fact that he hardly even tries. He even practically told MJ taking him off and putting up might not be a good move for. Yeah, yeah, you mentioned that, chemo doesn't do much.

00;45;07;14 - 00;45;32;12


Doesn't do much except hit the block, which he's very good at and makes a good speech. That's probably the best move all year. He made a good speech in. They helped get Cedric out with Tyler. So that was the high point for McKenzie. That's right. After that buzz. Yep yep she's going to bounce back okay. Yeah. She'll bounce herself right into the jury house during the double eviction.

00;45;32;12 - 00;45;54;05


Not when she wins. Veto. Oh. Cody also wanted to correct you Zach dirt janky is not coming back because he is dead. Janky is dead. And you even insinuating that he could come back is, pretty irresponsible of you. And, honestly, I should have been better. I should have corrected myself in the moment. Him. It's also.

00;45;54;07 - 00;46;23;03


Yeah, it's Zach's fault. They forgot to blame anybody. Okay. Trell. You were at the live veto that Dan evicted. Shane was. That's awesome. Thank God. That's actually crazy. Yeah. Very cool. That's another Zach. No, you weren't punching live on my TV. Oh, you were there to not being there in the cool, great fun.

00;46;23;05 - 00;46;38;22


Well, you weren't live watching on your TV because you forgot that it was in front of a live audience, so. Well, also, I didn't start watching Big Brother until 516. So you're just a liar, is what you're saying. Wow.

00;46;38;24 - 00;47;12;08


Incredible. Okay, let's let's go back to, we can talk about the H.o.h comp on Sunday. It's fine. I'm okay with that. How many pieces did McKenzie have? 30 something. 30. 30, I think. Maybe 30. Exactly. I know Angela had 20. Rubina. It wouldn't have made a difference. No, but she locked it in. I thought it doesn't matter.

00;47;12;11 - 00;47;34;29


She locked it in, and I guess I don't know what the rule is, but she did lock it in. And then, like, two seconds later, they fell over, or I. Maybe I'll go back and look at it. Maybe they were falling as she hit the button. I don't I didn't see that in the moment, but maybe there was some rule where it had to be like, you have to hit the button and it has to stay there for like five seconds or 10s or something for it to even count.

00;47;34;29 - 00;47;50;24


Like, you can't just throw a bunch of shit on top of it and then go run and hit your button really quick, I guess. Was their thought process. And just say that it counted because, and then maybe technically, if your arms were long enough, you could just, like, hold something on top of it and hit you, but at the same time.

00;47;50;24 - 00;48;12;26


So there wouldn't be like that much time between you doing those two things. Big sissy banana kind of call big sissy. Confirms 30 pieces. But Angela had 25, and then she knocked it knocked down to 20. So, yeah, it wouldn't have made a difference. I don't I don't know what Cam's strategy was exactly. If there was one.

00;48;13;14 - 00;48;33;23


I saw they showed him at one point trying to use the ice cream cone piece as his first piece, like his base. And I just thought, that's not at the point. Mind you. At the point. Yeah. That was. Yeah, that was the content. Yeah. You're right Zach, I should have led with that, like right side up ice cream cone, which famously does not balance on anything.

00;48;33;23 - 00;48;51;20


He was just putting it down just to see maybe maybe if something happened which like in the same thought process t core, why did she not hit that button that was just sitting there in the kitchen, like when she walked through after she was evicted? There was the button there. She didn't hit it. Why didn't she hit it?

00;48;51;20 - 00;49;12;10


I would have been curious, at least. Oh, thank you, Zach, that is cam with the ice cream cone stacking it on top. Good luck focusing on your face after that. Nick, how many pieces do you think you could have stacked in this h.o.h competition? I feel like I would have done. Well, I'm not going to lie.

00;49;12;13 - 00;49;33;08


I was thinking this would be a nick comp. I think I do. Well, I feel like I'm is, juggling things at work, so, I don't know, I feel like my my job would make me better at this competition. Okay. Zach, do you think you two beaten 1 in 5? There we go. That's my. So you could've been.

00;49;33;08 - 00;49;56;13


You done just as good as Angela is what you're saying? Yeah. Okay. Well, for a second, as good as Angela. Zach, do you think you could have gotten more than 25? Well, as a construction site manager, I know exactly how to use mathematician. Okay, I'm a tree to set these candy pieces into specific places to where I can get a strong base.

00;49;56;13 - 00;50;18;03


And it does not fall that is my goal for this competition is to win. That's that's really good. I need to win so I can guarantee myself safety. And I'm just excited to play in that veto so I can pull myself off the block. Thank you for bringing up those two lines that I get tired of.

00;50;18;03 - 00;50;36;16


Zach. I think you would have done fine, Zach. I think Nick probably would have beat you buy a couple of pieces, though, to be honest, I'm. I'm actually, I'm pretty, I'm pretty good at, like, random stuff like that. Like random, I don't know, let's see. Oh, yeah. You just. I'm going to go to the next thing.

00;50;36;16 - 00;51;05;25


You just start stacking things, see how many you can get. Okay. Okay. But another clip that I probably have to show. Oh, we have to talk about, zing bot. We have to talk about what other thing? Oh, I guess the only other big thing yesterday was, Jinkies, murder. So let's talk a little bit about seeing bot, if that's okay with everybody, because there was a lot of very interesting things.

00;51;06;26 - 00;51;30;19


And by that there were about two interesting things to me. And, you know, we had the normal round up y'all of Zings to go around. We have MJ's feed or gross, we have cam is dumb. We know we have chemo is boring. We have Leia. It's dumb. And then out of nowhere we just have Chelsea. You have an unrestricted crush who is standing right next to you.

00;51;30;19 - 00;51;51;19


And literally nobody has ever said that out loud until right now. And everyone just didn't know what to do. But at the same time, it serves for a pretty great zing. And I'll play it real quick. And I would love to know your thoughts on this, because it was like, I don't know if I've heard anything quite like that.

00;51;51;26 - 00;51;59;16


For, for something in the game that has not really been spoken out loud.

00;51;59;18 - 00;52;43;15


you don't have a player with.:

00;52;43;22 - 00;53;07;26


Yeah, the robot's mouth. I can't like, unsee that. So now when they're doing that, I'm like, they're just dancing or like, they're like reacting to this robot, like doing his things. But did you actually think it was a real robot? No. But like, it just it doesn't I don't know, I it ruins the like fantasy of like, whatever I thought it was in my head, so.

00;53;07;28 - 00;53;28;17


Well, I don't know, I, I agree, I know it is very strange. You're probably experienced as a houseguest too. It's probably makes the zings way harder hitting because it's just hitting you from all the speakers. Actually, Kathy Griffin in the suit. Yeah. Even when it's not. When even when she's not outside of the suit, it's still her in the suit.

00;53;29;10 - 00;53;57;23


Zach, what did you think of the Chelsea zing of saying that she doesn't have a chance with cam? Especially immediately following this week where we have the whole Chelsea cam court situation. Which played out on, Thursday's episode, I believe, as well. I mean, one thing I will say is the truth and the truth is, is, it sounds like a politician is not.

00;53;57;25 - 00;54;18;16


Hey, zing bot did run for office. Zing bots not afraid to call. I'll call out all the bureaucrats in Washington. I'll tell you that much, okay? Yeah. Zing! Bot did run for office. They even played a cop where he was getting electoral votes. Zing! Bots had quite a life, I'll say, always up to something new every single year.

00;54;18;21 - 00;54;49;22


Probably the most pro number of people in society. Or, I guess, technology in society. You remember what season he ran for office? I have a feeling, now that you brought it up, what that season was going to be, but, I yeah, I think it was, I think it was. Get there had there has to be some uncomfortable scenes like that for for it and to be at least somewhat funny, like, I saw a clip of Zach zing.

00;54;50;01 - 00;55;11;18


Wasn't zing, but it was Cathy. Yeah, and I liked that one, so give me more of that. Angela's song was good. Angela did have a good song. Angela also had a very, intense moment that I was like, I want I really want to get your thoughts on this, but I'll play it first. Chelsea zing, though.

00;55;11;20 - 00;55;36;01


Insane, I like the I've not heard silence like that after is saying that I can really remember. And then it just took Leah like, pattern here on the shoulder to be like, oh, man. Oh, no. Like that. What a disaster to hear. Knowing that like, millions of people are going to watch this episode was that it was just awkward because it's like, that's something that she's only been talking about in the D.R..

00;55;36;01 - 00;55;58;26


So it's like, yeah, kind of weird. Like that's nasty. Yeah. Was that the last straw for her where she was like, I'm getting Lea out this week. Well, yeah. Like, where is the connection? She thought Leah did this. I bet it was. It was really Leah in the suit, wasn't it? Because Leah was. Because Leah was flirting with cam.

00;55;58;29 - 00;56;25;20


Okay, yeah. Lee is flirted with everybody this season. She has a crush on Quinn. Like, how did we get here? I don't know, it's called a Stockholm syndrome. Okay, he's he's gone, and she's still saying that. So they were in there for like 60 days. Okay, I'm not going to play the full song here. I may just go to the middle.

00;56;25;22 - 00;56;48;29


Oh, wait. No. Never mind. That is. That's post Angela. Oh, I got your financials thing again. I will I know I'm not going to play that first even though I did love that moment post. Angela zing Rubina zing was all about her. Them evicting Tucker, like, wasn't even about her. It was just like her kissing Tucker caused his eviction was the was the joke.

00;56;48;29 - 00;57;08;11


It wasn't even about Rubina. That's all y'all could come up with. Yeah, which makes me worried about, like, what her comic is going to be now. Like, what is it going to. What are you going to do, though? Well, to be fair, she hasn't given them much to work with. So, I mean, they could have made a short joke like, anything, I don't know, like, it was just.

00;57;08;14 - 00;57;22;26


It wasn't even about Rubina. It was that she was in a showmance, like, wow. I'm going to jump into the obsessed with men half her age. Part of this.

00;57;22;29 - 00;58;00;14


Of course. Okay. What if they said, like, guess whose man came up? As short as her height? That would have played really well. Anyway, here's the song. Half her age, half obsessed with this first. God, it's so crazy that that hits, So then we both. Then we end it with once to prove she'll win the game.

00;58;01;07 - 00;58;31;11


Again with my game. With that game? Yes. To prove to win that game again, it must be pretty insane, to say to someone who's trying to win $750,000. My question, though, if you're a houseguest and zing back comes out there and says you have no chance to win this game. Do you see Angela's less of a threat after that?

00;58;31;11 - 00;58;54;03


If Zing Bot's coming out there being like, you ain't got no votes, Angela. Are you kidding me? What if what if Angela wins this game and we come back here and say maybe using bots response for. I mean, I would take Zain bots words with a grain of salt because the people who make the zing would you as well, because the people that make the zings are usually people who don't watch the feeds.

00;58;54;06 - 00;59;17;07


So yeah, I mean, it's all based well, there hasn't been much talk about Chelsea and Cam being, a thing. Yeah, we have that be the main zing. After it fall. I mean, we did follow it up with, like, last week with the whole court situation. And Lee is saying, I think Chelsea has a bit of a crush, but that's the only time that I can remember that happening leading up to zing.

00;59;17;07 - 00;59;47;19


But, in the edited episodes of The Chelsea and Cam, perception is reality. We say that like an hour from now though, and I don't know. But plays here plays well here. I will say though Zheng, if if Chelsea didn't put in work, I feel like liaising would have really helped her game. At least the perception within the house.

00;59;48;23 - 01;00;08;24


Yeah, in a way I think there is way zing a zing bot zing could help you from the sense of either someone feels bad for you for like a second, but I don't know if it goes beyond like actual game. Like changes to your calling game strategy. Well, not strategy. I'm just saying, like, calling her dumb.

01;00;08;27 - 01;00;30;11


I feel like that doesn't hurt her at all. No, I would love if someone called me like cam being called dumb, Lia being called dumb, MJ being told that like, her feet are gross. Like those are all great. If you're if that is your thing, then you're probably doing okay in the game. That means, that you haven't had something too embarrassing happen to you yet.

01;00;31;06 - 01;00;57;14


So that's a good thing. Even if, like, you're seen as boring, by zing. But then that's fine. You can live with that. You can get past that. And honestly, you should be thankful that that is all Zheng. But says to you because I honestly, if you if Zheng Bot said something as crazy as he said to, Chelsea and Angela to one of y'all, like if you were in that situation, how mortified would you be for the like the next day week?

01;00;57;27 - 01;01;23;10


Thinking that like, oh, so this is how I am viewed. This is how I am viewed by the TV edit right now. I would take a look at myself and realize, wow, maybe I am getting jealous and kind of stalking someone and it's kind of one sided. I mean, I think she knows it's one sided, right?

01;01;23;10 - 01;01;56;25


Like, I, I mean, I don't know, I don't know what Chelsea thinks about this move. You're caught. Yeah, there is a lot there. You move it over here, even somewhere. That's another thing. You're caught. Chelsea has the best game of anyone in this house. But she also has the huge downside of this Chelsea with cam. And we talked about that last week I know but just I mean even further the things that she's been saying to cam of like everyone in here has the perception that you treat women like dog shit.

01;01;57;00 - 01;02;17;02


And he's like, I don't know where this is coming from is like, because it's not true. Like, isn't that true at all? So I don't appreciate like those things from Chelsea or making cam feel guilty when he really hasn't done anything wrong. Besides, like, I can understand from perspective of Chelsea, who is like, you're my number one and you keep spending all of your time with these other people that are in the house.

01;02;17;02 - 01;02;36;02


Like that could be offensive. But like, I feel like cam has done a really good job of explaining himself like, okay, yes, I'm sorry about that. But no, he keeps reiterating you are my number one. Like this is not a thing. Like I am not going to choose MJ, I'm not going to choose Leah over you. I think he's done a really good job with that.

01;02;36;02 - 01;02;57;11


And I would also just like Chelsea to be chiller about it, because I want Chelsea to win this game at this point. Not she's not my winter pick. She's not a winter pick. But I would like Chelsea to win this game. See see, this is what I was talking about in our text message. What sense does it make to make Angel Winter pick for you?

01;02;57;11 - 01;03;18;22


We literally say she has no chance to. And so until the curse is broken, man, I don't know what to do. I'm at a loss. I am at a loss. Well, it's kind of broken if this week is not over yet. I said Angela was my winter pick last week and Angela is on the block this week, so I until until Leah is out that door on Thursday night.

01;03;18;22 - 01;03;45;11


I'm not going to feel good about this. Like they could literally all go to sleep and God could send them, an angel and be like, Chelsea D'Angelo. I'm going to send the banner over that house. I'm sorry. What what is this? What is this happening? It's the angel wings. Why would God have the angels wings?

01;03;45;13 - 01;04;10;21


Once said, an angel comes down. Oh, okay. Okay. Messenger. God. So, God, Jerry can come in and just be like Chelsea. You'll always be Judas in my book, does it? They bring back Jerry after 16 years, and you can just says that and walks back out. Yeah. They never want to wake up. I don't even think they would.

01;04;10;23 - 01;04;32;29


I think they should just wake up tomorrow and Jerry just be there in the house like you. Like he's been there the whole time. No explanation. Just just hanging out, 90 year old honors. Okay. All right, what are we going to go through next? We we saw some zing, but those are the only two things I really cared to play.

01;04;32;29 - 01;04;54;22


What? Oh. Angela posting. I forgot about that. Don't they usually do it right before the veto? Yeah, I was talking about this. Made me, like, think for a second, be like, wait, did they already do you? Yeah. No, because that's what I was thinking. I was like, This is Sunday. Why are they showing us zing? But yeah, it's pretty weird in an episode.

01;04;54;22 - 01;05;17;06


So that is actually really weird. I was thinking the same thing though, because I was like, did we see the veto? Because I don't think they did do that right before. It's like the entrance into the camp, essentially. No, you're right, it is pretty strange to have an entire season that zing bot could actually seamlessly fit in. I mean, seamlessly fit in so well that Ainsley had like a perfect, like, lead up to it.

01;05;17;16 - 01;05;37;00


Before Zing Bok came out. So to not have a competition where anything bad just shows up again, like we've seen in the past, a bit strange. It also felt just very phoned in because, like, they're not going to see anything else robot wise. It was just like, zing bot run out here into the hallway real quick and then just leave for the rest of the season.

01;05;38;04 - 01;05;57;08


And I saw someone say that zing bots getting a I think. Oh, Jake said, I think it's time we take a season or two off from zing by the Zings have sucked recently. I argue that we have the same amount of good zingers every single year, which is about 1 or 2 out of the 6 or 7 that we really see on TV.

01;05;57;11 - 01;06;15;15


Yeah. What was what are your favorite things? I can't remember who brought it up in chat, but the Christine Cody one from 16 always. It's going to be the best one. I mean, are you kidding me? Telling Cody that she's made Christine's husband as an enemy is one of the wilder ones that I can remember.

01;06;15;17 - 01;06;42;27



01;06;42;27 - 01;07;10;02


I don't remember like, anythings to the youth either. So to be asked my favorite things of all time. I'm sorry, I don't have a laundry list of them. From memory, other than the 16 one, which has to be my favorite because it's the only one I can think of other than yesterday. But I do vaguely remember that Paul one, even though I've only seen that episode once and it was eight years ago.

01;07;11;14 - 01;07;50;12


But yeah, thank you. Zach, I, I always love a good pausing in general, even aside from Zach, but. Yes. Good one for 24 or some, 24. I mean, the he called Taylor the ice Queen, which was kind of off brand. I don't know. I'm sure we could all go back and look at our podcast from, from 24, or 25 and been like, the singles weren't that good or 23 and then, like, the Zings weren't that good or I think probably other seasons that we have, like the things weren't that good.

01;07;50;14 - 01;08;20;24


Well, 25 I had Corey's song, which was good. Oh, the America rendition. That's right. I do kind of remember that one. Okay. I remember that one. America. America. She likes boys under five eight. I don't know that that was exactly what sing. But, yeah, those are the lyrics. You have dance or mustache. And I remember that part.

01;08;21;07 - 01;08;47;19


You get it, right, Nick? Yeah, I do get it. Thanks, Maxine. I knew you would do, okay last night. Did I have anything else that I wanted to to Mark? We got enough of janky. We got, Leah saying she views Chelsea as a threat, and then we have that, I think. I feel like I made a mistake in the storage room.

01;08;48;06 - 01;09;14;26


Yeah. Go to the sentry right now for Leah. I feel like I made a mistake. MJ will be saying that in approximately four days, I think. Or three days. And with with MJ, the mistakes are not only going to be that she could easily be the number one target, which I think she might be. And maybe this needs to lead into our next segment, which is who's going to target who in this or holy.

01;09;14;28 - 01;09;35;11


Is this a home situation? I don't know, but who is going to be targeted? Whom is going to be targeted? I'm going to say both, just because I know one of them is right. In the double eviction this Thursday. I think MJ also is in a way worse position because of that. Not only is she putting up two people on the block, one that she use the veto on a couple of weeks ago, to get into some good graces.

01;09;35;11 - 01;09;55;14


And then also the person that was never going to target her in the first place. It's a situation. Thank you. Roxie. So. But now she leads into this even with Cam and Chelsea after she won that H.o.h saying, like, I think, I think MJ is, may need to go off sometime soon. So even the people that are tricking her are also plotting her demise.

01;09;55;14 - 01;10;16;00


She's got nobody. She's got nobody, because even came over being her. Like, maybe MJ and Chelsea is like, God, she could not have put herself in a more worse position going into a double eviction night where she could easily be one person on the block, automatically coming off of a switch that she can't even compete in.

01;10;16;17 - 01;10;41;12


Whatever the minions or whatever guru tells the minions, they're going to go with what he says. So whatever Chelsea thinks, that's what everyone else is going to think. I guess, in a way. Unfortunately, in a large way right now for for everyone else, that isn't just going with what Chelsea wants all the time. Great for Chelsea, great for Chelsea.

01;10;41;14 - 01;11;05;27


So, okay, should we go through the cast right now and just be like, if they were h.o.h, who are they going after? It's going to be a pretty short segment, but we should just go through the draft then the draft. Should we do our draft segment right now? Okay. It has a cast on it. Drew. Well, it's gonna make me a little bit sad, but yeah, we could do the draft right now.

01;11;06;00 - 01;11;39;00


Rap janky. And someone else made no. Okay. Pulling it up all the way, too. I'm just saying. So what's that? I have points for this double, so I'm very excited to talk about it. I'm just saying, you have you do have good reason to be excited. Yeah. Okay, here's our draft. And as we can see, Nick, you still have three people left.

01;11;39;10 - 01;11;59;15


Unfortunately, it looks like your first overall pick will be heading out of the door, on Thursday night. As of right now, it is a long way to Thursday night. And things have changed consistently in this season. Maybe, using this moment of, like, I didn't know this is going to happen to me. I don't I don't know why this is happening.

01;11;59;15 - 01;12;27;21


And maybe, like, with one more Angela going crazy, it could it could lead to something, I don't know. Roxy still having McKinsey and Rubina on her squad. Is Zach, you still got chemo? And. Angela, congratulations. And I am left with nobody. Three years and wambua. And the week that we lost one janky. We also lost my entire draft team.

01;12;28;06 - 01;12;50;28


Cedric. Matt. Joseph, anticorps. They were, they were all certainly were players in this game, but, unfortunately, none could come out victorious. I had my hope anticorps. For the longest time. It looked like I was going to be okay having to score and Cedric, especially early on. And, we saw how all of that went.

01;12;50;28 - 01;13;11;09


Not the season for you to predict what's going to happen or to have any preconceived notion of what's going to happen in this game. So, I it was a good battle. I am not good at picking players and I'm not good at picking winners. And that's the lesson we should all take from this. So with that, congratulations, Zach and Nick, for having players still in this game.

01;13;11;12 - 01;13;34;16


And she said she just said one bump at the same time as me. So. Wow. Jinx. Only I was here to hear it. Rock thing. I've only heard it. Whatever. Victor said the MJ twitching should be in the next thumbnail for the pod. I. I could put it in this one. Honestly, I need I only have Leah currently on this one, and mainly because my Adobe subscription ran out and it didn't have time to fix it.

01;13;35;10 - 01;13;54;20


It's really embarrassing. If you look at the nine on the thumbnail, it's a, it's a different font because I had to, because I couldn't find I had to I had to do something. One I said I had to do some voodoo magic. But but, Rox, you congratulate you on what? What did it. She so alive in the draft?

01;13;54;22 - 01;14;15;13


I feel like it did. Good for you. You have me getting Rubina the strongest team. Say one thing that we all agreed on is that, I wasn't Nia. All the last five picks were all preachers. That is true.

01;14;15;15 - 01;14;38;13


All of our round four picks were out, like, real early. So, Yeah, I mean, I'm glad that we clocked them. I don't know, but also three of our four first picks are gone. And after this week, as of right now, if the vote were to take place, all of them would be gone. And we're left with, with a group of middle ground players which may speak to their ability in this game.

01;14;38;13 - 01;15;00;06


Probably not. But, what were we talking about? The double eviction scenarios, Jose. Scenarios. Time, then embryos. You won't let me podcast from the car and you won't congratulate me? Rude. I'm not. You're right, you're right. I'm a monster, I am, this is authoritarianism on this podcast. You don't. You don't have to say. Roxie. I'm sorry.

01;15;01;05 - 01;15;22;19


So if we're expecting Leah to go this week and we can include Leah in a scenario, she did stay, but say Leah's gone. We have a h.o.h were the only people eligible to win would be cam, Chelsea, Rubina, chemo and Angela. It is down to that view. So let's start with Cam and Chelsea because they're going to do the same exact thing as of right now.

01;15;22;19 - 01;15;46;23


If I were to guess, we would see. Potentially like a chemo and Rubina initial name again in my mind, with a very distant very in my mind right now, very distant McKenzie back door. That would be I think that would be really crazy for them to do, but I, I don't I wouldn't count it out. I would keep an eye on the next three days.

01;15;46;23 - 01;16;23;25


Their talks about McKenzie going into this double. So I'm excited to see a little bit of that. And do y'all deal disagree. What do y'all see for Cam and Chelsea in this double? I, I see pretty much the app with an Angela Rena okay my can I see like my can my theory on like what's going to happen because it's just like for sure all I think Angela is going to be the double boot because I feel like Angela is always on the block and then she's always going to go home, and then something happens because they have days and days and days and hours and hours and hours to talk.

01;16;23;27 - 01;16;43;06


But when it's a double and they're all stressed and like the one person that's going to have no one backing them up is going to be Angela, I think Angela is going to end up on the block and we'll go home. Yeah, I think to which I think that's a very real possibility, mainly because. So if she did go home with my curse, still continue.

01;16;43;06 - 01;17;05;19


If that were the case, if she still went home on Thursday. Yes. Okay. Just making sure we're clear on this. It just had a, But she wins the career. You change the confirm. The curse was confused as well by McKenzie's decision. So, Yeah, we kind of. We kind of broke the the plane of existence of that one.

01;17;05;19 - 01;17;33;26


You gotta reset some timelines, though. Okay? Kenzie not only broke her game, but she. She broke the curse. Or she made the curse reset. Thanks, McKenzie, I appreciate it. Zach, what do you see for Cam and Chelsea? Cam and Chelsea, I see Chemo and Urbina, and then I see McKenzie. Is the Raynham. Okay, so you see Angela avoiding the block entirely.

01;17;33;29 - 01;18;01;12


If they are in power, maybe I don't see them. That's crazy that you think that because I even I can honestly see equally chemo. Ruben on Angela being on the block. In my mind, they're pretty interchangeable. And I think it came in Chelsea's mind, especially with Logan. I think I think that in Chelsea's mind at least, I think that she thinks she can beat more Angela and more comps than McKenzie.

01;18;01;17 - 01;18;23;20


Yeah, I just I guess it depends on their thought processes. Okay, well, we have one more day to get rid of in this game, but McKenzie just did everything Chelsea literally wanted. Yeah. And then after all that, Chelsea is going to be like, get on the block and get out. She's never going to. Yeah. Because she's talking to because she's sitting next to courts with her man.

01;18;23;22 - 01;18;52;08


So maybe Chelsea targets McKenzie before that out of the house. Could we please use a different word? You imagine if she she wins. It's affected that someone has that energy and it's like, well, since you guys want to lay on cots together, can McKenzie I like that. McKenzie. Who do you think you are talking to? My man behind my back.

01;18;52;10 - 01;19;19;14


Not even behind her. Back at all. Very, very directly in front of her. Yeah, I cam cam doesn't, doesn't talk to trifling hoes like you. Chelsea I don't, I don't I hope Chelsea never says that. Yeah. Very much in front of your face, Chelsea. Because why. Because you and Cameron are thing. You're not a thing. So it's okay for him to do it in front of your face.

01;19;21;03 - 01;19;42;17


Okay. So what Zach is saying is that Chelsea would target Mackenzie before cam would target Mackenzie if, he was in power during the double eviction. Okay. Let's move on. Mackenzie can't be in power, so we're not even going to include her in this. Rubina and chemo, I think, also would go after Mackenzie. They never go after Mackenzie.

01;19;42;17 - 01;20;03;15


And then maybe Chelsea. I would hope Chelsea. I don't have a lot of hope that they would go after Chelsea. Unfortunately, they would go after cam before Chelsea. It's crazy to me that they would do that. But I mean, you're right. Because they called they called MJ the new Tucker at one point this week, which is so insane.

01;20;04;06 - 01;20;26;16


That that is their read on MJ of all people. And, Tucker. Yeah, she likes biscuits. And and they talked about hoping that Chelsea doesn't see there's hope that Chelsea sees that she can't go to the end with MJ. And I'm like, where the where's this coming from from either of you like I feel like just the view it should be.

01;20;26;18 - 01;20;52;20


Wow Chelsea seems to be in a good spot. Let's go after Chelsea or just split up Kim and Chelsea at that point. If you target Mackenzie out of everybody instead of splitting up Cam in Chelsea, I think that's such a wasted opportunity. Like that is a duo where one could easily win any physical comp that is thrown your way for the rest of the season if he if he truly wants to.

01;20;53;10 - 01;21;10;22


Minus Mackenzie, but also Mackenzie isn't as close to cam as Chelsea is. And Chelsea is also the biggest social threat. So just like guaranteed that you can at least attempt to get one of them out. And if nothing else, view them as a trio, which they still are at this point, and go after all of them.

01;21;10;22 - 01;21;38;17


And so you have three options. That's the easy decision. If they don't see it, is that I don't know what to do. If they even think about putting Angela on that block, I will scream. I will absolutely scream in my living room if I see them even think about putting Angela on the block as an option when you have literally the trio left the trio of people, that are going to probably comp out if you don't nominate them.

01;21;39;00 - 01;21;58;17


So with that, Chelsea is going to be like Angel's Angels. The reason why I take your point home, you have to do this for me. And they might want this and they would listen. That's the thing. It's like they would be like, oh, okay, Zach, you're scaring me. Because that's unfortunately a super real scenario that could happen on Thursday.

01;21;58;19 - 01;22;23;05


Is that and like chemo or ribbon or miraculously wins and hlah and then they completely fumble it by putting up like Angela and Mackenzie and don't even think about building up damage. Chelsea. Unfortunately I could see that happening. Or them thinking, well, McKenzie's like the leader of this group. She's the biggest, comp threat. So she needs to go up on the block.

01;22;23;28 - 01;22;47;12


No. No. See that McKenzie just made a horrible move and probably just lost a jury vote and use that to bring her just just a little bit. Three. Two. Three. She lost three. Yeah. Will they see that? Probably not. And will we be disappointed if one of them gets in the ballot? Probably simply, yeah.

01;22;47;13 - 01;23;14;01


Because think about this. Let's say chemo wins the h.o.h or like, hooray! His maybe in his mind, he even says, I want to target Chelsea. But I need another pod on the block. And so he, like, puts up Chelsea and Angela and let's say McKenzie wins the veto or cam wins the veto. If it's like the dig in through the ball pit type of competition.

01;23;14;06 - 01;23;41;01


He takes Chelsea off. You put up McKenzie. What happens at that point. They do they they keep McKenzie. You think. Yeah because the votes at that point would just be Cam and Chelsea and Rubina. I think they think they take out McKenzie. Interesting. So maybe accidentally it could work out. So I feel like they'd be so bad I don't think Chelsea would do that.

01;23;41;03 - 01;24;01;20


That would take out McKenzie right now. Yeah. Like that in a double right after McKenzie literally just did everything she wants you. You should be punished. She could pin it on cam. How cold? Rubina, though. But she she's right. That's what I mean. Chelsea hasn't been playing like cold like that compared to everybody else but Nick a little bit.

01;24;01;23 - 01;24;28;15


But no, she's half hood and half holy. And now, she's half she's half righteous, half ratchet, unrighteous. Oh, ratchet. Yeah. These are, these are her words verbatim. Yeah, but this is the hood. Ratchet. Yes. Charles on the same line. This is hood. Ratchet. Chelsea now opposing. But I don't know. I feel like people think Mackenzie is in more danger than she actually is in the double, is all I'm trying to say.

01;24;28;17 - 01;24;49;17


Okay, no, that's fine. I do think it was a god awful move, and I don't think she should have done this, but I think the silver lining is that now Angela is still here, and Angela will probably be like the default target in the double. If you're Cam and Chelsea, though, like Mackenzie is the last person in this game who you really are super worried about.

01;24;49;17 - 01;25;11;11


Like Angela has won competitions, but I don't think Angela is the the threat in a final two scenario. And I know we said Mackenzie just lost three jury votes. I still think Mackenzie got to the final two. She has a case, more than Angela would in a lot of ways. I agree. Nope. Nope. Remember JAG won last year, Zach, and then like, come back to me on who should deserve to win this game or not.

01;25;11;11 - 01;25;39;06


No no no no. Let's. Who is she in the final two with right now? We did this last week. Her house cam her and cam sanctuary him. Sure. Who votes for Mackenzie? Not Leah, not Quinn, not Angela. I think Mackenzie votes against cam. Then you think that she would. Yeah. Cor, I feel like the women would rather vote for Mackenzie over cam.

01;25;39;06 - 01;26;01;24


That's that's what I'm thinking. Because the whole theme this season has been like, the women, like, low key working together. Because for the first time ever, there could be a woman in the final two. Yeah. But Hayward just won this woman, literally, according to me, really go. She's literally going against she only nominated women this week. Wait, that's just a smokescreen.

01;26;01;24 - 01;26;25;07


Forgot there's only two guys left in the house. That's literally, I think if she. Since she did this, she has lost any chance of having Leah or Angela's vote. Leah also just nominated two women last week, but that's not the point. I.

01;26;25;10 - 01;26;54;00


Yeah, I, I, I still I stand by this. I don't think Mackenzie is going to win. I will just go. Oh, sorry. I was just going to say it to Nick's theme of like, women being in the final two, kind of being like a continuous conversation piece between the women in the house. There's also been, I think, more attempts or at least more mainstay, that there was going to be an all female alliance, or just a women's alliance in general.

01;26;54;02 - 01;27;15;10


Pretty far into the game. Like, even as, like Brittany got evicted or as Lisa got evicted. I still feel like at least once a week. Brittany. Brittany I mean, Brooklyn. Brooklyn. Yeah. Sorry. I should point, sir. And then what's even more embarrassing is that her name is right in front of me. Like it is sitting right there.

01;27;15;16 - 01;27;32;20


Brittany. Yeah. For Titi, did you not remember? Do we not have Victor this year? It's still the same season. Are you just, like, shocked ever remembering this? Yes. Oh, yeah. That Brittany too. Sorry. We have too many Brittany needs to deal with in this game. That I forgot that we didn't actually have one this year.

01;27;32;25 - 01;27;54;12


I actually haven't watched the entire season. Everyone. I just guessed that there was a Brittany, and I guess I was almost right. But even as Brooklyn was going out or Lisa was going out, like, we still it felt like there was a who's. Lisa? Stop it. I know this is right there. I see your name. There is still like, talks of like there should be a woman's alliance.

01;27;54;12 - 01;28;15;06


There should still be a woman's alliance. More than I feel like. Typically there is, early on in the season, like, I feel like the first week or two weeks, maybe we have a moment like that. Maybe the third week. I can't remember when Bella ruined it in season. 21 for everybody, or 21 was the 21 that Bella ruined the Black Widow alliance?

01;28;16;03 - 01;28;42;17


Still hated that moment that entire week. Awful. Wait. No. Good. Very bad. Black Widow alliance. That's not. That's not 21. That's not 21. Yes, it was, because that was Bella and Jessica. And who else was in the alliance? Nicole almost was. And then they decided to bully her out of it. I could have sworn it was called the Black Widow Alliance.

01;28;42;20 - 01;29;29;11


Maybe it was. Maybe they both had did they tried two times and it failed the times. Yeah, it's Black Widows. Okay. Yeah. Bad season. Big Sister Banana says I called Brooklyn. Cruella. Okay. I'll use that from now on. I made it easier to remember, but, Yeah. So I all that to say, literally all of that to say that was a while ago, that I know there could be a lot of a push for that, especially if it came down to a Mackenzie and cam scenario where cam could be seen easily as Chelsea's lapdog in a way, in as opposed to, Mackenzie, who really fought from the first week

01;29;29;14 - 01;29;47;26


at least that she could probably sway people to think, or at least more of a story than cam, who's been coasting pretty hardcore throughout this game. Yeah. Hey, he's he's been thinking about and hanging out with the all the dogs at the clip crib. As soon as he gets out of this house for about a month now.

01;29;48;06 - 01;30;19;10


And mother loves, loves his bitter Jerry's. And I just don't see Mackenzie winning after this week. I just don't see it. I it'll be hard. It would be. It would be hard to see Mackenzie win. It would be. Especially after this week. But at the same time, I felt the same way about when Jag won. I was like, he did not make a move that that was even like, even remotely in in-tune with what was going on in the game or like, thought about something ahead of time, like, I need to make all of these moves.

01;30;19;10 - 01;30;40;08


He just won competition after competition after competition and was like, well enough, that got him the votes in my mind. And it's frustrating to see that it's just because he wasn't a fan of Andrew Tate. Really. It that I mean, the jurors did not know that, but it sure made it. Sure made me stomach it a little bit easier thinking about that in the moment.

01;30;40;22 - 01;31;08;07


As frustrating as that entire night was, I'm just saying, like, I don't I don't think it is easy to say that Mackenzie would lose a jury vote if she was up against cam, if she was up against, like. And that's okay. That does not mean I am a Mackenzie fan here, but no, I, I, I agree, I'm just saying I agree with that because I feel like I keep arguing with people about the same thing being like, well, cam is going to beat her and like she has no chance of winning.

01;31;08;07 - 01;31;33;19


Like Robina will even beat her. And it's like, can we relax? Like let's like take a second to think about things before we just like, say the bullshit that we're thinking? Because that doesn't make sense. I think this does dampen her chances of winning 100%, because I feel like Leah was definitely somebody who would have definitely voted for her to win, but now she's definitely not.

01;31;33;26 - 01;31;50;05


So I feel like, yeah, of course, this definitely ruins her chances of winning a little bit, but I still think she has a fighting chance. And like, we sat here last season and said Jack will never win the game because he was evicted and this that, whatever. But he won a bunch of comps and that's what the jury liked.

01;31;50;11 - 01;32;09;01


It was the make let me finish. If Mackenzie can win a bunch of comps and make it all the way to the end, maybe people will appreciate the fact that she has to literally fight her ass off the whole game. Yeah, and one vote for her to win. I don't know. I don't know what the jury wants. There's only two people in there.

01;32;09;01 - 01;32;37;06


Two right now. So. Well, let's look at let's look at the first juror standpoint. Quinn. Quinn. Lights. Mackenzie. Yeah, but he would would he appreciate a physical game or what? Kim's one one competition I'm I'm just I'm just speaking against the physical game. Is Mackenzie with her six cops? Mackenzie is actually one far more physical comps than Kim.

01;32;37;06 - 01;33;07;14


No, I'm. No, no, what I'm saying is, would Quinn prefer, physical game or a strategic game? I would say strategic. Yeah, definitely. I think is Cam's biggest key in a speech, which, I mean, speeches in the final two scenario. I don't know how much that has swayed juries in the past. This season, I could feel like now that we've opened up the door of speeches swaying people, for the season, I.

01;33;07;14 - 01;33;28;05


Maybe it could have more of an impact this year. But, like, cam, I feel like his best case would be to counter this idea that he didn't do everything. Chelsea did everything for him. And so what's his best way of laying all that out? If that's his weakness, how does he use that as his strength? He used Chelsea as a shield.

01;33;28;07 - 01;33;48;16


You could say that because. But the thing is, he hasn't said that to anybody, so. Well, that's that. That's why you save it till the end. But is it too late, though? Is it too late? I don't know, Mean, may have you know that he did that here? You know, maybe that delay. This is this is what I had.

01;33;48;19 - 01;34;27;15


How do you know cam doesn't even talk to the cams? So cam doesn't talk to cam. Talk to the Dr.. Like, here's here's how he should lay it out. Is that amongst the season of chaos and fighting and bickering, I was just laying back. I let everyone else duke it out. Because any time that I saw people insert themselves or try to cause waves that caused them to go on the block, I use Chelsea as my shield because in no matter what scenario I was in, I was the pawn.

01;34;27;18 - 01;34;55;01


No matter what. Chelsea was going to go before me because she was the strategic threat. I use Chelsea, through her, was able to work out strategically the layout and get close to people through that. Okay, okay. But cam is not going to say any of that. Let's be real. How do you know we don't even really talk like that the whole season?

01;34;55;03 - 01;35;21;25


Literally. It's going to be like Bully Jane. He's going to he's going to drop this whole facade. He's going to come in the final two in a suit, and he's going to be like, I'm a guy's. I'm a physical therapist. It's how will physical therapy help me in this game? It helped me relax everyone's tension around me. It helped him.

01;35;21;29 - 01;35;51;07


It helped me strengthen those muscles that we call in our brain that help keep me here. The strongest brain in the muscle. That's what I use in this game. I didn't use these, I use this, okay? Okay. Yeah, I hope he was. He might say all of that. You're so right. No. Here's what's here's going to be his final speech.

01;35;51;09 - 01;36;22;08


Oh, okay. I'm I'm not the right. This is the third take. Now. I'm just kidding. Oh, no. I'm just giving McKinsey a hard time, though. I. If it were me on the jury, if I were, like, I'd be very pissed. I'd be very coarse as she is right now. Yeah. And I don't know, I feel like she has a good enough, a majority push for other people to see that this was a bad move.

01;36;22;13 - 01;36;38;14


Yeah. To not want to vote for McKinsey. And, I mean, she is inevitably going to go to the jury and say, like, tell her story to Quinn and to core and immediately, Quinn intellect are going to be like, oh, so Chelsea did that, and that's just going to build more of a resume like they're going to give her that clarity behind it, too.

01;36;38;14 - 01;37;00;03


So I wonder how that will start to form more of a jury argument for Chelsea. Like if if Leah is coming in there full on just telling them exactly a move that Chelsea laid out that got her evicted, that convinced one of her best friends in the house to put her on the block. There's no way Quinn and Core don't automatically have Chelsea at the top of their minds, which, I mean, they probably already did.

01;37;00;23 - 01;37;21;20


But, especially going forward is like, okay, well, it's Chelsea's game to lose. And so if you see it as Chelsea's game to lose, who do you view in that second play slot? Like who? If Chelsea gets evicted, who takes the place as like it's their game to lose at this point because right now you could point to McKinsey, but at the same time, it's like McKinsey just made a big blunder of a move.

01;37;21;21 - 01;37;39;19


So do you view that, in place of cam doing pretty much nothing but in a but just like doing it next to Chelsea as like his main move? And is that a good move that you would value? Someone winning over or if Angela gets to the final two, do you see her as more valuable than cam because she actually had to go through a lot?

01;37;39;20 - 01;38;02;18


Nominated six times, won the first H.o.h got into a fight, was one of the most chaotic players in the history of Big Brother, yet somehow some way made it to the final two. Would you view that over cam? What's the standing? Stop standing. Angela. Angela. To the end. You literally have Angela as part of your. Stop it. Do you you have her name in your.

01;38;02;23 - 01;38;29;22


Oh, no, no, no, me and Nick can do it. You have a curse. Oh, right. He's not saying she's winning, though, so he's literally building a case for her. It's okay. I'm building nothing that that Angela didn't already build herself. So you're right. It's the house that Angela built. It's the house built timeline and sold herself. If Angela did not win H.o.h first, I don't know.

01;38;29;22 - 01;38;52;05


I don't want to know where it would be. Okay? I don't want to know what the season would have been. Matt would still be in the game. Probably. Who is she competing against in the first H.o.h like who she could in the final group? It was, Kenny and Leah, I believe. Yeah, yeah, it was the family, the fam man.

01;38;52;07 - 01;39;15;21


Remember? Whatever people were calling Kenny, Leah and Angela, mom, dad and daughter. Well, you just reminded me the Lorraine's going to the alliance that just got named. It's going to end this Thursday. But. Yeah, and then we were talking about double eviction scenarios, but we ended up getting, Angela in our endgame soap box again.

01;39;15;24 - 01;39;49;05


So y'all are forgetting this also. Okay, the the thing that Angela is good at is puzzles. Usually the h.o.h comp is some type of puzzle during a double. It varies, of course. I mean, unless the last year we literally had questions. Yeah, for some reason. Yeah, we have questions too. But it's a puzzle. There's usually a puzzle element and h.o.h or veto.

01;39;49;08 - 01;40;07;15


Yeah. One of the two will be some sort of I mean, I, I assume the h.o.h is just going to be question answer. Like it the majority of the time it is and then veto will be. I would love if we go back to like the fort tile type of puzzle where it's just like them skating along the maze.

01;40;07;15 - 01;40;26;16


Like I would love something like that as opposed to the ball pit. Because it's just like you can kind of figure it out. Do you guys see what's happening on Twitter right now in terms of feeds? Because we know what the comp is now, basically. Oh, we do okay. Yeah. They're getting Julie is giving them messages saying that Ainsley is taking over the world.

01;40;26;23 - 01;40;50;18


So it's surprising not keeping it a secret. Now. So it's obviously going to be some type of like question thing which which Angela is good at, too. She, yeah. Good chances of Angela winning an H and even even the other even other question comps she did great in. She would only miss like one and b one away.

01;40;50;20 - 01;41;17;07


I think and I know Angela is going to she can win. She's going to study her ass off. I think Angela is calm and you know Chelsea McKenzie. You're going up on that block. Yeah. Cam just avoiding all of these scenarios. Love it. Love it for him. But yeah, I think Chelsea McKinsey definite Chelsea for sure is hitting the block if Angela wins H.o.h.

01;41;17;07 - 01;41;36;28


I don't see any way around that. And then there will be some sort of McKinsey revenge plot. I am sure. Also, because Angela typically loves to watch the people who use the veto on her go out the door. And then McKinsey would just be another person in that long line of people. That have used the veto on her and walked out the door.

01;41;37;00 - 01;41;58;22


So, yeah, another person using the veto and walking out the door. Yes. Well, I mean, I want to know the stat of the people that have used the veto in this game. How many of them are still in the game like the veto is the veto. Let's look. Hold on. I have the wiki open. Lisa's gone. Kenny's gone.

01;41;58;22 - 01;42;48;05


Tucker's gone. McKenzie's America's veto. So I don't know. Yeah. Tucker. Tucker. Cam. So here, he is the veto. Did he. He's. No way. Yeah, yeah he is. The veto is the veto. Leah okay. He is still here. Technically is still here. Angela's still here. And McKenzie okay. So about half and half. Yeah. All right. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't another weird stat to follow up that, I will say is the most exciting scenario on Thursday, assuming Leah is evicted, which as of right now, she would be, Angela winning that H.o.h comp and nominating McKenzie and Chelsea outright.

01;42;48;08 - 01;43;10;00


Oh, that'd be crazy because Angela isn't, which is already entertaining enough. But doing it in a live scenario where she has to really quickly think about who to nominate and has to give speeches on the fly. I just think it would make for great television to see her go after Chelsea McKenzie. And probably have some amazing words to go along with it in the moment.

01;43;10;19 - 01;43;31;10


Even if it wasn't her true feelings, she doesn't. I feel like Angela panics and she's on TV. She'll just keep saying things. Even if she doesn't truly, like, hate someone, she'll just keep saying, like, slightly insulting things to them. Like a shout out to the dogs liquid. Yes. That that's my favorite scenario playing out Thursday night.

01;43;31;10 - 01;43;50;13


If we can get that, I mainly just don't want to see Aliyah and Angela back to back. Elimination here. Even even chemo where we're being going would be kind of boring to me. But at the same time, it's like they're not doing much for me. I'd rather that I would rather that, honestly, I don't want to see Leah and McKenzie go out back to back.

01;43;50;15 - 01;44;13;14


No, I don't want no anything either happen. Yeah. Chemo and Rubina, I'm sorry. You've been giving me nothing for a long time. Yeah. And, y'all can go. We need to make some room for some, more evenly distributed chaos. Because you're not giving me enough chaos. You were. You can go be three incredible friends. And, Jerry, how about that?

01;44;13;16 - 01;44;38;02


You can. You can go do that, and that is fine. Okay. Any other scenarios that we want to talk about? Oh, I guess I want to ask y'all this, Nick and Zach, give me your ideal double eviction prediction. And I'm going to actually note this, for when we do our podcast next week to see who got it right.

01;44;38;02 - 01;45;07;04


Everyone else can also in the chat, give me your prediction for the H.o.h in the double eviction and, H.o.h. No, I'm not going to be the winner. That's too complicated. Your h.o.h and then just your two nominees and who's getting evicted? Initial nominees. Do you want my fun scenario, or do you want what I actually want to happen?

01;45;07;06 - 01;45;38;16


I, I want what you want to happen. Okay. Oh, my gosh, I would like a Chelsea H.o.h for chemo and Robbie not to be on the block. And for one of them to go home. Okay. Yeah. So Chelsea H.o.h chemo and Rubina with pick one. Chemo. Okay. Chemo gone. I think that probably would be the vote there anyway.

01;45;38;19 - 01;45;58;12


All right. Zach. I'm going to go with, Angela Wentz. H.o.h come nominate McKenzie and Chelsea.

01;46;00;29 - 01;46;24;27


Angela wins the veto. Yeah. I didn't ask for them. I'm going to give it. Just kidding. It's. No and then. You want final arms to know just evicted. Did you listen. He did it clearly.

01;46;27;18 - 01;46;51;00


It's just you can just blurt out, okay. Evicted is going to be McKenzie because all three of the other people are going to want Chelsea to stay. Yeah, probably. Okay, cool. Do yours, Barry, because then I want to. I want to say my fun ones who just because they think it's fun. But I want to.

01;46;51;01 - 01;47;11;15


All right. I it's unfortunately, it'd be pretty identical to Zach, so I'm going to go I'm going to think of a different one real quick, just for just for our sake. I think chemo is. Do I think chemo is going to win? H.o.h. Yeah. I was going to I'm going to know what she wanted to be doing.

01;47;11;15 - 01;47;29;12


The double. I think that would be chaos. Watch. This is going to be the one time that actually what happens. It would be boring. But I'm going to say it anyway, I in 22, I predicted the triple eviction, just based on what I thought would be the most boring outcome. And I was exactly right on all three of these.

01;47;29;12 - 01;48;03;16


So. Well, to be fair, if there is any prediction that would be correct for anyone going into it, it would have been in 22. Yes. Yeah, I there was no not a real shock in that season at any point. Okay. So we got I say chemo wins h.o.h. I think chemo would nominate An MJ and I want to say Chelsea, I really want to say that they even nominate Chelsea alongside MJ, but I'm not confident that they will.

01;48;05;03 - 01;48;29;07


I'm gonna say chemo makes a horrific decision and nominates MJ and Angela. And then I think in the end, Angela is going to go, we're going to have a disaster of a night. And also I would say, again, Angela is my winter pick for that. I said last week. So my consistency is completely, off of track.

01;48;29;10 - 01;48;53;20


But that's okay. You know, well, we all have three different scenarios at least. Nick, you say chemo is going to go. Zach, you say McKinsey. I say Angela, let's see. Let's see who's the most right by the end. Can I say my fun scenario now that like, it's not an actual scenario? Yeah. And the final secret veto and use it on herself at the live eviction could be that.

01;48;53;20 - 01;49;26;07


And then, make sure it's, verbena, I don't know. Sure, I like that. Shout out to Alicia and Chad, first of all. Oh. Hey, Alicia. Oh, my gosh, Alicia. We love MJ. Stan. Even though she's a little messy this week. Yes, that's still my girl. A little. I don't care. Anyways. My. So this is the scenario that I feel like would make me, like, fly through my house.

01;49;26;09 - 01;49;55;29


So if Angela wins hlah and she puts up Chelsea and McKenzie and then McKenzie wins veto and Chelsea gets evicted, it would be rename cam and oh yeah, McKenzie would want to keep cam. Yeah, I think that'd be cool. I mean, not McKenzie. Chelsea it would be crazy. I think that would like really shake the whole like end game up in my opinion.

01;49;56;06 - 01;50;18;12


I think picking a crazy scenario and picking a predictably stupid scenario have about as equal chance of happening in the season going into a double. So I wouldn't count anything out, to be honest with you. Which which is nice. I do think this these past couple of weeks, starting with Janky World, has really slowed down this game.

01;50;18;14 - 01;50;38;29


And I should I say that there's no coincidence that there's no I arena. And that also, impacts that. But it just I don't want that to continue for the next 20 days. And I'm starting to see that end of season, just like slowness to it. And I just I don't like it. I don't like it.

01;50;39;02 - 01;50;59;17


This the season has flown by for me. It has been a quick 70 days, but I feel like it's come to a halt in the past ten. In large part minus like MJ making this move and then being outside and stuff. But even then outside, it was one of the more boring things I've watched, even though they made them do 20,000 dance parties.

01;51;00;19 - 01;51;22;03


They just looked exhausted and they looked like they didn't want to play that that hard last week. And weirdly inspired MJ to be a good player, but everybody else seemed like they were having a terrible time. And now this week, we're all having a terrible time, watching MJ doing what she's doing. So I, I just want, I don't know, I want to be a little bit more excited.

01;51;22;03 - 01;51;54;28


And this double is going to really impact a lot of that. Plus, you. Thank you. I still see a scenario where your curse still. Comes into play. And somehow people come to a realization that they want to keep Leah. And Angela gets evicted. Leah wins. H.o.h nominates Chelsea and McKenzie near them, win the veto.

01;51;55;01 - 01;52;01;21


Maybe Leah wins the veto and then.

01;52;01;23 - 01;52;27;24


Doesn't use it. One of them goes home. Is that your official pick? Do you want to change that on your, No. No, I'm just saying. I'm just saying that with this cast, there is a possibility your curse still can continue. Yeah, it can. Olmert's fault when it will be. Yeah, yeah. Nick, I keep looking at your pick.

01;52;27;24 - 01;52;46;24


As with the Chelsea and chemo and Robina, or Chelsea in chemo and Rubina nominations and I, I keep going back and forth as to whether thinking like your scenario would be more, easy to digest as opposed to, like, chemo winning and getting our hopes up and then ruining it, or Rubina winning and getting your hopes up in the ruining, I don't know, what would you rather prefer?

01;52;46;24 - 01;53;15;19


Like watching them just live make a completely huge mistake? Or would you rather watch just like, Chelsea wins and like, okay, well, at least I don't have to stress about this. Yeah, I feel like if, like, that's the thing. If Chelsea wins, I don't have to stress because I know my girl will be good. But I feel like it'd be more fun to watch them kind of, like, fuck up their whole thing on live TV.

01;53;15;21 - 01;53;39;00


It would be nice what it though. Yes, it would be because they've done nothing all damn season. So under the so under the moment of like highest of pressure to see them do it one more time would be, it would be quite fun. But then you think like do you want chemo and Rubina in like a final five?

01;53;39;00 - 01;53;58;10


Do you want them to take up like two slots in that final five? No. That's the we didn't even want them in the final ten. I'm not sure. It's it's the fact that, like, one of them is potentially getting brought. I could see them getting one of them getting brought to the end if they could slip into the final five together.

01;53;58;13 - 01;54;27;19


And that's what's like I don't want that because then if the other one. So like let's say like we're being like it's like dragged to the end, right. And she's already going to have to jury votes from chemo and score. Yeah. This group, you know, really deserve to jury votes in a seven person jury. No, that's a little scary, Robbie Rivera has not, I don't think has played for herself one time in 70 days.

01;54;27;19 - 01;54;53;27


And it's kind of good. Liz deserved two jury votes in which set a one. So don't even get me started on that. She didn't know justice for Steve. We're not talking about 17 because I will. That's a whole can of worms for me. So if Chelsea, so is Chelsea, who makes it to the end with her being a it'd be season.

01;54;54;00 - 01;55;22;20


It'd be that season all over again. No. Let's go with Rubina and Cam. What if cam gets out? Chelsea? I don't see any. I honestly don't see anywhere that happens. Disgusting. I don't want to think. What if we have a chemo and Rubina final two? That's my nightmare. Like that is literally my nightmare right now. I'd rather calm over them.

01;55;22;20 - 01;55;28;26


Like win in chemo in Rubina. Yeah.

01;55;28;28 - 01;55;45;14


I don't even. Okay. Didn't I feel like we did this with Jack and Matt last year? We were like, I don't even want to think about that. And then it actually ended up happening. We're like, no, that was we said that that was a nightmare situation, that she said that was okay. I'm nervous saying that. But also, thank you so much, Jen.

01;55;45;26 - 01;56;12;08


Glad what good morning. We're still talking. But also, thank you so much. I'm sorry about your pain today. I hope that we haven't made it worse. Anyway, if we have, understandable. I'll blame it on Zach, but we'll just blame it on you. Feel better soon? Yes. That works. That also works. His chemo.

01;56;12;10 - 01;56;35;29


Chemo would have McKenzie as well. So chemo would have. Did we do that chemo Rubina scenario last week? And we just repeat we did not. Okay. We did not head. Yeah. Oh, interesting. Because I feel like we didn't even, like, fathom the thought of them going into final two together. Okay, well, let's do it then. So we got Quinn, who's Quinn voting for between chemo and Rubina.

01;56;36;02 - 01;57;01;15


Chemo, maybe. Who knows who it's anyone's, you know, chemo. Chemo? Because of the visionaries. Chemo because of the visionaries. Okay, I can deal with that. So does that mean T core does the same thing? Yeah, I think t core votes for chemo over Rubina. Yeah. Chemo was also the only vote to keep t core last week. She's going to know that that meant, you know, there is more to their relationship than his relationship with Rubina.

01;57;01;20 - 01;57;24;26


Yeah. This from the beginning of the game. There's no way T core doesn't vote chemo. Okay. Cool. So. Chemo has two votes at this point. Good start. Say Leah goes out this week. Who is Leah going to vote for between chemo and Rubina for being you know we've saying you guys keep saying Quinn is going to follow Leah in.

01;57;24;28 - 01;57;53;08


Yeah. Those Rubina what are you never said that. Let me just say, you know, both of you. Yeah, that is true. I and yeah, I think she would vote for chemo. I think Quinn was whispering sweet nothings. Oh my God. You know how the jury house is. Yeah. Look at Nick and Kat. I was like, me and Kat for.

01;57;53;09 - 01;58;19;03


It's like, look at you, okay, because I am. The jury has the cat like, all right. Wait, Nick, are you not the v 21? Nick I thought you're both from Jersey ish area. That was the whole reason I had you on the podcast to begin with. Because I thought you were. I've been blown. You're not a child's type of child therapist.

01;58;19;06 - 01;58;44;03


I am a therapist. But miraculously, a child therapist. That was crazy. Wait, what are we doing again? But chemo and Rubina, we're saying Leah is going to vote for Rubina. Is that what we're saying? Is that what we're saying now that I think now that you mentioned that, then, yeah, Leah would vote for chemo. I still think she votes for Rubina.

01;58;44;06 - 01;59;06;27


Does she have a good relationship with Rubina, though? No, but I think Leah really wants a woman's win. Yeah, I can see that. You're one of those people that was like, really like for that. And I don't think Rubina did anything wrong to Leah. So can I also say that t core not voting for chemo wouldn't surprise me because of how consistently Tehcourier acted like chemo.

01;59;07;11 - 01;59;27;12


Was not that important to her. Would she would she put a win winning over? Oh, I don't know. I don't know, I could just see t voting for Rubina. I'd be like, I wouldn't be shocked by that as well. But their relationship from the beginning of the game should lend herself to vote for chemo. Like, yes. I just wanted to say they still could happen.

01;59;27;12 - 01;59;54;16


She did wipe bird poop on the guy, so, All right, so let's just say Leah votes for Rubina. That's we can confidently, more confidently say two votes for chemo, one vote for Rubina right now. Let's go to cam. Who would cam vote for between chemo and Rubina? Chemo. Okay, I see I have no basis for why Cam and Chelsea would vote for either chemo or Rubina at this point.

01;59;54;21 - 02;00;27;24


And I'll go to either of them I don't like. I've never seen them have a conversation. It's very rare. Yeah, like how many I bet. I wonder if he probably thinks wonders if he's like the only dude in the house or something. Maybe. So. Yeah, it's kind of like when, Corey and Felicia had a conversation. I think it was Corey Felicia last year where at like two months into the game and Felicia said, you know, I haven't talked to you once about your strategy in this game.

02;00;27;27 - 02;00;51;21


And that sat with me like, pretty hard, like, how do you spend two months? And she was genuine. She was like, this is the first time we have ever talked game. And like, how does that happen? How do you sit there for that long and not talk game with someone at that point? But that could be cam and chemo relationship also, or lack of and then someone can remember a huge moment of bonding between them.

02;00;51;23 - 02;01;00;24


But I'm forgetting that, Renee opened up to them about his brother.

02;01;01;14 - 02;01;22;03


I believe it was that a group that I think that was. I mean, it was a group conversation, but, I mean, I can still count for sure. If it's part of chemo story and how if that reflects on how he's act in the game and those things always have an impact, for sure. But I don't I don't think that was just like a cam as an audience member.

02;01;22;03 - 02;01;47;00


This type of thing. But if I'm voting for, I'm asking, where does Chelsea vote? You think that determines her camp? I think that's what cam votes. I mean, I mean, I'm in the same boat. I am in the same boat with Chelsea voting for Kim or Rubina as I am with cam, which is crazy that this scenario that we don't want to happen is this hard to actually figure out.

02;01;47;14 - 02;01;54;29


Who's going to win? Nick. Help me. Where where is Chelsea going?

02;01;55;02 - 02;02;23;08


For being, I literally it's I have no idea. That's sad. Like, I don't I don't know how they even differentiate between the two of them though, either. I'm like, that's where I'm like, they are intertwined. They've both won one. I, but that one one's more comps than the other. It's not like I don't I really don't know what they base their votes on at that.

02;02;23;09 - 02;02;37;04


Yeah I think Chelsea. Chelsea, you vote if either one of them, if they were the h.o.h that got her out.

02;02;37;07 - 02;03;04;15


Maybe so. I just don't know, like what Kim was going to say strategically got them to this point that is not going to directly include core. When we literally saw his speech, moved mountains and moved McKenzie, his speech will move mountains again. Yeah, he's good at speaking. We know that much. That might be Kim's best move in the game is saving himself with a speech at the last second.

02;03;05;16 - 02;03;27;15


So maybe that could also get him $750,000. I don't know. That's. Yeah, this is way too hard. I, I think Angela would vote chemo if that helps anything that makes it slightly easier. Yeah, because she'd feel bad that she voted. She's still better. Yeah, she still feels bad that she voted him out twice when nobody else did.

02;03;27;17 - 02;03;48;11


Pretty much. So that gives chemo three votes. She was thinking about voting him out this time, but she got reminded that she was on the block. That is so true. Yeah. Yeah. And after the veto was used, she was like, I can't see myself saying Leah's name in that booth. And and, MJ was like, well, you're not voting.

02;03;48;11 - 02;04;12;06


You're also on the block. And then Angela just went, I'm losing my mind. It was great. But I so if chemo has three votes at this point, I, I'm only go lean to say that chemo beats Rubina in a final two scenario. Hard to say that, but what if the jury ends up deadlocked and then it's a mistrial and they have to restart the season?

02;04;12;08 - 02;04;36;02


They all have to pick a key. Zach. What if what if they don't want to? Or if they're just standing there, they just collectively refuse to vote on either of them, or you want to restart the season that. Yeah. The restart the nightmares. Yeah. Yeah. That's what a it would be a very bad end of the season. And I think that's why I'm so hopeful that Chelsea can win.

02;04;36;09 - 02;05;01;28


Just just so there's like a good stamp on the season of like okay. It was chaotic. It was fun. And the best player strategically came out on top. And I'm not never left. Yeah. Yeah. That I don't know. Honestly she's been pretty consistently a good a good player all year. So I would say all around this year she's been the best.

02;05;02;21 - 02;05;25;05


So yeah, with that, I think that she deserves to win. And I don't think she'll have any problem winning if she makes it to final two, obviously. But, yeah, chemo could win over her. Being out of chemo cannot win over anyone else. Rubina could win over nobody in my mind. No. Not even cam. No. I think a woman's going to win.

02;05;29;01 - 02;06;00;22


I don't know, then Angela and Angela. Caitlin. I think Angela can win. If Chelsea's not going to win, let Angela win. I honestly like there's no better second option to be other than Angela winning this game. If Chelsea is not gonna win, there's no better first option for me. With, With who? With Leah. Oh, yeah. I think also the best arguments against each other would be Chelsea and Angela.

02;06;00;22 - 02;06;25;23


I think Chelsea would be fun to watch her lay out her game from the beginning, and I think Angela would be equally as entertaining, to see how she is viewed her game for 90 plus days. Because they're both going to speak really well about it. I know they will. And I both like, and I think their two games have been so polar opposite that it would be interesting to see if that how the jury decides who truly deserves the win, because there's two different perspectives that you can take.

02;06;25;23 - 02;06;48;11


And I think each of those perspectives will lead to a different vote between Chelsea and Angela. Do you. Yeah. Do you think that Quinn would vote for Angela? I could see it. I'll. I'll wait. I mean, obviously there's 20 days left in this game. Angela has a lot of work to do. And if she gets to a final two scenario, she's got to have done something hugely important to get herself there.

02;06;48;27 - 02;07;13;26


When the double and get Chelsea. Or if Anthony, if Angela won the double H.o.h and got Mackenzie out and then found her way to a final two, she'd be she'd have a way more interesting case. Because I think a lot of you think about her second h.o.h. It didn't even exist because Quinn took it over. So I think she needs that extra week of power or that extra target that she got on the house to be, like.

02;07;13;28 - 02;07;32;21


I targeted Matt, and I got him out. I got a huge knock out. And then maybe she wins power again. And she says, I got another huge comp threat out in McKinsey. Or if she gets if she got Chelsea out somehow, be like, I got the big social threat in this game, out of this or in this game, out of the house.

02;07;33;08 - 02;07;55;11


She won h.o.h when she needed to because if she didn't win, she was going to go home. That's. And that's another thing in Angela's got nine lives, in this game. And the fact that she's been able to stay in, she just has to say that her chaos was a strategy, and she has to make it seem like she was able to emotion to use everybody to her advantage, specifically in veto scenarios.

02;07;55;11 - 02;08;19;09


Getting off the block three times, when she was on it and just never taking a moment to relax in this game. Really, whether she was clocking something or not, clocking something at all. Also, just her spiraling weirdly worked for her at times. Her saying, you know, Leon Quinn are actually a duo, I think, and they're hanging out with everyone in the backyard.

02;08;19;09 - 02;08;36;25


And that inevitably led to Quinn getting out of the house. And even though none of it was true, but she thought it was true. And it ended. It worked out. It was it. Angela has been blind throwing darts at a wall while spinning around the like. She's still spinning from the first Ainslie competition that she was in.

02;08;38;05 - 02;09;01;02


That's just been her energy the entire game. Well, there was some truth to it. They weren't necessarily a duo, but they were working together. Yes, they were working together. But the points that she was making about them sneaking off to go hang out with everyone in the backyard and have secret Alliance meetings that were plotting the demise of everyone else, was not true.

02;09;01;05 - 02;09;37;04


That's not what was happening. She could she she tells, like a truth sandwich. Yeah. She puts a lie. And then the truth as the meat and then a lie. Yeah, in a way. I mean, even when she said that Tiger and Cam and Chelsea and Cedric in the backyard, that second week in the game saying, you know, I think those four are working together, and being off base about a lot of the assumptions that she was making there.

02;09;37;06 - 02;10;07;15


She still was weirdly on point about them talking about working together. They were talking about working together back there. She just came at it in a horrible direction. So she does have these moments, especially just listening in to conversations and begging to be in alliances. There's a lot of things that she has done, in the energy that she brings to the game that you don't see in a lot of players in a, I, I weirdly think that that would sit well with Siri, especially if she's up against someone that's not Chelsea.

02;10;09;00 - 02;10;32;24


But again, we are exhausting these points. I hope this is somewhat entertaining to just go through these things, though. Because it is, this is a weird cast to have in the final seven of the game or final eight. Oh six By Thursday night.

02;10;32;26 - 02;10;57;10


Okay. We, exhausted now that we've we've discussed Leah for like, two hours. You had it. You had to check in earlier at least as well. Like what? Let's talk about let's talk about it one more time. Leah is going out. Maybe seventh. Yeah. Who else coming out seventh. Oh, my God, we're not doing this. We're not doing that.

02;10;57;12 - 02;11;21;11


And when the next season, she got invited back to Nicole Frenzel. Yeah. I don't think any person who likes Leah wants you to compare Hertz and Nicole Frenzel. So please stop. Let's, let's let's discuss Leah. Why don't why don't we. Yeah. Well, okay, I take it know that you're a Leah fan. I don't know, I, I'm just and maybe grasping at straws here, but like are you.

02;11;21;17 - 02;11;48;03


I think you might you might believe in out there I will, I will say though I picked a good winner pick. At least everyone thought it was crazy. At least she made it pretty far. Who picked her first for the draft? So you got the first pick by a real draw. So why would I call you crazy if I picked her as well?

02;11;48;12 - 02;12;16;14


I'm not versus you. I didn't say everyone. I didn't say everyone. That's word for my job. Oh, okay. Okay. People. People called me crazy for picking Leah as my winner pick. Well, even you, even you doubted her because you were like, oh, I don't know about that. Like, she's my girl, don't get me wrong. But but she wasn't doing anything like the first week.

02;12;16;15 - 02;12;30;27


Let's be real. Hey, there's still time. You know who else is on the block before? The whole house. Jordan.

02;12;31;00 - 02;12;53;19


Where are the dots that are being connected? Right. The fact that you would make a Jordan connection to Leah. Are we still talking about Leah? Yes. And not Rubina, who is in the showmance with America's favorite player and is might make it to the end? I don't know. It also has weird nickname. Also hasn't really done much except be likable.

02;12;56;04 - 02;13;26;17


So there's that. I feel like you could have made that comparison. Just saying I haven't now. Okay, okay. I if she goes, I will miss her dearly. She is great. She is prepared for those, the days comp. Okay. But she's got the days. That's your belief in her, Nicole from the past. She didn't make it to the trait.

02;13;26;18 - 02;13;46;26


What? Let's. Okay. Zach, are you ready to preview the next week for us? Oh, yeah, I have to do that. Yeah. It's a big week. Is is really why I'm excited for you to do this. And I do have the long, the long song for you. I do have to pull it up again because I keep forgetting to download it.

02;13;46;26 - 02;14;06;27


Oh, no. Audio file. We we forgot about. There's an Ainsley twist. Yeah, I'm assuming that's just the double eviction that they're building up to. Oh, okay. Because it's all about like, what is Ainsley? You have her simulated sleeve. This week. It's a double eviction. And she'll do a monologue about how why the two of them need to go.

02;14;06;27 - 02;14;43;16


And all of that is based off of questions that they're going to get off this. Ainsley. Yeah, right. Oh, that. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Big week coming up. Everybody. And Zach's going to tell us what we should, look out for. And. Yeah. So Zach, take it away. You'll find out Wednesday who wins the Power of Veto in a special 90 minute episode, jam packed with all exciting features.

02;14;43;19 - 02;15;20;11


And then on Thursday, we're back with a double eviction. That's brought to you by Aynsley Red edition. Find out who's going to go home. Not one, but two. House guests will be joining the jury. And then on Sunday, we are back again for another week with the H.o.h to find out who shakes up the game and gets power after a wild double eviction.

02;15;20;11 - 02;15;52;15


Baby, it's all happening live Thursday and will be back Monday to cover it all for you again on up for Reality. Wow. Zach, you time that really well with that, like, hit at the end? That was really good. I'm excited for this week. Now, I don't know if everyone else's before I hear it Zach I for that up, but I'm ready to run into battle.

02;15;53;24 - 02;16;23;04


So thank you Zach. It is going to be a great week. We have a lot of scenarios, as we've been discussing for probably the past 45 minutes plus and, an exciting future of this season, which is again, is among the best in a lot of recent years. So, yeah, we should be thankful. Grateful with an eight if I dare to say,

02;16;23;06 - 02;16;52;22


Oh, no, that was what anyone got that that was triggering. These past few episodes, people have been using the word grateful. Yeah, and I have not liked it. Or did use it, in her eviction interview a couple of times, maybe. But, yeah, I don't like that. Yeah, that word does just bring me back to Bebe 21. Did y'all see Mike Bloom's?

02;16;53;10 - 02;17;30;05


I think it's Mike Bloom's, exit interview with T Corps. Now, she literally it's it's the, quick thoughts of, whatever I say. A houseguest like one, a quick word, what comes to mind or something? Yeah. And then it says, like Angela and she goes.

02;17;30;07 - 02;17;56;23


Is that. This is like, in real time. She did this. Remember, we're on an audio medium. Zach. Yes, yes. Now, literally, that's what she did. That's crazy. In a rapid fire. Okay, well, that's about the pause she took when Leah told her she was going on the block, too. So, she thinks she's coming after the three.

02;17;56;26 - 02;18;18;20


I have a feeling that she might be coming after us. And I didn't realize that until she put you two on the block, but now I'm getting pretty suspicious. Y'all. Okay I am done I'm done with this episode. I'm going to be honest. I think it's time to end the podcast once and for all. I've heard forever.

02;18;18;20 - 02;18;48;25


This is the last one, everybody. It's been a great run. Really fun time. Thank you all. Okay. Is this going to play? Please. There we go. All right, everybody, thank you so much for joining us for yet another podcast about Big Brother 26. If you are new to this channel, please like this video. Please subscribe.

02;18;48;25 - 02;19;05;14


That helps us out a ton. If you want to join our discord, that link is in the description below as well. If you want to talk more Big Brother 26. Aside from hopping in the chat on these podcasts, you can also follow any of us on Twitter. I am at Spicy Barrett, Nick is at the Nick city and Zach is at the Zach Perez.

02;19;05;14 - 02;19;25;22


Those links are also in the description below. Check us out on Apple Podcasts, check us out on Spotify. All that fun stuff. We will be back again next week to talk about the double eviction and the immediate aftermath, and whoever wins H.o.h afterwards. And maybe a new twist. Anything else weird that's happening in between? We'll cover it all again.

02;19;25;22 - 02;19;43;00


So join us again next Monday and we'll run it back and probably have like 30 to 45 minutes more of endgame scenarios that we will never come to a conclusion on, as to how these people will decide to vote on finale night, because it is that kind of season. So, yeah. Nick, anything else you want to add?

02;19;43;00 - 02;20;06;08


I feel like I never, I never come to you during irons in the stream. I just like anything else you want to say. Good luck. McKenzie. It's been lovely. Oh. All right, well, thank you all, for showing up again. And after the fact, if you were here after the fact. We'll see you next week. Zach.

02;20;06;08 - 02;20;11;20


Say the thing that you always say.

02;20;11;22 - 02;20;34;20


Love one another. Stay with us. Good nights. Everyone. Especially, you know, to spider, that's been a quite a time with you. Perception is reality. Oh, yeah. It was, I nearly forgot, five.

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Our Reality - Big Brother 26, Reality TV
Big Brother & Reality TV Recaps
Our Reality is a Youtube Channel and podcast surrounding Big Brother and other reality tv competition shows. Come join Spicy Barrett & Roxie Hopman as they discuss their favorite shows. With open-chat live shows, those who watch Our Reality are just as part of the podcast. So put on your weird hats and pop a squat.
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